Again, I don't know which specific causes of action Null is going to list on the motion, but I suspect Null will also list Violation of the Comprehensive Computer Data and Access Fraud Act, just like Manson, because LFJ went after Cloudflare to enable DDoS attacks against KF. Even if LFJ or #DropKiwiFarms didn't engaged in DDoS attacks himself - the circumstantial evidence suggests they did and were coordinating with the hackers carrying out the acts - there was no reason for LFJ to target Cloudflare other than to but KF in harm's way and enable cybercrimes against the site.
Perhaps he might consider adding denial of rights (
Cal. Civ. Code § 52 or even Cal. Civ. Code § 52.1) as a cause of action, because #DropKiwiFarms not only fucked with his ISP but also went on to fuck with his lawyers to deny him legal representation and, with regards to Nick Rekieta, to deny Null a public platform to tell his side of the story before a sympathetic legal expert who wasn't even his lawyer but was merely following and commenting on #DropKiwiFarms as an outsider siding with Null and against the activists. There was literally no reason for #DropKiwiFarms to target Rekieta with 50+ bad faith bar complaints other than him being a sympathetic ear to Null. I don't know how denial of rights works in California so I can't say anything about it. But for me, just on the face of it, their targeting of Rekieta just for doing a Livestream with Null was plainly malicious and reveal their true intent with the campaign, which wasn't just to get KF offline but wholesale life ruination for Null. It's an example of how #DropKiwiFarms considered literally anything and everything to be fair game just to get Null. I can totally see how Naia drew a line at this. It has become increasingly commonplace amongst the far left to target lawyers (see Project 25 targeting notorious defense lawyer Alan "Case for Israel" Dershowitz just because he offered to represent Trump) and #DropKiwiFarms were representative of this very disturbing development.
I do suspect that Null has evidence agaist LFJ and #DropKiwiFarms that no one has seen yet. I don't think he would not go down this path of a lolsuit otherwise. He was repeatedly suggested that he knows things he cannot talk about in public. Take for example his private DMs with Naia after Naia left #DropKiwiFarms because he was so disgusting with the way they conducted their campaign and with their tactics. Naia explicitly stated in his Twitter thread that he was especially alarmed at the fact that #DropKiwiFarms were targeting Null's lawyers to deny him legal representation. Naia didn't say what they were doing to target his lawyers, but it was clearly so malicious that Naia felt the need to publically distance himself from the campaign. Later we learned that #DropKiwiFarms volunteers had filed 50+ bad faith bar complaints against Rekieta, which he had to defend himself against and did a Livestream about - a fact Null conveniently forgets when he ungratefully throws Rekieta under the bus. Rekieta was targeted by #DropKiwiFarms not for being Null's lawyer - he isn't - but merely for giving Null a platform to tell his side of the story. In the screenshots that were released of what apeared to be a longer DMs thread between Naia and Null, they were discussing the hack of the chatroom that led to part of the forum getting nuked and a failed attempt to export all KF user files to You literally can't get more obviously cybercriminal than that. In the DMs we saw, Naia and Null were discussing the technical aspects of the hack, but we don't know what else they said about it. Maybe Naia had prior knowledge about how it was planned and who was involved, and told Null about it.
In the DMs, we see Naia telling Null about LFJ's future plans for targeting KF. Naia said that LFJ was planning to get KF's domain revoked, but said that it was trivial to request a new one, chiding LFJ for being "so petty".
We don't know what other future plans LFJ had that Naia was privy to and ended up revealing to Null. Perhaps Null didn't want to make known what he already knew, so LFJ couldn't change his plans accordingly. But I wouldn't be surprised to see the rest of Naia's DMs with Null amongst the evidence he's going to submit to prove cybercriminal intent on LFJ's part.