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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh foolishly believes he can't be compared to Lowtax if he rules with an iron, autistic fist. (He's too autistic to understand they're saying he's ruining his website.)
Lowtax let SA go to shit due to inaction, Josh is having KF go to shit due to proaction. The methods are different, the results are the same.

I wonder if Dyn is a trainwreck like Smorky.
Broski if your reading this thread and see this please come back to the discord your friends Swede and Paulie miss their aryan supersoldier who will lead us all to Hyperborea and your totally real stories about hunting moose naked and being a marine.
Aryan Supersoldier (1).png
But here is the real juice Josh admits to using Shadowban features built in to Xenforo to deal with problematic users. This one slows the forum to a crawl in order to discourage you to use the site.
@Boingotango once told us about how Josh used it on him and he thought it was just being slow so he kept refreshing so it somehow ddos'd the site. Amazing technical work, I didn't even know there was a shadow ban feature built into xenforo.
I will see if I find it but in the meantime..
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Adamska a 2014 user uses Null line against Rieketa. Null reacts as per usual.
View attachment 41466
Cheese thread locked after him getting blown the fuck out.

But here is the real juice Josh admits to using Shadowban features built in to Xenforo to deal with problematic users. This one slows the forum to a crawl in order to discourage you to use the site.
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slightly related onionfarms memory i remember when cockjocker tried to discourage me and i instantly realised and ddosed the site lol
@Empresa can you please move these whole 3 pages of posts to the Ashley thread? They literally have nothing whatsoever to do with Null and are just endless Ashley trolling spilling over into this thread.

Now, to get back to the actual topic of this thread:

I have never heard of a woman who wasn't a huge sitcom fan. Big bang theory, MF, Friends, HIMYM to name a few. Makes me think that he has little to no interaction with women.

Josh can't even get a date

I had already posted this here on the forum before, but since you're new I'll repeat it:

If Null is telling the truth about living in Serbia, then I suspect Null did have a Serbian girlfriend, I suspect she was the reason he moved to Serbia in March of 2020 (in the midst of the emerging Pandemic; Null said he literally wore a gasmask on the plane to Serbia) and I suspect this MATI statement was about this alleged Serbian girlfriend that he was still dating at the time:

"I promised somebody I'd watch fucking Breaking Bad with'em"

Who else do you think this is in reference to?
I suspect the only reason Null would sit through Breaking Bad was to spend time with a girl he was into.
I also suspect he has already broken up with this woman, and that this was the reason he warned his listened on MATI "don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass.". I suspect Null said this in response to having broken up with the woman that he moved to Serbia for.

As for Null's trad-LARP, he said on MATI that his trad-LARP 先生 was Mike Pence... but Mike Pence is actually married to a divorcee:

Born Karen Sue Batten in Kansas, she grew up just north of downtown Indianapolis, where she met Steve Whitaker, her first husband, in high school, where she was valedictorian and president of the Speech Club. In a telephone interview, Whitaker recalled few details about his 21-year-old bride. The marriage ended, he said, after they simply grew apart as he, then a medical student, spent long hours at the hospital.
Friends and aides, meanwhile, say she is the Pence family "prayer warrior," a woman so inextricably bound to her husband that even then-candidate Trump understood her importance and consulted her in critical campaign moments.
Born Karen Sue Batten in Kansas, she grew up just north of downtown Indianapolis, where she met Steve Whitaker, her first husband, in high school, where she was valedictorian and president of the Speech Club. In a telephone interview, Whitaker recalled few details about his 21-year-old bride. The marriage ended, he said, after they simply grew apart as he, then a medical student, spent long hours at the hospital.
In fact, he added, the last time he saw her was more than three decades ago, when they ran into each other on the street in Indianapolis. He didn’t know who she was married to — or that her husband was Trump’s running mate — until shortly before the election.

"We were kids," said Whitaker, now the chief medical officer of a Seattle-based biopharmaceutical company. "We probably didn’t necessarily know what we were doing."

The Pences were married in a Roman Catholic church in 1985 but later became evangelical Christians.

In 2002, Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.

Supporters and critics alike cite her as a force behind her husband’s socially conservative stances, including his opposition to gay marriage and the religious freedom law he signed as governor of Indiana, which opponents worried would allow business owners to discriminate against gays and lesbians by citing religious concerns.

Karen Pence is the vice president’s ‘prayer warrior,’ gut check and shield

So what does the trad-LARPer Null think of the fact that Pence did not marry a virgin but a divorced woman? Does Null not know that evangelicals oppose the right to divorce too? Always rely on these trad-LARPers to be the biggest double standard hypocrite who can never live up to the ridiculous "modesty" standards they force upon everyone else.
Not only an idiotic twitter post, but he posted it to his telegram. I'm a normal person, a normal dude IRL, but I don't shop my mistakes to a larger market. SHAMFUR DIRPLAY!
View attachment 41480
Josh foolishly believes that because porn was once for sale it cannot possibly be called revenge pornography. A quick Google search tells you this isn't the case. He makes a distinction without a difference. Very Jewish one would say.

Josh can't concede this because he and his users like to lobby this "revenge pornographer" accusation at enemies of the site.
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Josh the simp even has double standards when it comes to revenge porn.

A man's wife leaks his nudes because he cheated on her?
"That's revenge pornography apparently..."

AdeZero's ex-boyfriend posts her nudes after a a breakup?
"This is the only arguably actually revenge pornography on the site."
Anotheroldfagworried about josh.PNG

Adamska a 2014 user uses Null line against Rieketa. Null reacts as per usual.

Cheese thread locked after him getting blown the fuck out.
There's something rich about Null calling someone else a "joyless fucking retard" and then locking the thread with "I'm right and everyone else is WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG".

I've never met two people more joyless than Null or his buttbuddy Dyn.