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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
By TERF do we mean "Eggless Wallclingers who hate Trannies because the troons are getting their gubs now"? You can't avoid angering the Terfen, they are the mothers of the troons. If you don't capitulate everything always there will be spaghetti. This is what happens when you start to depend on the grift. When paypiggies hold their ninjaghinis over your head. Many such sad cases.
Yes, those ones, but really any of the female users would fit into that group too. Null has said he considers the Beauty Parlor to be the only board to remind him of the "original" Kiwi Farms, so he does his best to avoid bothering them.
"original" Kiwi Farms
Are we talking about the time before he came along and fucked the site?

BP reminds me of the amusing irony of "Internet Kultur", for years bints have complained how much shit women get online, and how porn is making men oppress them. BP shows it's women who hate women most. Who are the most skitzo nutters around here? Ash and Elaine.

Perhaps LCF are slowly trying to annex the Kwiffarland...
Yes, those ones
I remember I once had a post of mine vote-raided in the Trannie Social Media thread by an army of TERF socks. All these 0 post, 0 vote accounts that were seemingly only activated just to downvote my post one post that had pissed off some of the TERFs in that thread. They were downvoting my post for weeks, so clearly they had sent one another a direct link to my post with the instructions to downvote that specific post. I of course kept a list of those accounts. Also I started receiving DMs from Kiwis who agreed with my post and said that the same thing had happened to them: they posted one thing that angered the TERFs on KF and instantly got raided and vote-bombed by them. I screengrabbed some of those DMs as well. Needless to say, I never told the moderators or Null about this incident, because what the fuck were they gonna do, join in? I should do a post about this incident sometime with a list of the accounts and the DMs I got.
I remember I once had a post of mine vote-raided in the Trannie Social Media thread by an army of TERF socks. All these 0 post, 0 vote accounts that were seemingly only activated just to downvote my post one post that had pissed off some of the TERFs in that thread. They were downvoting my post for weeks, so clearly they had sent one another a direct link to my post with the instructions to downvote that specific post. I of course kept a list of those accounts. Also I started receiving DMs from Kiwis who agreed with my post and said that the same thing had happened to them: they posted one thing that angered the TERFs on KF and instantly got raided and vote-bombed by them. I screengrabbed some of those DMs as well. Needless to say, I never told the moderators or Null about this incident, because what the fuck were they gonna do, join in? I should do a post about this incident sometime with a list of the accounts and the DMs I got.
yes, drop the dm's and lets see the list of conspirators.
Only jewsh would be retarded enough to make the reply and quote buttons unusable by greying them out and calling it a new feature.

With some kind of autistic process he introduced to replace them in an announcement he made within the last few weeks. He truly is trying to kill the site.
I remember I once had a post of mine vote-raided in the Trannie Social Media thread by an army of TERF socks. All these 0 post, 0 vote accounts that were seemingly only activated just to downvote my post one post that had pissed off some of the TERFs in that thread. They were downvoting my post for weeks, so clearly they had sent one another a direct link to my post with the instructions to downvote that specific post. I of course kept a list of those accounts. Also I started receiving DMs from Kiwis who agreed with my post and said that the same thing had happened to them: they posted one thing that angered the TERFs on KF and instantly got raided and vote-bombed by them. I screengrabbed some of those DMs as well. Needless to say, I never told the moderators or Null about this incident, because what the fuck were they gonna do, join in? I should do a post about this incident sometime with a list of the accounts and the DMs I got.
Its called reddit farms for a reason.

I also encountered that kind of mass downvoting a few times on there but not over anything political. Just simply disagreeing with evidence against whatever virtue signaling narrative they were shilling in a schizocow thread when the cow in question really does deserve the mockery and infamy they garnered over the years. Then got my only threadban over it that lasted a few days.

“Free speech” Reddit Farms. The newfags and their billion sleeper accounts don’t even laugh at lolcows there anymore.

The schizocow in question still sends suicide and death threats to random artists and companies alike to this day btw. The Kiwis would simply want you to feel pity for them instead of documenting and laughing indirectly.

Meanwhile jewsh has a whole section dedicated to lolsuits.

Really tells you much about the userbase jewsh wants on his site when a janny will throw a random temp threadban over disagreeing with a narrative like that.
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AFAIK, this is the only "evidence" that Null has provided of him being in Belgrade in all of 3 years of living in Serbia:

That's ONE single picture of some pigeons on a balcony with a blurry Belgrade skyline in the background. Null himself is nowhere to be seen within the frame of this picture, but apparently this single picture counts as evidence that he was really truly there. BTW, he claims he now no longer lives at that apartment block so please don't do any weird architectural forensics like they always do on KF, trying to determine the location and then go looking for him there.

I bet I could hire a professional photographer in Dalian, China to shoot a picture of some local birds on a balcony with the Dalian skyline in the background, then have them give that picture to Null so he can use it for his Stack Overflow account where he claims to live in Dalian, LMAO!

AFAIK, this is the only video footage that Null posted of himself in Serbia. A shot of Null's feet stepping on a scale to record his weight loss progress:

Why do people consider this to be sufficient evidence of anything?
(edited chatlogs for brevity) Someone tells Null that if he goes to Chile, Cockroach Red Pill will put him out of his misery (how's that for a John McAfee-esque plot twist) and Null just says "sweet release"... what's going on here? 🤨 Null sounded so happy last week:


Oh I see, Null is pissed off because Kiwis keep getting error pages despite his KiwiFlare efforts, "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try":


Null did not manage to shake and make up with his friend, so there's that too adding to his woes this week:


So I decided to look up this Curitiba place in Brazil that Null wants to move to... and lo behold, it's a majority white city and Brazil's second largest tech hub, with very moderate temperatures and plenty of Italians:

According to the 2010 IBGE Census, 1,678,965 people resided in the city of Curitiba.[45] The census revealed 1,381,938 White people (78.9%), 294,127 Pardo (Multiracial) people (16.8%), 49,978 Afro-Brazilian people (2.9%), 23,138 Asian people (1.4%), 2,693 Amerindian people (0.2%).[46]

In 2010, Curitiba was Brazil's 8th most populous city.[47]

In 2010, the city had 359,201 opposite-sex couples and 974 same-sex couples. The population of Curitiba was 52.3% female and 47.7% male.[46]

As with most of Southern Brazil's population, Curitiba is mostly inhabited by European descendants. The first Europeans to arrive were of Portuguese origin, during the 17th century. They intermarried with the native people and with the African slaves.[48]
Italian immigrants started arriving in Brazil in 1875 and in Curitiba in 1878, coming mainly from the Veneto and Trento regions of Northern Italy. They settled mostly in the Santa Felicidade neighborhood, still a centre of the Italian community.[51]
Curitiba is the second pole on technological innovation in Brazil, according to IPEA (Applied Economic Research Institute).

Now let's find a photographer in Curitiba to take a picture of some local birds on a balcony to help Null along with his Brazilian move LARP:

Hi there, I am looking for a photographer in Curitiba who is able to take a picture of some local birds on a residential balcony with the Curitiba urban skyline visible in the background. The photograph should preferably look like the one depicted in this video. The birds do not have to be pigeons like in this example. In fact, if you can take a shot with a local species of birds that Europeans are unfamiliar with, that would make the picture even better. It doesn't have to look very professional, it should look like a picture that any amateur photographer could've taken on their smartphone.

Anyone here know Portuguese?