• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
This confirms the theory I had for awhile that the Serbia thing was a retarded larp.

I always took Null's word for it because other people acted like it was true so I never bothered saying it because I felt like I would look retarded without any solid evidence and I assumed any hardcore Null fans knew more and could easily deboonk me.

I never took it that much farther than a theory. I just always found it strange someone would leave the comfort of America to live in some trash 3rd world country for a stupid website.

My tard senses prove to be right once again.
Even before I came here and read some of the theories about him not leaving or being back in America I remember him saying a few things that made me doubt him living abroad. I did not save them or timestamp because I was not thinking that way at the time. But there was one thing since I have been here which really tipped me off. He talked about going to a barbecue on the forth of July with an expat group.

Does not add up to me. Guy hiding out in foreign country goes to party where people will be taking pictures and posting them to facebook? Null seems too paranoid to go to that sort of thing forget about even striking up the convo to get invited to the party.

Now I know this is a little crazy but what if he is back home but there are conditions like: Shower regularly, come to our family forth of July party and touch grass, clean up some of the crazies on your forum? Maybe Mama Moon is making him clean up his room and forum and that explains his sudden love for the terfs?
So was him looking for someone on the forum to pick up his mail in Virginia back a few months ago just a ruse?
He just can't be shat to walk for more than 2 metres a day
This confirms the theory I had for awhile that the Serbia thing was a retarded larp.

However, there was this particular incident during #DropKiwiFarms last year:

It's a screen shot; ISNIC sent copies of Joshua's Moon Passport to the US Embassy in Serbia.

It is not standard practice for ISNIC (which allows open registration of domains) to have his passport externally verified by the US embassy. That is all I can say on the matter.


Archived: https://archive.ph/3dmET

Why would ISNIC contact the US Embassy in Serbia to check his passport... if he wasn't in Serbia at the time?

Him living in Serbia was probably true but moving in with Grandpa Moon may have been some secret development. Uneducated people believe the listed PO Box somehow debunks this theory. If Josh wants to sue LFJ he'll need to come to America eventually.

Do you have the full thread for the screenshots you posted?
Also, what PO Box are you referring to here? The new one in WV? The WHOIS record quoted in the screenshot doesn't list a PO Box, so please explain.

Even before I came here and read some of the theories about him not leaving or being back in America I remember him saying a few things that made me doubt him living abroad. I did not save them or timestamp because I was not thinking that way at the time. But there was one thing since I have been here which really tipped me off. He talked about going to a barbecue on the forth of July with an expat group.

I can confirm that he made that statement about attending a 4th of July meeting with an Expat Group in Serbia, I remember hearing that too.

Again, why doesn't Null just contact Popehat for a referral or even Marilyn Manson's lawyer? One of the causes of action in Manson's lolsuit was alleged violations of the Comprehensive Computer Data and Access Fraud Act. KiwiFarms was hacked and DDoSed during #DropKiwiFarms, those are both violations of the CCD & AFA that Liz Fong Jones aided and abetted (see the GrayHat Academy account on Github where Liz and Kevin Karhan had uploaded public DDoS lists for the hackers to use, that they misrepresented to Github as being DROP lists). LFJ targeted Cloudflare for years on his own before he jumped on the #DropKiwFarms bandwagon, because he wanted to put KF in harm's way and enable a tidal wave of cybercrimes against the site that even implicated unsuspecting bystanders (see the poz.hiv hack; AFAICT, that server seemingly had no idea that some hacker was trying to export all of KF users' data and dump it onto their server to implicate them in their hack, just for the lulz so he could say that "KF users were pozzed"). The cybercrimes that were committed against KF during #DropKiwiFarms weren't some unfortunate and unforseen side-effect, they were the very intended goal of targeting Cloudlfare into dropping KF to render the site vulnerable, hackable and DDoSable. #DropKiwiFarms was always intended to be a cybercriminal conspiracy to aid and abett whatever cybercrimes against KF they could get away with. The public face of #DropKiwiFarms with the abuse e-mail writing campaigns, that was just the seeming legal front covering up all the outright cybercriminal activities that these people were simultaneously organizing in their secret Signal groups.

Again, I don't know which specific causes of action Null is going to list on the motion, but I suspect Null will also list Violation of the Comprehensive Computer Data and Access Fraud Act, just like Manson, because LFJ went after Cloudflare to enable DDoS attacks against KF. Even if LFJ or #DropKiwiFarms didn't engaged in DDoS attacks himself - the circumstantial evidence suggests they did and were coordinating with the hackers carrying out the acts - there was no reason for LFJ to target Cloudflare other than to but KF in harm's way and enable cybercrimes against the site.

Perhaps he might consider adding denial of rights (Cal. Civ. Code § 52 or even Cal. Civ. Code § 52.1) as a cause of action, because #DropKiwiFarms not only fucked with his ISP but also went on to fuck with his lawyers to deny him legal representation and, with regards to Nick Rekieta, to deny Null a public platform to tell his side of the story before a sympathetic legal expert who wasn't even his lawyer but was merely following and commenting on #DropKiwiFarms as an outsider siding with Null and against the activists. There was literally no reason for #DropKiwiFarms to target Rekieta with 50+ bad faith bar complaints other than him being a sympathetic ear to Null. I don't know how denial of rights works in California so I can't say anything about it. But for me, just on the face of it, their targeting of Rekieta just for doing a Livestream with Null was plainly malicious and reveal their true intent with the campaign, which wasn't just to get KF offline but wholesale life ruination for Null. It's an example of how #DropKiwiFarms considered literally anything and everything to be fair game just to get Null. I can totally see how Naia drew a line at this. It has become increasingly commonplace amongst the far left to target lawyers (see Project 25 targeting notorious defense lawyer Alan "Case for Israel" Dershowitz just because he offered to represent Trump) and #DropKiwiFarms were representative of this very disturbing development.

I do suspect that Null has evidence agaist LFJ and #DropKiwiFarms that no one has seen yet. I don't think he would not go down this path of a lolsuit otherwise. He was repeatedly suggested that he knows things he cannot talk about in public. Take for example his private DMs with Naia after Naia left #DropKiwiFarms because he was so disgusting with the way they conducted their campaign and with their tactics. Naia explicitly stated in his Twitter thread that he was especially alarmed at the fact that #DropKiwiFarms were targeting Null's lawyers to deny him legal representation. Naia didn't say what they were doing to target his lawyers, but it was clearly so malicious that Naia felt the need to publically distance himself from the campaign. Later we learned that #DropKiwiFarms volunteers had filed 50+ bad faith bar complaints against Rekieta, which he had to defend himself against and did a Livestream about - a fact Null conveniently forgets when he ungratefully throws Rekieta under the bus. Rekieta was targeted by #DropKiwiFarms not for being Null's lawyer - he isn't - but merely for giving Null a platform to tell his side of the story. In the screenshots that were released of what apeared to be a longer DMs thread between Naia and Null, they were discussing the hack of the chatroom that led to part of the forum getting nuked and a failed attempt to export all KF user files to poz.hiv. You literally can't get more obviously cybercriminal than that. In the DMs we saw, Naia and Null were discussing the technical aspects of the hack, but we don't know what else they said about it. Maybe Naia had prior knowledge about how it was planned and who was involved, and told Null about it.

In the DMs, we see Naia telling Null about LFJ's future plans for targeting KF. Naia said that LFJ was planning to get KF's domain revoked, but said that it was trivial to request a new one, chiding LFJ for being "so petty".

We don't know what other future plans LFJ had that Naia was privy to and ended up revealing to Null. Perhaps Null didn't want to make known what he already knew, so LFJ couldn't change his plans accordingly. But I wouldn't be surprised to see the rest of Naia's DMs with Null amongst the evidence he's going to submit to prove cybercriminal intent on LFJ's part.
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RAID controller issue. Obviously. Bet the drives would be fine if he'd checked them properly. So stupid - what are the odds that four drives would break the same second?
as people have said, if you buy them all from the same place, same batch, etc. its almost certain to happen. Having said that, its why almost everyone is stupid enough to not use drives from the same batch/place/etc.. Its like putting metal in a microwave, only someone retarded who never asked anyone would do it, but almost everyone that has used a microwave learns from someone to never do that.
Null may not be smart enough to realize contacting Popehat et al is an option.
Josh is lazy as shit, for an e-celeb he doesn't really promote himself well at all. think about Nick REkieta, he not only appeared on any show that asked during his rise he specifically pandered to one of the major patreon podcasts (dick) with his content, then did similar with weebwars, getting right in the thick of it despite not having any justifiable reason and arguably being the major reason vic got destroyed in court, he made a shitload of money though so its all good.

Same with live streaming the major trials of the era too. As much as people shit on nick he truely understood what he had to say and do to keep up appearances and get that superchat money.

As i've said, Null actually has quite a lot of fans, especially after his NZ letter. He had quite a few people who are now huge that genuinely wanted to reach out to him but instead of bothering with that he was content to just do his MATI after IBS died. He has such a huge viewerbase for MATI and somehow can't find someone willing to help him out?

This leads to how bad he fucked himself with this, he had plenty of people even literal lawyers from LA asking him to be on a show years ago but this lazy asshole didn't want to. If josh was as much of a whore as nick was he wouldn't even need to ask the forum for help. He could have leapfrogged dick a long time ago in terms of fame, and had plenty of his own connections to rely on. How the fuck does someone have a free speech website, that panders to terfs and alt-rightists and somehow not have a single contact he could lean on.

If josh was a bit nicer and more motivated he could have had jimmy dore do a bullshit fundraiser for him by now. If you ever watched a troma film you might wonder why Lloyd Kaufman acts like a zany old man whoring himself out to any indie filmmaker/podcaster that asks, but its because when one of the people in your huge Rolodex breaks through you can lean on them during lean times. you'd be surprised how many relatively famous or rich people help troma out behind the scenes, but its because he does make those connections. it truely does punch abov e its weight when it comes to output vs fame. Josh as a similarly free speech organization should have been making connections this entire time, david duke and ryan dawson can manage to appear on relatively huge podcasts and manage to get fans despite having a way smaller web presence than Josh its fucking crazy when VeeMonro has done more shows with award winning lawyers and comedians than fucking Josh Moon. How the hell does the romanian guy have way more options if he wanted to sue someone in CA than Josh.

this dumb fuck just wants to appear on Joe's show when he could have been on way more shows with better hosts and especially better fanbases he could rely on for help. any show willing to let Ryan Dawson or VeeMonro or David Duke on would be desperate and willing enough to have Josh Moon on. Andrew tate was a guest on shows with a quarter of josh's viewbase 4 years ago. he's public enemy #1 now but he was willing to appear on any show that asked if given 5 minutes to prepare.

In summary Josh being lazy on the schmoozing part of his job directly led to how bad he's fucked himself and the website to the point he has to risk suing in CA. Josh should have been whoring himself out like Nick or Sargon or any other IBS era celeb he talked to. Ethan Ralph is slowly dying in mexico and manages to get guests Josh couldn't even dream of because ethan knowns how to self promote. The fact that popehat didn't ambush josh with calls about having a fuckload of lawyers at the ready to help him a year ago shows how much of running his website involves josh having to deal with the consequences of being an autistic shut in.

Josh has to rely on asking on discord or web forums or even his own site for help with problems because he can't play nice.
RAID controller issue. Obviously. Bet the drives would be fine if he'd checked them properly. So stupid - what are the odds that four drives would break the same second?

I think he meant that he won't be able to recover them timely enough, assuming he is right about the cause (which it's fair to say he is.. 4 at the same time otherwise is a stretch) thus chose to go with the last backup.
Upon historical review Josh's comparison to a eunuch isn't too far off. Looking genderless and with a crackly voice of perpetual and/or failed puberty, eunuchs were not threatening (as Josh is) and trusted around women by royalty which pertains to Josh's protective nature of the unofficial "females only" boards.
>Eunuchs would usually be servants or slaves who had been castrated to make them less threatening servants of royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence. Seemingly lowly domestic functions—such as making the ruler's bed, bathing him, cutting his hair, carrying him in his litter, or even relaying messages—could, in theory, give a eunuch "the ruler's ear" and impart de facto power on the formally humble but trusted servant. Eunuchs supposedly did not generally have loyalties to the military, the aristocracy, or a family of their own (having neither offspring nor in-laws, at the very least). They were thus seen as more trustworthy and less interested in establishing a private "dynasty". Because their condition usually lowered their social status, they could also be easily replaced or killed without repercussion. In cultures that had both harems and eunuchs, eunuchs were sometimes used as harem servants.
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It is funny that Null and Keffals are basically the same person and that is why they hate each other
Yeah, I mean that's basically all coomer dramas in a nutshell -- at least originally.
It's changed somewhat but I recall a lot early drama e-celebs that would expose others for fetishes and what not were into weird shit themselves.
The excuse they would always say was: "The issue isn't that they like weird stuff, it's that they're obsessed with it."

From the other thread:
View attachment 39582
This is what he's getting upset over.
View attachment 39583
What Knudsen says is fairly accurate to my knowledge.