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Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

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Just as a broken clock is right twice a day, Josh provides something funny and/or insightful twice a year. He's filled his quota for 2022 now.



I don't know if it's copium or if it's legit, but I do know that there are zero news articles and zero posts about the protest on twitter so... make of that what you will.
You're still a child grooming weirdo who doesn't pass. Ever wonder what will happen to you when Lorenz and her glowing friends have no use for you?

Kerfuffels, two verses for you:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

—Martin Niemöller

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Matthew 16:26

And finally:

We know that you know that we know you are in the all together.

The phrase "Keeps feeding the crocodile, in hope that it doesn't eat me" could apply to you Kerfuffels.

Ever get the feeling Lucus isn't planning on making it to his 40s?

"Candy says "I've come to hate my body
And all that it requires in this world"

Is it too late for YOU?
@Empresa I think you posting that video may have shit Babs Kerfuffels up a little...
Seems the Cat Ranch thing deserves some Streisanding
Y'see, the thing of it is, from my understanding, the groomer accusations are about you grooming kids into mutilating their bodies, as well as poisoning them. All because you have issues with your dad. Please @Kerfuffels, you can correct me on this. You know you have an open invitation...
For those who can read and think critically, this isn't really a retraction of anything. "No one knows about the ranch", explain, because this sounds like that the Ranch DOES EXIST. But now that they've shake and make up'd... It's not grooming. The things described DID happen. But now they are besties... it's not grooming. BTW "Substance abuse" "Asia"= Nonce. Sorry, but, you know I'm right.

And on a lighter note...
Twitter doesn't do much in the way of taking down nonce or terrorist accounts... And be honest Fuff, who would you rather live with? joshy and his fat boy fap stink or people who would either kill you or rape then kill you?

Bet joshy wishes he'd not been such a dick and mouthed off at the Law. Actions and Consequences.
This retweet is the only thing since Fuff deleted the tweets highlighting a "The Ladyboy doth protest too much" vibe. From someone who has the Twitsquits and can't keep from tweeting every quarter hour.

The handlers are in the earpiece "Just retweet animal gifs, something "relatable" faggot, don't fuck it up just yet".

But it's a lolcow... that''s what it does.
Fuffy either waiting for me to go to bed or got some twitlax.

These would have been posted 2am-ish
KF Stalker? Lorenz? She has a history of doing that. The next bit should be worded better. That could be read as the Northun Oirish Police attempted to swat Fuff
(ie, they phoned themselves up and said some mentally ill dude who wants to kids to die young is going to freak out). JS.
Actual name? The one your dad gave you?
Jai (no idea meself) has vex'd dem Kerfuffelz.
The classic "No, you are" as the left (as always) starts to eat itself.
Jai dox'd some people... Fuff isn't cool with that.

As Jai has called themselves the CEO of Black People (if true, a vote should be held, it's not going well for them) I'm assuming that they are black. By the illogic Fuff lives by (Post Marxist/Hegelian SoF shit), Fuff is racist. Sorry, but there it is.


Counterpoint: A sexual assault was prevented.
Has Fuff started referring to themselves in the third person?

Oooooooooooooor... did Fuff not realize which account they were logged into? Sock-rocking is something shocking, when your thumbs just can't keep still...

But even more people know what you are. The H3 interview has been clipped, it has been shipped. You lied. More than once.