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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Between this and the wall of text that he and his lawyer spammed at the federal court in the Melinda Scott suit this week, Null sure is showing himself to be quite the legal mastermind.

Emailing the police about someone "harassing" them is almost as epic as that Roy Philipose dude who forwarded a shitpost email to the FBI as "evidence of harassment" (archive). I wonder if Josh even sent the email.
I'm good at calling bluffs.

Null bluffed on calling the cops just to try and spook Kengle. He fears Onionfarms like it's a boogieman.
I went to the Warwick Police Station in Apponaug right off of Route 5. I introduced myself and asked the woman at the front desk if there were any police reports that had been filed on me by someone online by the name of Joshua Connor Moon. She checked on the computer and came back to me. Nothing.
yes, i featured my own thread.

Null is losing his shit in the Melinda forum.
Null finally banned her. About fucking time. Most of that thread was unreadable. She'll probably sock a few more times to get back on there, but the fact that Josh was allowing someone who was actively suing him over and over to be on that forum was stupid as fuck any way you look at it. Oh well. T&H will give him money anyway, so no big loss there.
Null finally banned her. About fucking time. Most of that thread was unreadable. She'll probably sock a few more times to get back on there, but the fact that Josh was allowing someone who was actively suing him over and over to be on that forum was stupid as fuck any way you look at it. Oh well. T&H will give him money anyway, so no big loss there.
I know for a fact she will sock.
There's a new article on him in Encyclopedia Dramatica: Joshua Moon ED Article. (

Null (Joshua Conner Moon; the other known aliases are IbanZ, Iban, ichverbot) - owner of Kiwi Farms and 16chan, Blockland troll, pedophile, self-proclaimed lolcow, internet tough guy, web developer, high school dropout, nihilistic autist, jew, scam-artist, boyfriend of Chris-chan and potential mass shooter.
Josh Moon first came to attention when he offered to co-admin the CWCki Forums (now Kiwi Farms), giving out his email and doxxing himself in the process. Infamy soon followed when users quickly noticed that Josh could be easily baited into responding in emotionally charged and humorous ways. Eventually he was put under investigation where his embarrassing internet history was exposed for all to see including making rape threads and possible rape attempts directed at a number of his forum users.
His crown achievement was somehow convincing Fredrick Brennan of 8chan that he's the man to take his site to the next level, but instead spending the next few months making a crippled man in a wheelchair act as his personal autism caretaker/drug supplier while he pretended to write code but instead sat around abusing his mod privs to ban and dox anyone who made fun of him on /v/. For this dubious pleasure he billed Hotwheelz 12k, and when the code didn't work tried to claim ownership of 8chan and then just fucked off.

Joshua Conner Moon is a neko shota addict who scammed a meme website out of $12,000 so that he could feel superior to a cripple and fuck with people who called him mean names now that he can no longer leak their IPs.

Born in the United States, Josh started a pattern of failure which continues to this day when he failed to complete high school. At age 18 Josh began working for an internet business in Australia and lasted an entire four years before he was fired for blowing off work too often. His employers described his coding skills as "adequate", but they recommended he not interact directly with customers.
In 2015 Josh fled to the Philippines, having conned Fredrick "HotWheels" Brennan into paying him to code the Infinity software upgrades for 8chan. Unfortunately Josh wildly over promised features well beyond his limited coding capabilities, and fell behind schedule within in the first month. When Josh attempted to actually *migrate* 8chan to his new shitty codebase, it utterly failed because he didn't think he needed to test his new shiny code on an actual production sized dataset, like a shitty junior developer learns on the first day. So copypastethe generous 8chan community just spent 12 grand on something that doesn't even work for his needs, gg.
Apparently he made quite a name for himself on the forums for Blockland, which is kind of like Minecraft with Lego men. There's a 121-page thread about his antics. He is one of the most infamous players of all time for that shitty game, and there have been thousands of trolls / autists drama'd on that game's shitty site, so that's saying something.
The following events happened on the Blockland Forums, which are infamous on the internet for the amount of trolls, autists, and retards flocking around the site. Iban was a notable problem user who has been banned Over 9000 times, and to this day, is still one of the most infamous autists in the game's history.
According to one member, known as Stocking:

He kept pestering me for my address saying he wanted to visit me, and for the next like two weeks leading up to his roadtrip he bugged me non-stop about my address and said I wouldn't give it to him because I thought he was a rapist. Then he said he'd find my address anyways and rape me before he killed himself. So I guess I dodged a bullet.

He drinks litres of soda to day and eats junk food on a daily basis. Why is it everyone on the cwcki forums is almost exactly like the lolcow they like to mock
"Q: What's the hardest thing to find in a fast-food restaurant on nightshift? A: A pair of eyes that are not bloodshot. I've never seen so many people stoned out of their mind in my life."
"Arrrgghhh! My sleep schedule is screwed over so badly right now. I might run out to Walmart for ten liters of magic, happiness, and aspartame."
"Coinstar Income: $28.51. Tacobell and a Haircut: $24.11. -- Life is hard."
"I went to Tacobell yesterday. In the 10 minutes I was inside, it went from crystal clear sunny blue day to an absolute downpour and my two XL work shirts got soaked. The only size they had spare were medium, so I used one of them. It fit. Kickin' rad."
Null has recently quit the Cwcki because he is tired of getting harassed and stalked. He enabled premium features on the Cwcki Forums and then stormed off, but not before saying goodbye to his British bitch, Melchett. his tantrum is available here:[1]
Although he hasn't really quit. He imposed premium features as a "tax" for his time because both the people on his forum and the rest of the internet make fun of him. Now he just hides behind his administrators and refuses to give them full access to the forums because he knows they'd get rid of him the first chance they get.
Null has also reduced himself to the role of a middleman on his own forums so he likely didn't think this plan through.
The plot thickens when it was revealed Nool also takes money from ad revenue from the forums. Lying to the userbase with his claim that donations would be the "sole payment for the site". He's been sitting on 320$ that he's already conned from the userbase, which has also raised the base cost of running it. So not only could just ad revenue alone pay for the site, but donations are basically unnecessary and will only fuel his daily 8 liters of coke zero. Essentially the greedy fuck is hiding himself from everyone while taking their money at the same time like the dirty jew he is.
In 2015, Josh got hired to create the next version of 8chan, which was literally called Infinity Next. Of course, he didn't actually have the skill or knowledge to create imageboard software. The only reason he got the job in the first place was because he was best friends with Hotwheels. After he got the job, he moved to the Philippines and begged people for money, and the retards on 8chan (primarily /v/) gave it to him. $12,000 to be exact. He worked on Next for several months, and when he finally revealed it to the public, everyone realized it was a steaming turd. Not only did Next look like it was designed by a newfag who didn't understand why imageboards were designed the way they were, but it was also just as unstable as 8chan's current software and was full of security holes. Josh tried to migrate 8chan over to Next. Twice. He failed. Twice. After desperately trying to polish his turd for several weeks, Josh threw in the towel and Hotwheels kicked him off the site.
Shortly after Josh was kicked off, Hotwheels did a little stream regarding the recent turn of events, mentioning things such as: "The only way forward for 8chan is without Josh." "Josh has a huge persecution complex" "Josh said 'I'm afraid Jim [the owner of 2ch] is gonna kill me, because he owns a pig farm, and people who own pig farms, they feed dead people to them.'"
You heard that, Josh is genuinely afraid of pigs. Maybe he's Muslim?
On Jul 11, 2018 Null has been trying to fight off Christian Weston Chandler's trolls since he wants CWC to be his property and not the property of what he refers to as Idea Guys. The Idea Guys were a group of faggots from /pol/ who lured Chris to their Discord only to exploit him in unfunny ways. Null has been trying to weaponize the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and various law enforcement agencies as if they are his personal army in order to get these people in jail, but without any success. Ever since the Idea Guys have extorted Chris-Chan for money illegally, people on the Kiwi Farms are unable to troll Chris as long as they are not part of Null's inner circle. Null has gone from CWC's biggest troll stalker/admirer to his friend lover in a matter of weeks causing butthurt to all weens and A-Logs (no) causing his rectum to prolapse and Chris his anus to pucker longingly for Joshua. For whatever reason CWCki is sucking Null's cock mighty hard on their page about him and his recent on-goings with Chris, and doesn't mention anything about his more than shady past.
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It sounds like someone's been feeding Chris "information" on Joshua Moon, and it's being mixed up with Chris's head canon. Given Josh's long list of enemies, it could be anyone (Samuel C. Smith probably has a hand in this, and maybe others close to him), but would it really surprise anyone at this point if Josh was skimming off the top of those CWC donations?
Actually I did encourage him to open up on his impressions with Joshua Moon, but I did not feed CWC info on Null. I got a little over enthusiastic with the prophet Muhammad and CWC asked me to tone it down. As for skimming off the top or not, I don't know. Come to think of it, I may put this off until I get the rollback issue fixed. This was from a very large letter that I wrote him on yellow legal paper. I thought the letter had been confiscated by the guards because maybe there was a policy that incoming letters had to be written on white standard letter sized paper.
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