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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

1:01:38 lol
"You can't have coomers posting revenge porn"
I'll have Josh know that I never coomed to the atrocities I leaked
he also mentioned banned users and a portion of chat went "free my nigga @Emperesa / @Emperessa
was funny he talked about the new a&h mod and wondered "why did this user avoid me?" with no irony or awareness as per usual.
Your chance to get your socks unbanned or maybe not :


Your chance to get your socks unbanned or maybe not :

View attachment 13123

No. The first thing that will happen is any potential members will simply run over to Lolcow, CWCki Club, the Metokur forums or back to Kiwifarms. Our competitors don't charge. There is a way to monetize this but at this point we don't have the userbase. Null is making these changes because in all likelihood he is now taking these splinter forums as serious competition.
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I have come to the conclusion that Josh's hatred for Japan comes from when he was there and trying to talk about how great China is to them where the Japanese then promptly bullied him

No. The first thing that will happen is any potential members will simply run over to Lolcow, CWCki Club, the Metokur forums or back to Kiwifarms. Our competitors don't charge. There is a way to monetize this but at this point we don't have the userbase. Null is making these changes because in all likelihood he is now taking these splinter forums as serious competition.
As someone that lurked here for a bit I see a few things that make this site not the most appealing. KF's Highlight system is very nice and would have saved me time from reading the 149 pages. The userbase is small enough that you could probably have a Janny manually tag post as highlights instead of trying to develop something.
2 the UI feels old which is cozy to some but will push away some.
3 This site is the outlier of the above sites; KF is considered the goto and even some normie women know about it cause of the dream dox but more importantly everyone knows KF due to its reputation, CWICKI club is probably the next less known to us and i will not comment on it, Lolcow is considered the splinter site and has more name recognizability, Metokur fourms are shilled by MetokurFembot on every Jim stream and on anystream he can.

I think this sites biggest strengths and weakness is you have EX KF people here or people who I would consider the most Critical of Josh or the site without making shit up or trying to pull up the usual accusations against the site.
:story: (for those playing along at home this is after the public failure of infinity next Sneedforo)

nobody holds my reigns anymore. i am one step in the grave now. i could live like this for the rest of my life. the great thing about open source projects is that you don't have to worry about what happens to it once you're gone. i can't say the same for my other projects. i have a bit of a cult of personality on my forum and nobody really shares the same vision as i do, which has reared it from a community of a few dozen to a few thousand. if i disappeared, it would undoubtedly die and split apart into a bunch of different communities.

i'll admit this month i have been very depressed. i don't talk about personal affects very often because i'm more comfortable being seen as an emotionless psychopath, but for years i have known this young lady and i've spent about a quarter of my life talking to her online as on-and-off friends and even romantic partners in the last 2 years. she is the smartest person i've ever met and i feel truly humbled when i speak to her. she joined the navy as a nuclear engineer and is being assigned an aircraft carrier shortly. i've stopped talking to her because she is emotionally abusive, but i still love her, and i've loved her for years. i'm pretty sure she loves me, but she's so wretched when she wants to be. i cannot allow our arguments to affect me and distract me.

when i decided to stop talking to her i felt fine. it was the right decision and i know it is. but weeks later it's finally struck me, like a wound that doesn't hurt until you see it. with all the drama with isis and the chinese maritime conflicts i worry that in the next decade her vessel will be put to use. a brain full of nuclear secrets would be a valuable asset to the red chinese and they would undoubtedly torture her. isis uses female pows as rape toys and wive, or they just decapitate them. i worry about her and every time i hear something about terrorism or the military i start worrying. she's basically the closest i've ever been with a person.

even if i could stop worrying, the double edge is that by rejecting her i am now in a position where i know i will never find a replacement. i cannot replace someone i've known for 5 years, someone who is extremely attractive and physically and mentally fit. i can only find substitutes, and i think i'd rather be alone than with a second option. i'd rather just work.
Josh has so many projects i forget what infinity next was lmao. I dont know what service contracts are like but its very probably that she is coming up on the end of hers or could be very soon. Could be Josh's chance to get some.

Speaking of idk if I read it earlier here or somewhere else but isn't there speculation that Josh has a GF now or did and that a lot of his mid stream interruptions was her going to ask him/tell him something. This could also explain why hes staying overseas if he is there and he could be trying to get a Visa for this supposed GF.
Josh has so many projects i forget what infinity next was lmao. I dont know what service contracts are like but its very probably that she is coming up on the end of hers or could be very soon. Could be Josh's chance to get some.

Speaking of idk if I read it earlier here or somewhere else but isn't there speculation that Josh has a GF now or did and that a lot of his mid stream interruptions was her going to ask him/tell him something. This could also explain why hes staying overseas if he is there and he could be trying to get a Visa for this supposed GF.
people have joked about him dating overmom (one of his long-time mods for his old MATI discord and YT channel).
however, im not certain if she is the same rumored german gf.
Sure there, buddy? Sure about you trying to help the mommy fucker? You weren't just trying to exploit him?
I do think Josh is autistic enough that he would try and help Chris because he does have a weird loyalty to Chris in that Chris is the reason Null is where he is in life.

Think that he also knew the Geno documentary was getting closer and closer to present and wanted to appear charitable/nice. Also there was speculation on 4chan for a bit that GS was Donating a decent amount of cash to KF in some weird arrangement with Null. Also anyone else Think Genos time on the idea guys seemed super short and left Alot out, like ALOT ALOT
before american hedgehog gave wct screencaps of me talking about cwcs mental state, when null was in the server with us tryna help cwc he showed me some undiscoevreed lore.
he has made cwc offers before.
Love how Dyn can just shoot fat loads on Josh's face and Josh has to just take it like a little bitch because he's running out of oldfags to ban, if they haven't left themselves that is. Let's not forget how Zed was banned for mocking Cody Wilson's (convicted pedophile) metrosexual jacket.
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