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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
janny moon: don't give twitter trannies attention.
also janny moon: makes entire podcast episodes dedicated to twitter trannies.
Josh is the definition of a Hypocrite. It's ONLY O.K. when HE does something he told other people not to do.

He's no diferent than the people he /pol/ spergs about in chat and in the forum threads he likes to involve himself into when no one asked for his oppinion.
I know Zed uncovered his name change to James Potter but I don't think these have been posted before.
Speaking of Zed what happened between him and Josh, I know there was a falling out but never got the details.
Zed kept asking if wearing jackets is metrosexual.
Josh got tired of him and decided to teabag and BRAAAP him to death. A technique he learned from the fatties he feeds.

An eco-friendly version of Zyklon B.
Josh might not earn as much as Keffals, but I’m still sure he has a generous income with donations.

I mean sure the site doesn’t have ads, and he was banned from every payment and bank service, but there is a lot of internet to keep Kiwifarms alive.

A lol of it is hate. Threads are maintained by A-logs that will keep donating money to him to keep shit talking against their enemies And groups they hate like Keffals. I guess the crowd that wants free speech and laugh must donate to him too.

Maybe less so.
The same Joshy who boasted about blocking several hundred temporary e-mail domains a few years ago, today he's calling his forum's users retards for signing up with their real e-mails. Has there been anyone in his life who he hasn't left out to dry?
People who signed up with their real emails are retards.

The point was not to use a burner account because you wouldn't be able to recover your account if you did and if Josh sent out an email to all members (I can't recall this ever happening) you wouldn't get it.