some carbon based lifeform that transitioned to a girl or whatever that thing is called katelyn rose
you have transexual on your discord tags
wtf are those drawings on your steam?
I used to get stalked by a transexual person? So I made this to mock them since they lurked on my profile. Big fucking deal.
ooohhhh I get it. I remember you telling me about max being a nazi. So you two probably circle jerk yourselves because one troon dead is one point for the team.
so hold on let me get this straight
you and max are closeted nazis, you were stalked by a transexual person, you were a porn addict, you're in a poly relationship with rose and a jew
whats next
edit: forgot to mention rose is an open pedophile so that makes you a pedophile and max is a pedophile. lovely
stay away from the fucking kids assholes
okay let's talk about that time I shared my drawings with you and you fabricated a story about a minor being groomed on the 1st discord server and she drew those drawings, those were actually mine
View attachment 61573
same style and everything compared to the supposed grooming victim
View attachment 61575
because you told me up and down that they came from the minor dumbass, you cut out the other part which if you go to it on pg whatever the fuck number it is, the drawing style above those are different and you gave the link to her twitter dumbass
and by you saying 1st server, you just admit that it was real since it's very hard to verify, congrats retard you just made rose look worse :3
nice try trying to derail the thread
you just make yourself look so stupid day by day
edit: im not about doxing a minors info but if her mother knew about this, rose would be in some deep shit taking advantage of a little girl underage or was now thats shes 18, living in a group home who ran away from their mom and it making terrible decisions
we both had it out for rose. you could of pulled that from any where really. you are such a rug pulling snake. we both conspired against her and made up lies. you have daddy issues savannah and you take it out on any one. rose was a girl you saw who was messed up and decided to use her as a punching bag because she had something whatever it was that you were offended by it
so please before you embarrass yourself any further, look yourself in the mirror.
but you told me most of this information :/
what are you not telling us huh? you keep mentioning sexual fantasies all of the time then the polly relationship with someone who has money
i should have never trusted you with anything. you rose max kaine whoever else is involved are untrustworthy people and i get it because rose attracts these kinds of people
fucked up, perverted, manipulative and this list goes on
but again, rose openingly admitted to wanting to own loli and yuri material so what you told me has to have validity to it. shes open about her sexuality toward under developed characters what more do i have to say
anyone can read everything you said and then see her blogs. you are in clique with a mentally disturbed female who has some serious issues that refuses to get help in any way
i might not know everything but from what she has done in the past, has done recently and has done all of her internet presence, anyone can tell she is a mentally fucked up person
Rose is trying to become albino again but somehow she fucked that up.