Speaking of "politispergs who cannot turn off their jew-hate", here's what Null himself said about Dzooz during his #TRIGGERED (June 24th, 2022) MATI episode:
Just one example of white conservative straight male Null enjoying his "extreme racism".
Later during the same podcasts (I forgot to time-stamp this part), Null accuses a he doesn't like woman of being Dzooish, having no evidence of this actually being the case, and he justifies this baseless accusation of her being a Dzoo saying: "She's got 'The Nose', she's trimmed it down but she has the genetic marker.". His audience, themselves poltispergs who cannot turn off their Dzoohatred, immediately know what Null means with 'The Nose' and 'the genetic markers'.
There's only one person who cannot turn off their antisemitism and that's you, Null. Your antisemitism coupled with your rabid homophobia and your hatred of Los Angeles are so extreme as to be outright pornographic. Don't go around complaining that the politispergs on KF can't turn off their Dzoohatred, when you are the one who went out of your way to pander to all these antisemites so they would join your rat ship and give you superchats during MATI. This is audience you intentionally cultivated because you wanted their money.
57:30 He is stuck in LA because he has this fucking mindset, that all people in LA have, where, it's, like... he thinks that, "If I'm physically in LA, I have a shot at making it. One day, my big break will come through. It'll never happen in Utah, it'll never happen if I'm on a ranch in Texas. But as long as I got my foot in the game, one day I can make it big in LA, and be a superstar millionaire.". And LA is, like, Den-tea's Inferno. One of the layers in Dante's Inferno is, like, envy. And... I think it's envy. But it's described like crabs in a bucket, kinda. It's a giant pit, where millions of damsels, whatever, fuck off, Dahn-tay, DAHN-tay, (with a British snob accent) Dahn-tays In-feh-noh, (with a German accent) ze fourthz zircle of Dahn-tayz Infehno iz the pit of naked corporeal flesh. And it's these bodies stacked on top of each other, and they are naked, and they eat each other. And they eat each other forever. And that's basically LA. It's this circle of hell, where you have all these ankle biters, like Mr Vito, and Max Carson, and they're just fucking gross. And they bite at your ankles, trying to get up. Trying to improve their stature. Meanwhile, the ankles that they are biting, and gnawing off, are attached to a man who himself is eating the ass of a Jewish man sitting on top of him, who himself, as his ass is being chewed, by the man whose ankles are being bitten, he himself is biting the ass of another, bigger, fatter Jew who sits on him. And it's all the way up to the tippy-top of this pit, it's all these people just gnawing at each other. And you will never ever escape the pit by fighting it this way. You just have to get the fuck out. You will never win the game in the pit. You have to get the fuck out. I guarantee you, I don't know, for Dick it's probably too late. He's like 41 now or some shit, right? So what's he gonna do? He's gonna go to Texas with Marine and have a family and be like: "Actually, all my opinions are retarded."? Nah, probably not. So I'm not in a hurry to call back in. There's no improving his stature at this point. He still has that perspective of, why would I care about anything else except for myself, ever? Why would I care about my long-term girlfriend, why would I care about the health of the society that I live in, why would I care about future generations? If it's not me or mine, who cares? And it's like, that perspective is fucking cancer.
#TRIGGERED (June 24th, 2022) - Mad at the Internet
Just one example of white conservative straight male Null enjoying his "extreme racism".
Later during the same podcasts (I forgot to time-stamp this part), Null accuses a he doesn't like woman of being Dzooish, having no evidence of this actually being the case, and he justifies this baseless accusation of her being a Dzoo saying: "She's got 'The Nose', she's trimmed it down but she has the genetic marker.". His audience, themselves poltispergs who cannot turn off their Dzoohatred, immediately know what Null means with 'The Nose' and 'the genetic markers'.
There's only one person who cannot turn off their antisemitism and that's you, Null. Your antisemitism coupled with your rabid homophobia and your hatred of Los Angeles are so extreme as to be outright pornographic. Don't go around complaining that the politispergs on KF can't turn off their Dzoohatred, when you are the one who went out of your way to pander to all these antisemites so they would join your rat ship and give you superchats during MATI. This is audience you intentionally cultivated because you wanted their money.