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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
lmao, can't these kiwis just stop coping and accept the reality of their crimes?

View attachment 53014
socking moment
This asshole's new bit is "everybody who goofs on me is the same person because there's no way two people could possibly think I'm a fucking nimrod"

God DAMN you're a fucking tool, dude. If I found a genie, I would waste all three wishes wishing for you to eat diarrhea three times.

socking moment

You are a Vietnamese autist that makes diaper Sonic cartoons for a living
Then ran it through Google Reverse image search using Labnol.org
You tell me what comes up
What did come up, btw?
I'm sorry but this cannot go unchallenged. Whatever the fuck you're smoking I'll take an ounce
Chinese are the new Fat Americans, that does not make them "white people".
All right so I have a dog in the fight because I own a chink.

Damn you guys are racist. When her people invade and subjugate all of us, I'm going to make sure that I snitch on all of you motherfuckers.
Chinese are the new Fat Americans, that does not make them "white people".
It's hilarious when you got to Bali or somewhere that gets a lot of chinese tourism but doesn't have the namby pamby western habit of curbing honest speech. Talk to a Balinese vendor about the Chinese and he will gleefully tell you about what easy marks they are and how they don't even haggle properly.
All right so I have a dog in the fight because I own a chink.

Damn you guys are racist. When her people invade and subjugate all of us, I'm going to make sure that I snitch on all of you motherfuckers.
Come to Europe, it's full of gross Chinese people all of a sudden, junkies, alcoholics, criminals. In my country, the unemployment rate for the Chinese is really high, higher than Polish people!
Come to Europe, it's full of gross Chinese people all of a sudden, junkies, alcoholics, criminals. In my country, the unemployment rate for the Chinese is really high, higher than Polish people!
We must get all the good ones because every China Town you go into in a major city it's always awesome chinks.
keep shitting this thread. i bet the mods would love your retardation here it's funny that even after @Slaughter repeatedly told you to fuck off, you won't do that. you keep presenting and displaying your autism is as if people still want you here
Lol I brought the best content of the last 8 hours to this thread. Sneed.
Really interesting art style you got.

ok, back on topic
I am being on topic. You're a Person of Interest on Kiwifarms and I've BTFO'd you so hard that Glowie is going to have to rewrite his thread again. And it's definitely getting out of PG this time
And it's definitely getting out of PG this time
keep on coping lmfaoooo. you literally have stockholm syndrome, my dude. glowie has been shitting on you this whole time and you still lick his ass? mega kek

Bro, you fucked this kid's brain up so hard he thinks I'm one of your socks rofl.
if you aren't his sock then you wouldn't defend him to the max. kek, such a retard
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