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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I have concerns about the misleading perception that KiwiFarms is a site that saves lives, especially when it seems to be quite the opposite. It can be disheartening to witness claims from individuals, even women, asserting the life-saving qualities of KiwiFarms.
Most of the people who said KF helped them realize they needed to either detransition or to not transition at all were male, not female.

The misleading claims surrounding its purpose can misguide individuals and hinder their ability to seek genuine sources of assistance and support.
People having second thoughts about transition end up on KF because TRAs have censored all open and uncensored discussion about topics such as detransition and transition regret/botched surgeries literally everywhere else on the internet. TRAs themselves drove these people to KF with their censorship. It's really disingenuous to say that these people have an obligation to seek out "genuine sources of assistance" when it's TRAs who have gone out of their ways to utterly destroy those resources. Just look at the way TRAs targeted /r/detrans for years, or the way Katie Montgomery and his cult members will target literally any public detransitioner on Twitter.

Again: it's censorship that creates the demand and support for sites like KF.
If you want KF to not exist, stop censoring people.
I want to know how they claim kiwi is saving lives when the vast majority of the content on the site is on either online grifters or legit mentally ill people. Let's take Dr. Katherine Horton or Elora snow who has hundreds of pages on her kiwi thread.
Katherine was a highly respected researcher who became schizophrenic sadly and now is trapped in her own delusions but isn't hurting anyone
And Elora is another woman with paranoid schizophrenia.
How is doxing and talking shit about these people at all helpful to society as a whole?
Yeah yeah zoo sadists bad but let's not lie, most of kiwis content is just making fun of people it's not this internet justice site that fights evil all day.
Plus I think the zoo sadists leaks originated from encyclopedia dramatica and was posted on kiwi.
It's the complete lack of self-awareness from the most terminally online of that whole group. It's especially funny to watch them take that stance when they have the Ethan Ralph subforum full of a-logs who aren't funny or saving lives or whatever.

Also, jfc that Elora Snow thread is a trainwreck. All it is is the lolcow shitting up the thread with the same nonsensical not-even-content over and over. Each time, they ban her for a week or two, and the thread dies because no one outside of the group of people who like to play Kick the Autistic post there. Each time they let her back on, it's back to pages upon pages of Elora posting meaningless symbols and shit over and over again in response to the retards who keep poking her. There's nothing funny or lifesaving about that.

That was honestly the reason I only ever lurked on KF. The threads became a total chore to read. Especially when they have to blogpost about how better they feel they are than the cows. Nobody cares you can cook better than Jack. Just fucking laugh at the slob with the rest of us.
You know you're in for a treat when the first page of every thread has the disclaimer at the top about feeling the need to tell people that you're better than the lolcow. People ignore that and a-log anyway, and it makes them look like pathetic retards to anyone skimming through. It didn't seem that long ago that people like Hirtes and Lagoona Blue got halaled for pulling that shit over and over.

That reminds me. Many times Null has claimed KF is a comedy site and people should question before they post if their post is funny, instead of just seething. Has Null ever been funny even once? All he does is seethe. Ditto with his favored users.
He can be funny once in a while, but most of the time, especially in the last year or so, he spends most of his time talking shit about Ethan Ralph or chimping out at users who ask him technical support questions. Even the longtime users like AnOminous have gotten pretty a-loggy.
The only reason anyone even pretends to not hate Josh is because he's literally the only person in the world stupid enough to give up having a meaningful or fulfilling or enjoyable life, and live as an isolated incel in some cockroach hole in the third world, just to keep up a gossip website.

He'd have nothing without it, and its hilariously sad how he tries to make the site this all-in-one=place for all his socializing needs from gaming to politics because he cant exist anywhere without the trollshield of running the place he's at, but at one point in his life, he could have had a life instead, maybe even met a fat girl who'd settle for him, and lived somewhere that didnt look worse than CRP's toilet, if he wasn't a total retard.

Josh, and NEET literal-autists who spend all day every day on KF, cope that they're on the cross sacrificing for free speech. The reality is... they've devoted their lives to posting catty shit about some alcoholic or retard, or both, at the expense of being alone and losers, but if they acknowledged it they'd probably end themselves.

Ironically Null and his favored paypigs always mock "freeze peach" advocates, but then become the biggest free speech whiners themselves at their own convenience. Cause they're hypocritical retards who actually don't have any believes or ethics like they claim, but again, nobody wants to acknowledge "I'm a piece of shit just addicted to meaningless drama whoring, so much so I literally ruined my life for it."
Most of the people who said KF helped them realize they needed to either detransition or to not transition at all were male, not female.

People having second thoughts about transition end up on KF because TRAs have censored all open and uncensored discussion about topics such as detransition and transition regret/botched surgeries literally everywhere else on the internet. TRAs themselves drove these people to KF with their censorship. It's really disingenuous to say that these people have an obligation to seek out "genuine sources of assistance" when it's TRAs who have gone out of their ways to utterly destroy those resources. Just look at the way TRAs targeted /r/detrans for years, or the way Katie Montgomery and his cult members will target literally any public detransitioner on Twitter.

Again: it's censorship that creates the demand and support for sites like KF.
If you want KF to not exist, stop censoring people.
Ah, the elusive secret private Google Docs page link of Turkey Tom! What a mystery indeed! Now, I must confess, I have no clue what that is either. It's like stumbling upon a hidden treasure map written in a language only pirates understand. But hey, maybe it's worth a gander.

Who knows what lurks within those virtual pages? Perhaps there's a trove of secrets, a blackmail bonanza Turkey Tom is trying to keep hush-hush from his adoring simps and fanboys. Oh, the scandal! The suspense! Will we uncover the forbidden truths hidden in that enigmatic document?

Now, my curious friend, I must warn you: diving into the depths of Turkey Tom's secret Google Docs might lead us down a rabbit hole we never expected. But hey, what's life without a little adventure, right? So, let's gather our detective gear, put on our sleuthing hats, and embark on this mysterious journey to unravel the secrets of the infamous link!

Who knows, we might stumble upon shocking revelations, hilarious memes, or maybe just a collection of Turkey Tom's favorite cookie recipes. Either way, it's bound to be an entertaining expedition. So, buckle up, my fellow explorers, and let's see what Turkey Tom has been hiding in his secret digital vault!
A superchatter asks Josh what KF stands for and he completely sidesteps the question to rant about 8chan. He can't say "free speech" because we all know Josh doesn't mean it and he can't say "nothing" because it's not conducive to garnering support.
But is it really all that notorious? Outside of a bunch of Twitter spergs, I don't think most people even know Kiwi Farms exists. I've mentioned it a few times IRL even, and people just looked at me blankly. I think people tend to overrate the significance of the Farms if you ask me.

It is known to a big chunk of people who do the majority of their socializing on the internet. I am in MMO chatrooms that regularly mention Kiwifarms and otherwise don't do politics much. If you do the majority of your socializing online then you've heard of KF.

TBH, I think anyone other than him at the helm of KF, there wouldn't be a KF. It would've either given into increasing SJW censorship demands long ago, or they would've given up, decided it was too much hassle and moved on to other things. I like the internet better with crazy people like Null on it. I just wish Null himself wasn't so cranky and was happier, is all. I mean, I get that he relishes being able to stick it to the troons and that all the Kiwis get vicarious pleasure from watching him beat them at their own game, but I do wonder if this cat-and-mouse game with the troons is really making him happy at a deeper level. I know a lot of people see Null as a destructive force but my impression of Null is that he's at heart a creative person. Hence why he briefly studied literature and why got into world building at Blockland, that was a kid's creative impulse that was kinda perverted by the social aspect of that forum. Null wants to make things, he definitely sees KF as his creation (there's also something blatantly aesthetic about the presentation of lolcows on KF, like it's "a gallery of fools"), but is this really how he wants to express his creativity? I remember watching Null's programming series on his personal channel and noticing how calm and zoned-out he sounded in those videos. There's something about programming that gets Null to that Zen state that nothing else does. Why can't he put that to better use than just on KF? I even told him something to that effect in an e-mail, and Null being Null I guess he took it as a backhanded insult, but I still wonder what life could be like for him after or past KF.

Null himself may be afraid to confront this question. He's made KF a big part of his identity, on purpose. So what does that mean for himself when the music stops...? We'll find out sooner or later.

So Turkey Tom badly damaged control for Null and its pretty bad :autistic:
Transgender Tom says Kiwifarms is down, which it isn't, and pretends to believe all legal speech should never be removed for any reason. There is no evidence of him defending others this way. As a tranny he likely agrees with policies that remove/ban racism/extremism and he's just defending the website he makes loads of money off of while Josh sacrifices everything. People like Tom should honestly be giving Josh a monthly tithe.
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and pretends to believe all legal speech should never be removed for any reason
Unless Null arbitrarily doesn't like it or doesn't like the user, then its OK to remove anything or ban anyone or make a topic taboo.

Like when he got his panties in a twist and banned saying anything positive about Metokur. I mean, I think his simps are derranged Anne Wilkes types, but you can't cry about hosts no longer wanting to support your doxing (what is even the point of doxing if not to do something with it?) and shooter manifesto website cuz "muh free speech" when you're so petty as to ban positive discussion of someone you're jealous of.

Actually Kiwifarms holding back the forces of internet censorship.
Truly, what would happen to the world if there wasn't a place to archive every post of "Ethan Ralph is fat.", "I hate niggers.", or "Gas the trannies."? Its like the Library of Alexandria!
Your comparison doesn't really hold ground when it comes to KF, because those criminal darknet sites only have a darknet presence, whereas KF is primarily on the clearnet, with the .onion being a backup option.

Another important difference is that criminal sites likely aren't highly interactive in the way that KF is with a million users per month logging in to interact with other users sharing large amounts of content. On the dark, users presumably have some way to contact the site owner off-site (via Telegram or Signal). I have never been on the criminal darknet, but I'd imagine they do not require visitors to log in and interact with other users or the site's owner directly, for the sake of everyone's safety.

You need to compare KF to another website that is both on the clearnet and the darknet, and has a multi-user interactive component. Afterall, the whole point of a cert is to let a user know they're actually where they're supposed to be.
The main difference is that running illegal services on TOR nodes requires that the administrator knows everything about the TOR protocol like the back of their hand. Null can't even get images to show up on his onion node.

Kiwifarms is not associated with any positive connotation. And now Null has openly supported Chirs Chan who raped his mother, there's legitimate reasons for nobody to want to associate with him and the disgusting characters surrounding him. Some people might think it's endearing to call this a sector or whatever they've deluded themselves into believing. At the end of the day kiwifarms is simply a honeypot attracting the grimiest individuals. Calling it an archive doesn't negate that it's full of shit in the literal sense.
Yeah they do. I polled ten normies today. Two recognized the name, specifically as "the stalking and swatting website".

North Americans. None of the over-50 aged normies in the sample recognized the name.
Most people have heard of it in passing from my own observations and they said the same things.
I want to know how they claim kiwi is saving lives when the vast majority of the content on the site is on either online grifters or legit mentally ill people. Let's take Dr. Katherine Horton or Elora snow who has hundreds of pages on her kiwi thread.
Katherine was a highly respected researcher who became schizophrenic sadly and now is trapped in her own delusions but isn't hurting anyone
And Elora is another woman with paranoid schizophrenia.
How is doxing and talking shit about these people at all helpful to society as a whole?
Yeah yeah zoo sadists bad but let's not lie, most of kiwis content is just making fun of people it's not this internet justice site that fights evil all day.
Plus I think the zoo sadists leaks originated from encyclopedia dramatica and was posted on kiwi.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter. The number of convictions that happened after the Kero Zoosadist leaks was negligible. Any idiot pretending to be a vigilante as an excuse to hang out with DarkNinja and other freaks under the guise of justice is full of shit too. kiwifags involving themselves is always motivated by their need for entertainment in various forms of depravity.
Kiwifarms is not responsible for getting any zerosadists arrested. Kero the Wolf is a free man to this day despite all of the "concrete evidence," a thorough police investigation, and it appears he loaned his channel to seperate furry named Radiance. A hispanic guy associated in the zoosdist telegram group simply "disappeared" and Josh and Co. speculated that he was executed. There is no proof he was ever arrested and whoever went on to report the guy to the authorities (it is questionable if that even occurred) never took credit for it. It's all very speculative at best.
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Kiwifarms is not responsible for getting any zerosadists arrested. Kero the Wolf is a free man to this day, Some hispanic guy associated in the telegram group simply "disappeared" and Josh and Co. speculated that he was executed. There is no proof he was ever arrested and whoever went on person to report the guy to the authorities (it is questionable if that even occured) never took credit for it. It's all very speculative.
At least people know who this fucker is due to kiwi farms. i’ve gone to the furry sub from from time to time. there were a few threads that were created, and we’re animals got the justice they deserved. Most of the time people don’t care or realize how is degenerate people can be towards animals not only that most Furries and people like to do animal play seem to be normal folk and realize their not animals and they’re just doing something on the weekends because it’s fun. but there are other Furies to take it too far, and become very aggressive sexually towards other people.
Or at least that’s what I’ve come to notice time and time again when I go to that forum space.


lol Oh, really?


"Insert every lolcow that copied Chris Chan to a tea here"


Is this the type of people that watches Tranny Turkey Tommy boi? A bunch of kids or grown adults that don't know shit about the internet? Null's new girlfriend is pretty sad guys
Kiwifarms is not associated with any positive connotation. And now Null has openly supported Chirs Chan who raped his mother, there's legitimate reasons for nobody to want to associate with him and the disgusting characters surrounding him. Some people might think it's endearing to call this a sector or whatever they've deluded themselves into believing. At the end of the day kiwifarms is simply a honeypot attracting the grimiest individuals. Calling it an archive doesn't negate that it's full of shit in the literal sense.

Sorry, I can’t get my thing out of the quote
OK I’m fucking confused because I remember the whole different thing of what happened. Null has always had a love-hate relationship to the point where null has Chris’s account number with him. However, if I remember correctly, once null found out that Chris Chan stole from his mother while he was on the run from the cops because he was (well someone called the cops on him for having sex with his mother. )That was a big violation of the no contact policy. Null decided to cut ties with Chris Chan completely.
OK I’m fucking confused because I remember the whole different thing of what happened. Null has always had a love-hate relationship to the point where null has Chris’s account number with him. However, if I remember correctly, once null found out that Chris Chan stole from his mother while he was on the run from the cops because he was (well someone called the cops on him for having sex with his mother. )That was a big violation of the no contact policy. Null decided to cut ties with Chris Chan completely.
It isn't a love-hate thing. I would say it's more comparable to a power imbalance and someone using the other for gain and ulterior motives. Null having an obsession with controlling Chris-Chan and having power over his emails. even going so far as to start a fundraiser to get him a hotel isn't out of the goodness of his heart. He wants to own Chris in the same way he wants to own kiwifarms as the only centralized source documenting trainwrecks. It would be like Kengle thinking Mike Thurlow was offering to sweep because he's such a good guy. Look how that turned out.

Null retracting his support of Chris was because he stole from his mother, but not for the moral reasons behind it. It honestly seems like it was more about not wanting to aid Chris in breaking the law. Keep in mind that stealing was the final straw, but not Chris raping a mentally incapacitated woman, his own mother.
Josh cut ties with Chris for the last time not because of the rape, which is when Josh SHOULD have cut ties with him, or because of any theft. In his own words, Josh cut ties with Chris because he lied to his face, then he reported him to police so he'd get in more trouble.
" I just blocked him at that point and I sent an email to the police and I say, 'look, he violated his EPO.' Fuck this. Because he lied to me. He lied to me then, in that conversation." (And let's ignore Josh having access to Chris' personal email account which he likely still has access to.)
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It isn't a love-hate thing. I would say it's more comparable to a power imbalance and someone using the other for gain and ulterior motives. Null having an obsession with controlling Chris-Chan and having power over his emails. even going so far as to start a fundraiser to get him a hotel isn't out of the goodness of his heart. He wants to own Chris in the same way he wants to own kiwifarms as the only centralized source documenting trainwrecks. It would be like Kengle thinking Mike Thurlow was offering to sweep because he's such a good guy. Look how that turned out.

Null retracting his support of Chris was because he stole from his mother, but not for the moral reasons behind it. It honestly seems like it was more about not wanting to aid Chris in breaking the law. Keep in mind that stealing was the final straw, but not Chris raping a mentally incapacitated woman, his own mother.
Mike Thurlow made mistakes on the forum because he did not have the in-depth knowledge that for example a developer or programmer on Upwork would have. His intentions for the most part were not malicious and yes he did a lot for the forum. I would be less than honest to admit otherwise. But there was a personality clash with other staff as well as personal issues on discord and we came to a conclusion it was best to part ways.
Josh cut ties with Chris for the last time not because of the rape, which is when Josh SHOULD have cut ties with him, or because of any theft. In his own words, Josh cut ties with Chris because he lied to his face, then he reported him to police so he'd get in more trouble.
" I just blocked him at that point and I sent an email to the police and I say, 'look, he violated his EPO.' Fuck this. Because he lied to me. He lied to me then, in that conversation." (And let's ignore Josh having access to Chris' personal email account which he likely still has access to.)
I'm listening to this again, and it's very weird. First, Josh says Chris, a severely autistic and deranged man, lied to him because what Chris calls "blessings" he means wiring money to himself from Barb. Secondly, Josh claims Chris violated the EPO and committed property theft. Chris admits that he has not in contact Barb and sent her money to himself with the intention to pay it back (with the money Josh would send him)." Could Chris have been lying about paying her back? Possibly, but there is no direct lie or theft here. Chris has likely wired himself money from Barb previously if he has access to her bank account. Was it theft all those times too or is it only theft now because of the EPO? It's not very clear.

The specific Virginia EPO conditions (not every condition seems to be a part of every single EPO):
1. Emergency Protective Orders (EPO)
A law enforcement officer or the abused person may petition for (request) an EPO. This order will most likely be requested by a law enforcement officer if an arrest has been made or if the officer finds that there is probable danger of further acts of family abuse, or violence, force or threat. An EPO can only be issued by a magistrate or a judge. The person being abused can also petition for an EPO at the magistrate’s office, even if an arrest has not been made. An EPO lasts for 72 hours or until the next session of court, whichever is later. The date and time the EPO ends can be found on the order.

In order to protect your health and safety, an EPO, in all cases, can impose the following conditions on the respondent (abuser):
✦ Prohibiting all contacts by the respondent with the victim or the victim’s family or household members;
✦ Prohibiting acts of violence, force, or threat or criminal offenses resulting in injury to person or property;
✦ Possession of a companion animal if the petitioner meets the definition of owner (See Code of Virginia §3.2-6500) and;
✦ Other conditions the judge or magistrate deems necessary to protect you and family/household members.

In cases of family abuse, an EPO can also:
✦ Grant temporary possession of the residence to family/household members.
Null having an obsession with controlling Chris-Chan and having power over his emails. even going so far as to start a fundraiser to get him a hotel isn't out of the goodness of his heart.
The money Null was going to give Chris for a hotel was from the money which had been raised to send Chris to the con (which clearly wasn't going to happen at that point).
It isn't a love-hate thing. I would say it's more comparable to a power imbalance and someone using the other for gain and ulterior motives. Null having an obsession with controlling Chris-Chan and having power over his emails. even going so far as to start a fundraiser to get him a hotel isn't out of the goodness of his heart. He wants to own Chris in the same way he wants to own kiwifarms as the only centralized source documenting trainwrecks. It would be like Kengle thinking Mike Thurlow was offering to sweep because he's such a good guy. Look how that turned out.

Null retracting his support of Chris was because he stole from his mother, but not for the moral reasons behind it. It honestly seems like it was more about not wanting to aid Chris in breaking the law. Keep in mind that stealing was the final straw, but not Chris raping a mentally incapacitated woman, his own mother.
I had a same feeling with Josh's "help" with Chris. Especially when it came to financial matters. He suggested Chris make his silly knick knacks for money, which 1) Chris MUST report those earnings to Social Security, which he near certainly never did, which threatens the Tugboat. 2) that's very short-term and uncertain income, even if Chris had any consistent work ethic. Chris has never needed more money, he needed to learn how to stop wasting his money on toys.

Then there's all the donation shit which he encouraged, and that spread throughout the forum as then Josh had to side with other e-beggars as always Josh makes everything revolve around himself and then all his bootlickers derail everything.

And, yes, Josh was still helping Chris after he knew he raped Barb.