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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Speaking of "politispergs who cannot turn off their jew-hate", here's what Null himself said about Dzooz during his #TRIGGERED (June 24th, 2022) MATI episode:

57:30 He is stuck in LA because he has this fucking mindset, that all people in LA have, where, it's, like... he thinks that, "If I'm physically in LA, I have a shot at making it. One day, my big break will come through. It'll never happen in Utah, it'll never happen if I'm on a ranch in Texas. But as long as I got my foot in the game, one day I can make it big in LA, and be a superstar millionaire.". And LA is, like, Den-tea's Inferno. One of the layers in Dante's Inferno is, like, envy. And... I think it's envy. But it's described like crabs in a bucket, kinda. It's a giant pit, where millions of damsels, whatever, fuck off, Dahn-tay, DAHN-tay, (with a British snob accent) Dahn-tays In-feh-noh, (with a German accent) ze fourthz zircle of Dahn-tayz Infehno iz the pit of naked corporeal flesh. And it's these bodies stacked on top of each other, and they are naked, and they eat each other. And they eat each other forever. And that's basically LA. It's this circle of hell, where you have all these ankle biters, like Mr Vito, and Max Carson, and they're just fucking gross. And they bite at your ankles, trying to get up. Trying to improve their stature. Meanwhile, the ankles that they are biting, and gnawing off, are attached to a man who himself is eating the ass of a Jewish man sitting on top of him, who himself, as his ass is being chewed, by the man whose ankles are being bitten, he himself is biting the ass of another, bigger, fatter Jew who sits on him. And it's all the way up to the tippy-top of this pit, it's all these people just gnawing at each other. And you will never ever escape the pit by fighting it this way. You just have to get the fuck out. You will never win the game in the pit. You have to get the fuck out. I guarantee you, I don't know, for Dick it's probably too late. He's like 41 now or some shit, right? So what's he gonna do? He's gonna go to Texas with Marine and have a family and be like: "Actually, all my opinions are retarded."? Nah, probably not. So I'm not in a hurry to call back in. There's no improving his stature at this point. He still has that perspective of, why would I care about anything else except for myself, ever? Why would I care about my long-term girlfriend, why would I care about the health of the society that I live in, why would I care about future generations? If it's not me or mine, who cares? And it's like, that perspective is fucking cancer.

Just one example of white conservative straight male Null enjoying his "extreme racism".

Later during the same podcasts (I forgot to time-stamp this part), Null accuses a he doesn't like woman of being Dzooish, having no evidence of this actually being the case, and he justifies this baseless accusation of her being a Dzoo saying: "She's got 'The Nose', she's trimmed it down but she has the genetic marker.". His audience, themselves poltispergs who cannot turn off their Dzoohatred, immediately know what Null means with 'The Nose' and 'the genetic markers'.

There's only one person who cannot turn off their antisemitism and that's you, Null. Your antisemitism coupled with your rabid homophobia and your hatred of Los Angeles are so extreme as to be outright pornographic. Don't go around complaining that the politispergs on KF can't turn off their Dzoohatred, when you are the one who went out of your way to pander to all these antisemites so they would join your rat ship and give you superchats during MATI. This is audience you intentionally cultivated because you wanted their money.
What I don't get about Null in this regard is that he seems to oscillate between thinking that polspergs ruin the site and either being one or referencing their talking points.

But hey, maybe its one of those cases where both can be true and that "Yes" meme works as an answer on which one is true.

It ain't easy running a place and wanting to be part of the crowd.
So I tried to visit the Bitchute video he linked to here:

But I get this:

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Is it just me or is this the same for everyone else following that link?


really dude? really?
>The Kiwi Farms is effectively an extension of my personality
Well that explains why it’s so awful and actively getting worse, doesn’t it?
It is the biggest problem with Kiwifarms is that it has turned in to Null and friends. The site was at its best when it used to be a bunch of smaller communities of people shitpositng instead of being a cult. Each board and thread used to be it's own beast now everywhere you go it feels like you are posting on the guntboard where the members are unhinged lunatics and the moderators are total discord fags that get away with anything as long as they keep sucking Null off.

You can't even criticize the guy's opinion without having four of his simps creaming their pants or without getting banned. Seriously it feels like Null is Theoden and his discord troons are Grima Wormtongue when he runs in to a thread halfcocked yelling about users plotting secret narratives to destroy the farms when people are just having a civil discussion.
Reason: Spelling
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Between cheese and incels, Null is considering destroying the site then let it become something he doesn't like.

Once again with the porn. Why does Null know so much about the outcome of anal sex? Why does he know about anal seepage? Why does he know about (checks notes) bottoms wearing diapers? Why is it so important to prattle on in horrifying detail about queer sex when he's fighting his userbase?

I am not quoting the post about anal vs vaginal sex but yes, vaginal sex can go badly though usually its only because of rape or because Ben Shapiro can't get his wife's pussy wet. Birth injuries are also becoming a lot more serious and common than they used to be because the new doctors aren't as good as the old ones and they were trained in virtual simulators instead of the real thing. If you want to talk about injuries women suffer than its usually because the doctors fucked up. It's not comparable to (checks notes a second time) chronic anal seepage leading to diaper wearing.
I got banned for writing "I don't remember anyone asking" under one of those. I don't know why he constantly barges into that thread to scream about pol niggers and ruin an otherwise civil discussion. It's ridiculous. He uses the thread like it's some therapy session with his effort posting. No one fucking cares retard. How about you go try to find out who your father was.
It is the biggest problem with Kiwifarms is that it has turned in to Null and friends. The site was at its best when it used to be a bunch of smaller communities of people shitpositng instead of being a cult. Each board and thread used to be it's own beast now everywhere you go it feels like you are posting on the guntboard where the members are unhinged lunatics and the moderators are total discord fags that get away with anything as long as they keep sucking Null off.

It's very unfortunate how KF has become the Null cult instead of a community of people, but you can hear and see that change going through the old MATI archives. At the beginning, MATI (which used to be called Midnight Mad at the time, 2018-2019) was about showcasing whatever lolcow was popular on the forum that week, with direct input from the community itself. Kiwis would call into the podcast and talk to Null directly about a lolcow. As time went by, MATI more and more became a podcast about whatever personal drama Null was involved in. He stopped taking live calls from users and the only interactive part of the podcast became the paid-for superchat questions. MATI now has tens of thousands of listeners most of whom aren't even Kiwis. Null stopped taking live calls from Kiwis and now the only interactive portion of the podcast are the paid superchat questions.

When I was still on KF, I was mostly active in "Internet Famous", in various famous e-celeb threads there, mostly about Youtubers. Most of the lolcows I was interested in were already famous/notorious and were profiled in the mainstream media before they got a thread on KF. I was never much interested in the typical obscure, naive "village idiot" kind of lolcow that KF is notorious for making notorious. I was more into the "famous rich self-consciously eccentric lolcow". Null hated the IF section of KF because he only likes "village idiots" that feed into his superiority complex. I find the cults of personality around famous mainstream people who carefully curate their wackiness for profit immensely more interesting and worthy of scorn. I was looking for the cracks in the armour of VIP elites, whereas Null is just looking for people with no armour.
It's very unfortunate how KF has become the Null cult instead of a community of people, but you can hear and see that change going through the old MATI archives. At the beginning, MATI (which used to be called Midnight Mad at the time, 2018-2019) was about showcasing whatever lolcow was popular on the forum that week, with direct input from the community itself. Kiwis would call into the podcast and talk to Null directly about a lolcow. As time went by, MATI more and more became a podcast about whatever personal drama Null was involved in. He stopped taking live calls from users and the only interactive part of the podcast became the paid-for superchat questions. MATI now has tens of thousands of listeners most of whom aren't even Kiwis. Null stopped taking live calls from Kiwis and now the only interactive portion of the podcast are the paid superchat questions.

When I was still on KF, I was mostly active in "Internet Famous", in various famous e-celeb threads there, mostly about Youtubers. Most of the lolcows I was interested in were already famous/notorious and were profiled in the mainstream media before they got a thread on KF. I was never much interested in the typical obscure, naive "village idiot" kind of lolcow that KF is notorious for making notorious. I was more into the "famous rich self-consciously eccentric lolcow". Null hated the IF section of KF because he only likes "village idiots" that feed into his superiority complex. I find the cults of personality around famous mainstream people who carefully curate their wackiness for profit immensely more interesting and worthy of scorn. I was looking for the cracks in the armour of VIP elites, whereas Null is just looking for people with no armour.
The real downfall of the website Josh created is the fact it's shaped and limited by his own social limitations and therefore barely attracts anyone who isn't an aggrieved incel like him. Almost nobody of middling intellect or social adjustment that likes picking apart the psychology of eccentric personalities wants to wade through slur-filled threads filled with white nationalist losers. Take the Jack Scalfani thread, which is hundreds of pages of rejects hooting and hollering about how fat he is, or how gross his food is, or how he can't cook and they can do everything better than he can. It's limited and boring because besides the religious bent, they share all the same hatreds and social positions as Jack does. They all hate the gays and the troons and bask in an aura of self-righteousness just like him. When in actuality Jack is a fascinating figure- a purely American evangelical who is deluded into thinking God is in his corner for every stupid decision he makes, uncannily positive and convinced of his own competence despite all his failings, and is now unwittingly creating a prolonged snuff film simply by having the lifestyle of a typical American. You will not find that sort of analysis of his situation anywhere in the thread.
Ash, we've seen pictures of you, and your posting history suggests you are suffering from EOSD. I'm not that much older than you, but I've worked physical jobs, and know how to look after myself (LSS I'm not a fatty like you).

But I'd like to inform you of the words of the Poet Philosopher (played a nice bit of the old joanna) Philip Chatman...

"It doesn't matter what you got, doesn't matter what you're worth... When all is said and done... we ALL go back to Mother Earth"

Tommy's gone, and you are alone, you'll miss me more when I'm gone, than anyone will ever miss you.
Ash, we've seen pictures of you, and your posting history suggests you are suffering from EOSD. I'm not that much older than you, but I've worked physical jobs, and know how to look after myself (LSS I'm not a fatty like you).
You probably look exactly like Ken, are the same age as him roughly and are exactly as autistic and shutin.
You probably look exactly like Ken, are the same age as him roughly and are exactly as autistic and shutin.
Ken's got a job that gets him out of the house. A job helping the community. You know that. And you are weljel about that.
Is ken going to ban this guy for shitting up multiple threads with off topic drivel? Not very inviting to people who want to stay on topic...
It hasn't happened yet, for you, right?

How do you sleep at night, knowing how you treated Tommy?
Ken's got a job that gets him out of the house. A job helping the community. You know that. And you are weljel about that.

It hasn't happened yet, for you, right?

How do you sleep at night, knowing how you treated Tommy?
You both sound miserable, and since misery likes company, why don't you get a room?

Also, halloween is over, or is that avatar just a depiction of regular you regressing to an edgy 15 year old because you never got to invited a halloween party as a kid?