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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Holy shit find something else to do you're like 55 years old
"Take the mote out of your own eye..."
its more fun getting you to let your inner lolcow out.
Dude, you've just done the "hurr hurr, I'm was only pretending to be retarded". You are on the level Belaine.
Besides, I like that old rule about observing people liker her in their natural environment
THis is her, Ashley Buttsmell Jankytitz, the pedo apologist, natural environment. Keep on trying to spin some cope, tho. Keep on spinning that cope. I'll keep on laughing.
THis is her, Ashley Buttsmell Jankytitz, the pedo apologist, natural environment. Keep on trying to spin some cope, tho. Keep on spinning that cope. I'll keep on laughing.

You don't seem to realize how little I care about Ashley, but I do get that she's what gives your life meaning now.

Here's the classic definition of an a-logger:

And you've done all of that. You even justify that yes, edgy, avatar of yours because it apparently helps to annoy some "other cow" you're clearly expecting to hate themselves so much that they die.

There's no merriment in that, just the spasms of a bitter (and as we've established quite stupid) old man with some lolcow potential of your own!

This was fun, good night!
You don't seem to realize how little I care about Ashley
Matters not one jot. You seem to be rather upset about something tho.
but I do get that she's what gives your life meaning now.
You won't understand this, but it really is a service. If you bother to read my posts (you might have to get a grown up to explain some of the words) I have explained this.
And you've done all of that
Haven't tho. I don't hate Ash, I feel deeply sorry for her, there was another cow, not as bad as Ash, she got the same treatment, and she got better, she stopped posting on her thread. Sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind. I mean it's not like I made harassing phone calls to people, this is just... the steel to my minds blade.
You even justify that yes, edgy, avatar of yours because it apparently helps to annoy some "other cow" you're clearly expecting to hate themselves so much that they die.
That was just an esoteric joke, you really read too much into things. That might be projection.
and as we've established quite stupid
Citation needed. "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I then?" is not an argument.
This was fun, good night!
You're welcome. You have the same kink as Ash, you should get on... you a Marxist?
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your posting history suggests you are suffering from EOSD
Did you mean EUPD? I looked up EOSD and could only find a video game released in the early 2000s.
Besides, I like that old rule about observing people liker her in their natural environment rather than poking them with a stick, dear a-logging newfag.
There was never a rule against interacting if a lolcow entered their own thread or even OT threads and started sperging and it led to a lot of funny stuff. The rule is not to follow them to social media or whatever and start bugging them or tipping them off about how they're being talked about.
avatar of yours because it apparently helps to annoy some "other cow" you're clearly expecting to hate themselves so much that they die.
Most people only ironically want cows to die. It's not very fun when they pass away because their thread usually gets closed. Rest in peace to Lola and Claire Hartley.
Early On Set Dementia. If you hear her talk, and read her posting, booze related
tipping them off about how they're being talked about.
I'll admit with Stardust, I "read her her rights", I was asking her something in chat about Richard Spencer, and it sort of came up.
It's not very fun when they pass away because their thread usually gets closed.
Again, I should state: I am not wishing death on PPP, I am merely documenting an event in "sektur" history. Dude's killing himself better than any alawg ever could.
Most people only ironically want cows to die. It's not very fun when they pass away because their thread usually gets closed. Rest in peace to Lola and Claire Hartley.
Hur Durr Retard meme all over. But since I've helped break Lidl already and planned to leave anyway let this be my last post on the boards in the same style of that meme.

I picked this Nektar guy completely out of random (heck, we hit it off quite nicely before) and did the same kind of shitposting I've done about Null, the Jannies and Lidl elsewhere here. All seemingly very appreciated by the crowd. The moment I turned at one of your own, whatever you may think about my little flamefest "in defense of a lolcow" it was like one big circlejerk of faggotry.

Someone said that Kiwifarms is a cult. This guy calls it Commie Farms and obviously if I were to take that seriously instead of trying to flame him I understand exactly what he means, despite Nulls appreciation of racist music, ideology and trad-wives its an absolutely fair statement.

But there's no real spiritual difference to this place, except that you don't get banned by a tantrum-throwing manchild (who in his defense is under a lot of stress). - That one thing that is a plus.

The whole world is seemingly a cluster of little circlejerks and I guess its up to us to find one we like.


PS: OR maybe all my takes were suddenly shit as opposed to everything else I've posted here and Nektar completely and objectively owned me. Hey, good on you then Nektar!
Have fun providing your helpful and kind services to all future cows on these pastures!
(heck, we hit it off quite nicely before)
The moment I turned at one of your own
One poster pointed out you should perhaps research further on the Ashley question.
it was like one big circlejerk of faggotry.
You got some negz. Suck it up.
This guy calls it Commie Farms and obviously if I were to take that seriously
It's a satirical poke. Everyone thinks the Kwiffar are all rabid right wingers. They aren't, they are all limp wristed leftie fags.
But there's no difference to this place, except that you don't get banned by a tantrum-throwing manchild
That is a big difference, tho. You got to admit that.
(who in his defense is under a lot of stress)
Counterpoint: It's stress he causes, because he's a fucking idiot. So it's a retarded defense tbf.
The whole world is a cluster of little circlejerks and I guess its up to us to find one we like.
People didn't give you the ass pat stickers you think you are entitled to. Ok then.
Have fun providing your helpful and kind services to all future cows on these pastures!
Please clarify: Does this mean that you are flouncing? Is this a "I'm never coming back" flounce? Or just "I'm flouncing until my new sock gets banned, then I'll be back" flounce?

You might like to try Metocuck.us, you might find the ass pats that are missing from your life there.

let this be my last post
Please don't leave, we need more genuinely funny, high-effort posters like you. I have a lot of trolls blocked for shitting up threads with low effort posts, trying to start off-topic flamewars or engaging in downvoting brigades. Just block anyone you don't like. Don't engage them for longer than 1 or 2 posts and please don't let them chase you away. I really miss all the funny, high-effort posts from (the more clever) Kiwis here on OF.
Please don't leave, we need more genuinely funny, high-effort posters like you.
I have a lot of trolls blocked for hurting my feewingz, because I'm a thin skinned twonk
I really miss all the funny, high-effort posts from (the more clever) Kiwis here on OF.
Reminder: Gays simps for a no talent that dox'd his tranny looking wife and is the bottom for a guy who imported "Hentai".
So you're either over 40 or a kike. which one is more likely to be a user of kiwifarms.....so you're a sexual minority jew.
the cracks in the armour of VIP elites
like a bicurious maryland teenager? weird definition of "elite"
MATI now has tens of thousands of listeners most of whom aren't even Kiwis. Null stopped taking live calls from Kiwis and now the only interactive portion of the podcast are the paid superchat questions
And its worked, call in shows are mostly shit because most people don't know how to talk or be entertaining while talking. using chat as a springboard is the best way to have user participation, we've solved this as a species 25 years ago. Even in this sector, streamers learned this shit half a decade ago. its the optimal way to use chat and separating MATI from the show has grown it beyond the website. I know plenty of people that know Josh as "the host of MATI" and assume kiwifarms is a discord channel/facebook group he gets notes from the same way other big streamers do like Destiny or Redbar.
the website Josh created
The real downfall of the website Josh created is the fact it's shaped and limited by his own social limitations and therefore barely attracts anyone who isn't an aggrieved incel like him. Almost nobody of middling intellect or social adjustment that likes picking apart the psychology of eccentric personalities wants to wade through slur-filled threads filled with white nationalist losers. Take the Jack Scalfani thread, which is hundreds of pages of rejects hooting and hollering about how fat he is, or how gross his food is, or how he can't cook and they can do everything better than he can. It's limited and boring because besides the religious bent, they share all the same hatreds and social positions as Jack does. They all hate the gays and the troons and bask in an aura of self-righteousness just like him. When in actuality Jack is a fascinating figure- a purely American evangelical who is deluded into thinking God is in his corner for every stupid decision he makes, uncannily positive and convinced of his own competence despite all his failings, and is now unwittingly creating a prolonged snuff film simply by having the lifestyle of a typical American. You will not find that sort of analysis of his situation anywhere in the thread.
Hey, Ashley I thought you didn't want to be associated with this site? Also, why are you interacting with a TERF that you called crazy in another thread?
planned to leave anyway
Lol, leave then.
The moment I turned at one of your own, whatever you may think about my little flamefest "in defense of a lolcow" it was like one big circlejerk of faggotry.
Turned on one of our own? Bitch, the fact you didn't know Ashley and typed out "Get a room" to Nektar, when this dumbass (Ashley) actually has a room is really telling. Also, you got stickers, calm down. The reason why everybody 'turned' on you is because Ashley Hutsell Jankowski has gone out of her way to try and destroy the very site you're posting on. She's been told by the admin himself to leave.

And she's been noted to keep coming back to this thread and crying about how the admin was 'friends' with a child abuser. Nobody can get her out so the only thing anyone can do is call her fatty until her account is merged.
But there's no real spiritual difference to this place, except that you don't get banned by a tantrum-throwing manchild (who in his defense is under a lot of stress).
PS: OR maybe all my takes were suddenly shit

Please don't leave, we need more genuinely funny, high-effort posters like you. I have a lot of trolls blocked
Having 'trolls' blocked is very queer, you live up to your name.
Just block anyone you don't like. Don't engage them for longer than 1 or 2 posts and please don't let them chase you away.
If he's getting chased away because of stickers and people typing to him about his behavior, he needs to get out.
Hey, Ashley I thought you didn't want to be associated with this site? Also, why are you interacting with a TERF that you called crazy in another thread?

Lol, leave then.

Turned on one of our own? Bitch, the fact you didn't know Ashley and typed out "Get a room" to Nektar, when this dumbass (Ashley) actually has a room is really telling. Also, you got stickers, calm down. The reason why everybody 'turned' on you is because Ashley Hutsell Jankowski has gone out of her way to try and destroy the very site you're posting on. She's been told by the admin himself to leave.

And she's been noted to keep coming back to this thread and crying about how the admin was 'friends' with a child abuser. Nobody can get her out so the only thing anyone can do is call her fatty until her account is merged.



Have 'trolls' blocked is very queer, you live up to your name.

If he's getting chased away because of stickers and people typing to him about his behavior, he needs to get out.
Show of hands who reads anything this deranged incel posts
"Been to all three groups", but the post he responds to mentions 4 countries: France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany. Null claimed to have visited the The Netherlands before on MATI, but has never mentioned visiting Belgium (where Lidl claims to live for the sake of his current LARP) or Germany. I bet Null has never been to France, no fucking way, because they don't even speak English outside of Paris so how would Null even get around?
Dude are you fucking slow? He's talking about Western Europe, the UK, and Eastern Europe. I've noticed you make some real Sherlock Homo posts.