• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Lol, I assumed it was a week bannu by jersh for saying his conversation about little girls was boring; but I think I've been perma-krunked.
Amazing how much sand saying 'I don't want to talk about little girls bodies' puts under his foreskin.
From what I hear, he prefers boys, so maybe that would have worked better
There's not much more to talk about at the moment. He sperged out, banned 20+ people some for a week some permanently in a couple of different threads and has now chilled out again.

I wish someone would debate Null, I wonder if he ever would concede to a serious debate. I know he has been interviewed by people sympathetic to him and I know he has thrashed mass media outlets like the WaPo and Mother Jones that are politicized garbage controlled and financed by vested interests.

But what about a serious question that raises things like free speech on his own platform, his inability to take criticism, the fact that he makes arbitrary lines of what to delete and what not delete drawing the line indeed at fartporn.

Or just take the whole Dyn debacle and what the forum should be about. Infighting is abhorred, instant bans apparently. But Dyn and as mentioned X-friend now arch-enemy Vordrak used to Dox, harass and within the forum plan gayops against members for years.

Then there's the issue with Coach Red Pill and whether principles can be sold. I guess we're all pragmatists when it comes to our own lives but where do we draw the line?

Or fuck the internal drama even, would Null ever concede to a real intellectual challenge about what the website represents and what he wants to do with it? I guess an other issue is that there aren't really any big podcasters that really grill their guests, most suck up to them a bit. Maybe Lex Friedman? The way he did the whole discussion Kanye West was interesting. Are there any good small/medium sized ones? Red Scare maybe?

I know the meme answer is "lol, no he'd pussy out" but I don't think anyone has really asked him either...maybe they have?

I'd like to see him challenged for once in an environment where he can't just hide behind his Janny powers or stop chatting like he often does (and then ends up holding grudges against anyone who talked back to him).
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here's something interesting about his site you've mentioned:
View attachment 41908
>he uses xampp to manage his shitty site
lmaoooo, at this point he's just begging for trouble
looks like i'm right again about jewsh's incompetence and retardation at opsec and cybersecurity in general
Yes, using XAMPP to manage your online website is generally not recommended due to security concerns. XAMPP is a tool for setting up a PHP development environment on your local PC, but it is not secure enough to be used on a production server¹. It has a poor security track record and may have vulnerabilities in its bundled applications¹.

While Apache, the service exposed to the network, is robust, the website you are serving may not be¹. Therefore, it's crucial to configure and manage XAMPP properly to avoid security threats¹.

Remember, XAMPP comes with no passwords by default. For a really secure system, the best option is to install everything (Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc) manually and make sure they are properly secured⁵. If you do choose to install XAMPP, be sure to allow connections only from the loopback address³.

In conclusion, while XAMPP can be used for local development and testing, it's not designed to be a secure solution for hosting live websites. Always ensure that your production environment is secure and up-to-date to protect against potential threats..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/23/2023
(1) 4 Reasons Why You Should Never Use XAMPP on Your Production Server - MUO. https://www.makeuseof.com/reasons-why-you-should-never-use-xampp-on-production-server/.
(2) security - Is XAMPP safe for use inside a firewall? - Super User. https://superuser.com/questions/92549/is-xampp-safe-for-use-inside-a-firewall.
(3) webserver - How safe is it to install XAMPP on my home computer to test .... https://security.stackexchange.com/...ll-xampp-on-my-home-computer-to-test-php-code.
(4) . https://bing.com/search?q=is+XAMPP+secure+for+managing+online+websites.
(5) security - How to make xampp secure - Super User. https://superuser.com/questions/872643/how-to-make-xampp-secure.
(6) undefined. https://www.auroinfo.com/how-to-install-ssl-on-xampp/.
(7) undefined. https://www.ssltrust.com.au/help/setup-guides/xampp-ssl-install-guide.
(8) undefined. http://robsnotebook.com/xampp-security-hardening.
(9) undefined. https://github.com/sektioneins/pcc.
(10) en.wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XAMPP.
good lord. can someone replace his ass with a much more competent person already?
source? just to be sure
Read that Gamergate article by Null I linked to above, it's all described there.
I wish someone would debate Null, I wonder if he ever would concede to a serious debate.
Nope, he will never do it. Null turned down every journalist who reached out to him during #DropKiwiFarms. He said he'd only agree to do an interview with someone with a huge platform, specifically naming Tucker Carlson and Tim Pool as examples, but there is no fucking way either of them would ever dignify Null with an interview. For one, both Tucker Carlson and Tim Pool expect their interview subjects to show their faces during an interview, and there is no fucking way Null would agree to that condition.
Maybe Lex Friedman?
There is no fucking way Lex Friendman would ever dignify Null with an interview. And again, Lex Friendman expects his interview subjects to show their faces, which Null will never do.
I know the meme answer is "lol, no he'd pussy out" but I don't think anyone has really asked him either...maybe they have?
I remember I posted a link to the section in the MATI thread where Kiwis were practically begging Null to do more Livestream interviews with Youtubers - this was after the series of 2022 Livestream interviews with Metokur, Destiny and Turkey Tom, which I'll assume you've already seen/heard (let me know if you haven't, I think the one with Destiny is still unlisted). They posted lists of Youtubers who would be sympathetic to Null, but Null did nothing with those suggestions. Null says he wants people with huge platforms to reach out to him, he doesn't want to beg them for Livestreams himself. Null clearly thinks he's above collabs.
View attachment 41991
looks like i'm right again about jewsh's incompetence and retardation at opsec and cybersecurity in general
Yes, using XAMPP to manage your online website is generally not recommended due to security concerns. XAMPP is a tool for setting up a PHP development environment on your local PC, but it is not secure enough to be used on a production server¹. It has a poor security track record and may have vulnerabilities in its bundled applications¹.

While Apache, the service exposed to the network, is robust, the website you are serving may not be¹. Therefore, it's crucial to configure and manage XAMPP properly to avoid security threats¹.

Remember, XAMPP comes with no passwords by default. For a really secure system, the best option is to install everything (Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc) manually and make sure they are properly secured⁵. If you do choose to install XAMPP, be sure to allow connections only from the loopback address³.

In conclusion, while XAMPP can be used for local development and testing, it's not designed to be a secure solution for hosting live websites. Always ensure that your production environment is secure and up-to-date to protect against potential threats..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/23/2023
(1) 4 Reasons Why You Should Never Use XAMPP on Your Production Server - MUO. https://www.makeuseof.com/reasons-why-you-should-never-use-xampp-on-production-server/.
(2) security - Is XAMPP safe for use inside a firewall? - Super User. https://superuser.com/questions/92549/is-xampp-safe-for-use-inside-a-firewall.
(3) webserver - How safe is it to install XAMPP on my home computer to test .... https://security.stackexchange.com/...ll-xampp-on-my-home-computer-to-test-php-code.
(4) . https://bing.com/search?q=is+XAMPP+secure+for+managing+online+websites.
(5) security - How to make xampp secure - Super User. https://superuser.com/questions/872643/how-to-make-xampp-secure.
(6) undefined. https://www.auroinfo.com/how-to-install-ssl-on-xampp/.
(7) undefined. https://www.ssltrust.com.au/help/setup-guides/xampp-ssl-install-guide.
(8) undefined. http://robsnotebook.com/xampp-security-hardening.
(9) undefined. https://github.com/sektioneins/pcc.
(10) en.wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XAMPP.
good lord. can someone replace his ass with a much more competent person already?
As expected. He is killing his own site better than the people who hate him. As if his retarded janny shenanigans wasn't enough. Everyone needs to quit using the site immediately. I have been having phone issues like my old device ever since i forgot i had a tab on the site loaded when i opened one of my browsers without a VPN activated. So i think i narrowed it down. If it isn't other people he is probably bitcoin mining or something himself using malware. I might have to factory reset my new phone. Fuck kiwifarms, i will probably just ghost my socks and leave them crispy. The sooner it dies the better and i don't even care about preserving anything at this point since most of the important stuff was already archived anyway. I drink to its downfall. Nothing of value will be lost. Nothing is forever and things of greater value are already lost. Josh's reaction will be priceless.
Reason: Fuck you josh i know you read this.
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As expected. He is killing his own site better than the people who hate him. As if his retarded janny shenanigans wasn't enough. Everyone needs to quit using the site immediately. I have been having phone issues like my old device ever since i forgot i had a tab on the site loaded when i opened one of my browsers without a VPN activated. So i think i narrowed it down. If it isn't other people he is probably bitcoin mining or something himself using malware. I might have to factory reset my new phone. Fuck kiwifarms, i will probably just ghost my socks and leave them crispy. The sooner it dies the better and i don't even care about preserving anything at this point since most of the important stuff was already archived anyway. I drink to its downfall. Nothing of value will be lost. Nothing is forever and things of greater value are already lost. Josh's reaction will be priceless.

I mean look, you'd be salty too if you couldn't process funds the normal way, if you constantly had to circumvent the system to do what other businesses do normally, if you had less advertisers than an actual neo nazi forum (0).

Of course if the man had some humility things could be a bit different. But he's just one sperg and a few associates trying to keep the site running. I doubt it's somehow installing malware on your phone. Don't be freaking out so much. :)
I didn't know anything about Lex Fridman personally, other than having watched a handful of interviews he did with people I'm personally interested in. So I read this article about him:

"I believe in the power of tough, honest, empathetic conversation to increase the amount of love in the world," Fridman tweeted alongside the link [to the interview with Ye].
When it comes to Fridman's interviews, he's all peace and love. "I'm a silly little kid trying to do a bit of good in this world," he's told his listeners. He presents himself as a hopeless romantic striving for human connection. His only foes are the critics and journalists intent on spreading cynicism and negativity - and even to those people Fridman responds with heart-emoji tweets.

The Hallmark-card persona Fridman has cultivated makes it all the more jarring when he muses about whether Hitler would make a good guest. "If you talk to Hitler in 1941, do you empathize with him, or do you push back?" he asked on a recent episode. "Because most journalists would push, because they're trying to signal to a fellow journalist and to people back home that this, me, the journalist is on the right side. But if you actually want to understand the person, you should empathize. If you want to be the kind of person that actually understands the full arc of history, you need to empathize."
Fridman seems obsessed with the idea of what it means to be a person in this age of technological advancement - and more specifically, what it means to be a man. He's embraced the kind of hypermasculine grind culture that has swept Silicon Valley in the past few years in which primarily men are looking to extend their lives and increase their sperm count. "I love fighting," Fridman told the philosopher William MacAskill on an episode that's since been deleted. "I've been in street fights my whole life. I'm as alpha in everything I do as it gets."
The two men [Elon Musk and Lex Fridman] are at the helm of a new wave of techno-optimism positing that the quicker we bring along bold technological advances, the better. Piekniewski described it as a "semireligious movement" where anyone who calls for guardrails is seen as an enemy of progress.


Nope, this guy will never interview Null, no fucking way. Null too, if he isn't completely hypocritical, would never sit down for an interview with Fridman, given his antisemitism and the fact that Fridman is a Dzoo who loves fighting and considers himself "an alpha in everything I do" and is also a "semireligious" technocrat accelerationist.

Take for example the upcoming #METOO interview with that woman accusing Sam Hyde of being a pedo. Is Null conducting that interview because he is trying to empathize with a woman that his fans are warning him is likely a false accuser? Or is Null conducting the interview because he relishes the sadistic opportunity to put a zealous accuser on blast before an audience has already looked into her and considers her to be suspect at best?
@Kiwiballs since you were asking, "Why doesn't Null do any real interviews with people that want to interview him?", I was going through my archive the other day and I discovered two examples of Youtubers who wanted to interview Null about #DropKiwiFarms, but he ignored them all.

1) Journalist Katie Herzog did two whole Blocked and Reported podcast episodes together with Jesse Singal about #DropKiwiFarms while debunking many of the lies that the TRAs had put out:

Here are those Blocked and Reported episodes, with all the receipts you could ever wish for:

https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-131-who-is-stalking-the-twitch (check out their list of receipts underneath the podcast episode, it's enormous)

2) Tealou was Livestreaming on Youtube at the time, she not only requested to interview Null himself but also asked Kiwis to reach out to her:

Here are two of her Livestreams on #DropKiwiFarms at the time:

These were some serious people on Youtube who wanted to talk to Null about what was happening, from a sympathetic perspective, but he ignored them all because he only wants to talk to big channels like Destiny and Turkey Tom.

So Null has consistently ignored those who wanted to give him a platform to tell his side of the story... but then he does MATI segments bitching about how he's getting ignored by everyone.
So Null has consistently ignored those who wanted to give him a platform to tell his side of the story... but then he does MATI segments bitching about how he's getting ignored by everyone.
It's not a huge mystery why though: he doesn't show up anywhere that he doesn't have the last word or control the conversation. If he was interviewed on someone else's podcast, they could ask him questions about anything they liked and the only thing he could do about it would be to refuse to answer or lie, neither of which is a good strategy to deal with people who have their own platform and do research.

Null will do interviews on other people's podcasts the same day he gives up being a powertripping faggot trying to hide his shitty past by pointing at all the other weirdos on the internet.
It's not a huge mystery why though: he doesn't show up anywhere that he doesn't have the last word or control the conversation. If he was interviewed on someone else's podcast, they could ask him questions about anything they liked and the only thing he could do about it would be to refuse to answer or lie, neither of which is a good strategy to deal with people who have their own platform and do research.

Null will do interviews on other people's podcasts the same day he gives up being a powertripping faggot trying to hide his shitty past by pointing at all the other weirdos on the internet.
It's even simpler than that. No one wants to interview him.
It's even simpler than that. No one wants to interview him.
Except there are people who do want to interview him, he just doesn't want to be interviewed by them. In reality he doesn't want to be interviewed by anyone so he says he'll only consider it if it's someone who would never interview him in the first place.

That's like him saying he's not an incel but he'll only fuck top-shelf supermodels and he's just waiting for the phone to ring.
Or fuck the internal drama even, would Null ever concede to a real intellectual challenge about what the website represents and what he wants to do with it? I guess an other issue is that there aren't really any big podcasters that really grill their guests, most suck up to them a bit. Maybe Lex Friedman? The way he did the whole discussion Kanye West was interesting. Are there any good small/medium sized ones? Red Scare maybe?
The women who host red scare want to present themselves as having some level of mystique and chicness, they've had reactionaries on before but it's always the well known rich ones who have some type of unique charisma like Alex Jones. I don't think they'd see much value in having an insane undersocialized nerd on to bitch for an hour about how a cabal of shady transpeople have ruined whatever his life would have been without his precious website (a piece of shit). Null is controversial, but his controversy is incredibly boring. He has adult ODD and he found a bunch of legal holes to continue being a nuisance wow