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Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Tom: "Have you ever had a media request from other Youtube people? Outside of me?"
Null: "I get contacted by bullshit journalists. I get contacted by people who have no audience."
Upper Echelon: https://www.youtube.com/@UpperEchelon
Talks a lot about media corruption, scams, the issues of the tech industry, etc. Tends to get involved personally in some cases, like exposing scams.
Mental Outlaw: https://www.youtube.com/@MentalOutlaw
Similar to the above, but spicier more focused on tech, and has talked about us in the past, even saying KF is one of his favorite websites.
Moon: https://www.youtube.com/@Moon-Real
Also similar to the above 2 (imma be real with you, these 3 tend to blur into 1 in my mind) but is the largest of the 3 and tends to cover and portray things in a more investigative way.
Ghost Gum: https://www.youtube.com/@GhostGum
Gum has a huge overlap with TurkeyTom, to the point Tom said Gum ripped him off and then he ripped Gum off in return. Gum clearly hates degenerates more than Tom, though.
And then there's Oki's Weird Stories: https://www.youtube.com/@okisweirdstories1327
He's the most different to the other ones I listed, but he seems to be always willing to listen to people with an open mind, talk to them in good faith, and is not afraid of taking the unpopular position if he finds there's enough truth to it to justify it (like the Gay Frogs story)
Holy ego batman. Even Metokur used to go on shows with barely any viewers. Maybe just maybe going on some smaller shows might build back up some of the goodwill you lost by being a giant prick for years. Really shows you his outlook on other streamers and why he always ends up doublecrossing them.Null: "I get contacted by bullshit journalists. I get contacted by people who have no audience."
Basically, nothing in this statement is wrong, despite his obfuscated and retarded use of language. Which is a bit funny I must admit.
Joshua Moon, the founder and owner of Kiwi Farms stops by to discuss the tumultuous year the Farms has endured at the hands of a deplatforming campaign led by unhinged and unsavory characters as part of their "dropkiwifarms" campaign. One year later, Kiwi Farms is still on the Clearnet and still going strong.
Pretty odd that a guy hiding out in eastern europe for years is not familiar with Euro timezones. Almost unbelievable.This is a cute little Nullism.
I'm European and I haven't heard in my entire life of the concept of "EU time".
Does he really think there's just one zone for all of the EU and that timezones aren't decided by the national governments?
View attachment 39649
He probably means German time but
1. I'm not going to check.
2. It's funnier to assume he thinks the EU is such a bureacratic pinko hell that there's 1 timezone from Guayana to the Baltic
Pretty odd that a guy hiding out in eastern europe for years is not familiar with Euro timezones. Almost unbelievable.
The other thing is I have never once heard him mention the language barrier being a problem which it would be for a guy like Null who can barely speak english and probably does not read all that well. Even when he reads basic articles on MATI he frequently has trouble parsing the words and often gets the tone and subject of the article wrong just because he misreads the text.This single picture of some pigeons on a balcony is literally the only "evidence" I've ever seen in all these years of Null claiming to live in Belgrade:
I still think it's suspicious that in three years of living in Serbia, this picture of pigeons on a balcony is all he has to show for it. It's amazing to me that people consider this single picture of some pigeons on a balcony to be sufficient "evidence". You can literally pay a photographer in virtually any city anywhere around the world to take some pictures of birds on their balcony, and pass them along to you so you can then pretend to live in that particular city. You could even take some pictures of birds yourself, find a drone shot of some apartment building in the city you've picked out, screengrab a shot of the urban skyline and thus Photoshop the picture of the birds onto that shot, make it blurry so that it looks more realistic (like you were zooming in on the birds) and boom, now you supposedly "live" in Belgrade.
Something else that I find really strange is Null's continued indifference to the way the War in Ukraine has left parts of Odesa in ruins, or Russia's recent recruitment film where they suggest wanting to occupy Kiev and Odesa.
Remember, Odesa is the city in Ukraine where Null supposedly lived in Ukraine, still he has nothing to say about Odesa being destroyed like this:
You can go back into this thread and read past comments from Null where he said that he liked living in Odesa better than in Belgrade. It's like Null has completely forgotten Odesa and everything he left behind there. If I had lived in a city for years, and I had to watch it get bombed and destroyed, I would definitely have something to say about it. But it's like he turned his back on the city and never looked back. Null claims to know Ukrainians, so doesn't he know anyone in Odesa who's being affected by this war? Null can only talk about bullshit, he cannot discuss anything serious, like watching his alleged former residence of over 2 years get bombed.
do you think our incessant shittalking led to Null doing this? he gets pissed if you tell him what to do but if he eavesdrops on you he'll do your advice for him to a T. reminds me of the girls in high school we suspected of being dykes, if you said it loud enough and said "straight cute girls wear X, and i've never seen her wear X" they'd also always be wearing it later in the week. knowing any dude had that power over them was hotter than the women themselves would ever be. Honestly if most other lolcows took our monday morning quartbacking on their lives the site would be dead by now.Youtuber @PotentiallyCriminal (according to his bio, "A defense attorney serving Northeast Ohio") has already announced his Livestream with Null, and the Kiwis are already in the chatroom:
It will be reported to be
A difficult year
A tumultuous year
What kind of state do you live in
Solid state
Solid skin
What kind of hours do you keep now
What kind of quality is your sleep
How long until Kiwis find something on this guy to hit him over the head with and pester Null for doing a Livestream with him? I bet they're already going over every fucking client this guy has ever defended to find a case that was particularly heinous they can hold up as evidence against him.
After he talked about Mama Moon Bringing him to gay pride parades when he was a kid earlier this year it was only a matter of time.So he finally outed himself as a feminist.
After he talked about Mama Moon Bringing him to gay pride parades when he was a kid earlier this year it was only a matter of time.
"Null has found a better lawyer to associate with after the Rekieta degen arcs. Nice."
"Indeed. If Sean sticks bottles up his ass he at least keeps it a secret, like any true American would and should."
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Junior Sergeant Sarah Ashton-Cirillo has been suspended from the duties of the spokesperson of the @TDF_UA while an investigation is underway.
Josh Moon’s Discord account is glowing_one, he stole the Alias from his old fediverse account he used to talk to himself and Crunklord the druggie on because he has no friends. Sorry for sitting on this for a while, I was bored
Archived: https://archive.ph/T5Vc9
After he talked about Mama Moon Bringing him to gay pride parades when he was a kid earlier this year it was only a matter of time.
No wonder Josh hates troons so much. Most sane people hate them because they are freaks of nature and sexual deviants trying to corrupt our children, Josh hates them because if he was born a decade later he would most likely be a troon today because of his stupid mother that fits the single mother stereotype well.Josh named his account after his penis. Null makes sense in retrospect. The only way he can have any satisfaction is by tearing others down. In b4 he was a self hating troon all along. Or becomes one through the incel to tranny pipeline.