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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I was going through mass debates and found this cringe: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/debate...-problem-they-brought-upon-themselves.190019/

Normally this shit is just boring slapfights (the linked thread included) and I won't read it, but the powerleveling in the screenshot'd post is impressive and funny.
Hey @Vibe_Lad, DM me for a good RP time ;)
I've seen some call it "the most important site on the internet" and I'm just dumbfounded anyone could believe that.
It's certainly one of the most entertaining but documenting and mocking weirdos isn't important by any measure
I seriously offended one Kiwi by even suggesting that all sites die and KF would too.
It's hilarious how uppity they get when you go against any of Josh's programming. As a collective, they're the biggest lolcow in the world. Either way, you're right that on a long enough timeline everything dies but I imagine their story will become similar to Encyclopedia Dramatica when Josh eventually bails. ED was once the internet boogieman but now they're a dead nigger wiki/forum that's barely more active than Onion Farms despite being in the game for 20 years.
I just hope we see the day that CrunkLord becomes the owner. His moderation policy in a nutshell:
giphy (22).gif
I mean, BlowsBlax does indeed suck(tranny peckers). Is the implication here that Bigus doesn't get when he's doing an irony?
I think it's a question of does Niggus actually hate bowblax for reasons he can properly articulate and expound on, or does he hate him because joshua said he was bad? What I read in that one post boils down to "he dumb" repeatedly, which is fine and everything but for such a visceral reaction it seems a little thin, y'know. Maybe Josh's programming skills are reflected in his cult followers too.
I think it's a question of does Niggus actually hate bowblax for reasons he can properly articulate and expound on, or does he hate him because joshua said he was bad? What I read in that one post boils down to "he dumb" repeatedly, which is fine and everything but for such a visceral reaction it seems a little thin, y'know. Maybe Josh's programming skills are reflected in his cult followers too.
That's fair. I disliked him well before Josh said whatever due to his close relationship with Weenogay but of course bandwagon niggers have hopped on since they've been given the signal they're expected to also dislike someone
There's no way OO is a woman, he's never mentioned menstruation or chocolate.
No, he definitely prefers pickles when the hormones are running high
I think it's a question of does Niggus actually hate bowblax for reasons he can properly articulate and expound on, or does he hate him because joshua said he was bad? What I read in that one post boils down to "he dumb" repeatedly, which is fine and everything but for such a visceral reaction it seems a little thin, y'know. Maybe Josh's programming skills are reflected in his cult followers too.
le hivemind of kiwiniggers goes, b-b-b-b-b-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Kiwi see, kiwi do
In other words, they follow monkey feeder josh
I mean, BlowsBlax does indeed suck(tranny peckers). Is the implication here that Bigus doesn't get when he's doing an irony?
le hivemind of kiwiniggers goes, b-b-b-b-b-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Kiwi see, kiwi do
In other words, they follow monkey feeder josh
I agree with this opinion on Blowblaxdix.
Josh, and Kiwifarms by extension, hate Bowblax for the very same things he gives Turkey Tom a pass for. And all Bowblax did was btfo Josh on Twitter.
Josh, and Kiwifarms by extension, hate Bowblax for the very same things he gives Turkey Tom a pass for. And all Bowblax did was btfo Josh on Twitter.
BlowsBlax is genuinely an unfunny faggot, but yes, if we boiling down thousands of people into a singular collective, they hate him because e-daddy had a bad day out there where he doesn't have the ban hammer.
But people who associate with Kinochet are cut from a similar cloth and that cloth needs to be burned as fast as an Israeli flag
Cool Pepe Silvia lines but what do you mean? It's a data mining operation, likely part of some nerd's master's thesis, that also allows you to connect to real people.
Only the femcels have been saying the lads are diving in for anything other than chuckle mining.
I have enough faith in the Kiwis to believe not more than 1:100 retards are actually going to shoot their shot on a site targeted at R9K losers.
There is literally no bigger loser on the online than a faggot that wastes their time catching brain rot from trannies, jannies, incels and femcels like the typical /robot/
bet 10 bucks this moron doesn't know what this thing means.
I did just offer the olive branch to you again but you tried to run this "um ackshually" on me before. Yes, there is a Merriam-Webster definition of this term but that book also says men can be women.
The term accelerationism can be extended metaphorically to literally anything. It basically means turning up the heat so the frog realizes it's being boiled alive and hops out the pot. You won't find that in any kiked dictionary, but that's what we all fucking mean when we use that term.
Please stop being such a literal (literal) autist before you try critiquing others. It's why you catch so much flak, fool.