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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms


Hellovan Onion
I was actually the fed the whole time.


cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
How come everyone who uses the word troglodyte as an insult is always the most unbearable piece of shit in existence?
nice projection but replying to only a specific part of an argument won't make you look smart in any way.

That's like betting on whether the sun will rise tomorrow
he's being sarcastic. @Stop Socking Gaylord is in his schizo hours again. @Phạm Trung Hiếu @2-11 Portsdown Mews and @Anonymous EDiot are his newest socks to sperg


The Hairy Anchovy 🐟
Hellovan Onion
nice projection but replying to only a specific part of an argument won't make you look smart in any way
You really are an unbearable piece of shit, dude.

Sitting here fighting with sock accounts like that's going to get you any stroke on this message board. Everybody knows it's a bunch of sock accounts, you fucking mongoloid. What are you trying to prove?

I swear to god dude, I hope the next time you jerk off you cum blood, go to your doctor and find out you have prostate cancer.

You know how when people on Halloween will light a bag of shit on fire and put it on someones porch so they stomp it out and get shit on their shoe? You're the bag, dude.

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
You really are an unbearable piece of shit, dude.

Sitting here fighting with sock accounts like that's going to get you any stroke on this message board. Everybody knows it's a bunch of sock accounts, you fucking mongoloid. What are you trying to prove?

I swear to god dude, I hope the next time you jerk off you cum blood, go to your doctor and find out you have prostate cancer.

You know how when people on Halloween will light a bag of shit on fire and put it on someones porch so they stomp it out and get shit on their shoe? You're the bag, dude.
is this @Stop Socking Gaylord I'm talking to or his biggest fan vomiting everything he says all day like a printer?


The Hairy Anchovy 🐟
Hellovan Onion
Wait, @Stop Socking Gaylord and Glowie are enemies now? I thought they were galpals? Last time I checked they were working together to destroy Onion Farms.
I have no idea I just know Socking has always been nice to me and I was super bored and couldn't sleep tonight so I decided to wind up universe because he gets triggered easily, apparently.

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
Wait, @Stop Socking Gaylord and Glowie are enemies now? I thought they were galpals? Last time I checked they were working together to destroy Onion Farms.
He and I have never been friends and we never worked together on anything. There was some weird gay-op pulled on me to implicate me, which I leaned into because whatever, which set off that whole sperg out between Crimson and I.
But no, there was never any collusion between us.


High performance shitposting
An Onion Among Onions
he's being sarcastic. @Stop Socking Gaylord is in his schizo hours again. @Phạm Trung Hiếu @2-11 Portsdown Mews and @Anonymous EDiot are his newest socks to sperg
They're very easy to spot it does make me wonder if it's worth the effort.

You really are an unbearable piece of shit, dude.
Bro takes things very literally. To the point I'm wondering if his caretaker knows he's on here.


The Hairy Anchovy 🐟
Hellovan Onion
Lol ok dude. You're the dumbest person on this forum (and a zoophile)
He's a zoophile???? 😂

Bro takes things very literally. To the point I'm wondering if his caretaker knows he's on here.
His government handler needs to come and give him some graham crackers and put him down for a nap. He's cranky.