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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh helping Chris plan his trip to Seattle is just amazing. So KF has gone from “no trolling plans” to “don’t touch the poop” to “okay I’m a lolcow’s personal assistant now because my site needs traffic.”
The one time I ever piss off Null was when he wanted countries that allow his site there in case of Biden shutting down his site and I suggested South America and North Korea and he got mad over it. Almost like he wants to murder me for it. It was in DMs but I posted it in a thread asking how come Null got mad and most users were roasting me for it. :/

I believe people know what I'm talking about if you find my comment on the kiwi. It's screencapped of course.


From my old username but it's weird seeing him this mad but then again I wasn't trying to troll him I just suggested countries that could work. I guess this could count as one of his ragequit moments. :/
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These are older assorted articles on the internet about Kiwifarms owner Josh Moon

Kiwifarms Wiki by Matt Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)

New Project 2 - It Was MHN Not Leopirate by Matt Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)

Joshua Conner Moon and Kiwifarms on RationalWiki

Joshua Conner Moon - Left at the Lights by Sam Ambreen

Joshua Conner Moon and Child Pornography by Matt Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)

Joshua Conner Moon and the Christchurch Massacre: Sydney Morning Herald

Joshua Conner Moon at IMDB

Joshua Conner Moon response to NZ Police request to surrender data after Christchurch shooting

Joshua Conner Moon's nervous breakdown when he was put in that position after harassment by Matt Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)

Joshua Conner Moon : Urban Dictionary

Another article on Joshua Conner Moon cursing at NZ Police after Christchurch shooting
Is it just me, or is Null acting really weird over the whole ILJ thing? He talks about how he doesn't want to talk about it on his MATI podcast and won't post about it on the forums beyond the generic "nothing is going to happen to her" posts (which I do think is the most likely outcome). However, there's an entire autistic containment zone subforum on his own site dedicated to the whole thing, and people are allowed to discuss it openly (conjecture, accusations, a-logging, and all). If there were truly fear of reprisal from the glowies, I could see it being a thread or two at most, or simply blocked from discussion altogether.

Maybe it's because Section 230 allows the users to say whatever they want with the understanding that if the glowies do start throwing suits around, the users will be the ones dealing with the fallout and not Null, whereas Null himself can't claim that protection because he is the site owner. It's just odd all around, especially considering that this is the same guy who told off that New Zealand cop over the Christchurch info request ("faggot law", "fuck you and fuck your shithole country") just two years ago, but now suddenly he cares a great deal about potential legal consequences when it's a lolcow coming from an American family with some level of government ties. Hmm...

Of course, I'm sure if you asked Null, he'd probably call you a retarded faggot and ban you from his site. Such is life.
Josh helping Chris plan his trip to Seattle is just amazing. So KF has gone from “no trolling plans” to “don’t touch the poop” to “okay I’m a lolcow’s personal assistant now because my site needs traffic.”
I bet he's absolutely livid that his primary lolcow is going to be out of the loop for the foreseeable future, whether or not he's actually found guilty. I doubt that Chris will actually get prison time either way, no matter how deserving he may be.

I bet a handful of C-Quarters that he's still completely clueless about how serious his situation is.
You need a core group of lolcows rather than throwing your eggs in one basket. Chris will probably sent to a secure treatment facility instead of prison. And I am sure one of the conditions of his treatment plan will be to cut any ties directly or indirectly with Kiwifarms.
You need a core group of lolcows rather than throwing your eggs in one basket. Chris will probably sent to a secure treatment facility instead of prison. And I am sure one of the conditions of his treatment plan will be to cut any ties directly or indirectly with Kiwifarms.

I'd even take it a bit further and say that the court will order him not to interact with the Internet at all unsupervised/unmonitored - possibly indefinitely. This is probably in their best interest so that whatever treatment that Chris gets can work effectively without getting derailed by a new Idea Guy or some other group of clown shoes (take your pick for an example - there have been several over the last 15 years).

Even if Null decides (like usual) that he knows more than all of the people who are in agreement with him finally ending all support for Chris and tries to help again, there will probably be an additional court order in place specifically to prohibit that (as you said). Chris has proven for decades that Chris cannot be trusted to make decisions any more than you would trust a spoiled 10 year old child to do it. No matter how outwardly altruistic the "help" may appear to be, it's way too much effort for Chris's new tard wrangler (whoever that ends up being) to figure out whether it's 100% genuine or some troll wannabe trying to get into Christory, so a blanket "no contact whatsoever" order solves that issue.
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I'd even take it a bit further and say that the court will order him not to interact with the Internet at all unsupervised/unmonitored - possibly indefinitely. This is probably in their best interest so that whatever treatment that Chris gets can work effectively without getting derailed by a new Idea Guy or some other group of clown shoes (take your pick for an example - there have been several over the last 15 years).

Even if Null decides (like usual) that he knows more than all of the people who are in agreement with him finally ending all support for Chris and tries to help again, there will probably be an additional court order in place specifically to prohibit that (as you said). Chris has proven for decades that Chris cannot be trusted to make decisions any more than you would trust a spoiled 10 year old child to do it. No matter how outwardly altruistic the "help" may appear to be, it's way too much effort for Chris's new tard wrangler (whoever that ends up being) to figure out whether it's 100% genuine or some troll wannabe trying to get into Christory, so a blanket "no contact whatsoever" order solves that issue.
This Idea Guy thing has never sat right with me from day one.. I can't prove it but there were possible indicators that Null may have had dirty hands in this.
This Idea Guy thing has never sat right with me from day one.. I can't prove it but there were possible indicators that Null may have had dirty hands in this.
I'm curious to hear your thoughts about what role you saw Null playing in it. I was a KF/CWC lurker back then, and looking back on it now, it does seem that a lot of the effort to reveal the Idea Guys and get the law involved was Null putting up a front to look like a concerned citizen more than anything else. It certainly can't be ruled out; by 2018, Null's reputation had long since been irreparably tarnished in a lot of communities. What better way to look like a misunderstood savior than to out those dang dirty Idea Guys and save Chris, AND buy back some of the goodwill that Null had pissed away over the years, in one fell swoop?

He probably knew that the FBI and local cops were not going to do anything to these guys, and they were just a couple of dumb kids jockeying for a place in Christory, so Null throwing them under the bus for some free, no-questions-asked asspats is certainly not out of the question. Then again, they really were doing some foul shit to Chris, so someone needed to blow the whistle on that whole thing anyway.

It does seem like Null knew more than he ever let on, though. Again, curious to hear what you deduced from it.
One of the Idea Guys Stephen Boyd was from Sheperdsville, KY in Bullitt County. Why didn't Null contact the District Attorney of Bullitt County, KY or the Sheriff's Office of Bullitt County? Boyd lived in KY not Greene County, VA. The Greene County Sheriff's Office wouldn't have any jurisdiction to have Boyd arrested. Null was aware of this when he contacted the Greene County Sheriff's Office. The second reason is a bit more complex. I messaged Null when he had control of CWC's email and suggested pursuing this as a civil matter ( consulting with an attorney in Virginia who was also licensed to practice in Kentucky) and go after Boyd legally via the court system in Kentucky. Null told me in effect to get lost.
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One of the Idea Guys Stephen Boyd was from Sheperdsville, KY in Bullitt County. Why didn't Null contact the District Attorney of Bullitt County, KY or the Sheriff's Office of Bullitt County? Boyd lived in KY not Greene County, VA. The Greene County Sheriff's Office wouldn't have any jurisdiction to have Boyd arrested. Null was aware of this when he contacted the Greene County Sheriff's Office.
I don't recall him ever saying anything about talking to Bullitt County, KY. He said he contacted the FBI and Greene County, VA, and both times it went nowhere. Of course - the FBI isn't going to bother with a relatively small case where the damages are only $6,000, and as you said, a county in Virginia doesn't have jurisdiction over a perpetrator in Kentucky.

The second reason is a bit more complex. I messaged Null when he had control of CWC's email and suggested pursuing this as a civil matter ( consulting with an attorney in Virginia who was also licensed to practice in Kentucky) and go after Boyd legally via the court system in Kentucky. Null told me in effect to get lost.
He's nothing if not consistent! I have seen the screenshot of that conversation, maybe even earlier in this thread. He probably didn't like the fact that you pointed up something he hadn't done or thought of first. He really is that petty.

So at the very least, Null was involved as far as virtue signalling to make it seem like he was doing a good turn for Chris by helping the other Guard Dogs to get the Idea Guys out. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if Null knew the identity of at least Joshua Wise long before those dox dropped in January 2018. By the time Stephen Boyd got doxxed, Null was already in a very comfortable position with Chris, and it was all by virtue of being in the right place at the right time. Well... at least on an on-again/off-again basis until Chris did the thing a few weeks ago. :cry:
I don't recall him ever saying anything about talking to Bullitt County, KY. He said he contacted the FBI and Greene County, VA, and both times it went nowhere. Of course - the FBI isn't going to bother with a relatively small case where the damages are only $6,000, and as you said, a county in Virginia doesn't have jurisdiction over a perpetrator in Kentucky.

He's nothing if not consistent! I have seen the screenshot of that conversation, maybe even earlier in this thread. He probably didn't like the fact that you pointed up something he hadn't done or thought of first. He really is that petty.

So at the very least, Null was involved as far as virtue signalling to make it seem like he was doing a good turn for Chris by helping the other Guard Dogs to get the Idea Guys out. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if Null knew the identity of at least Joshua Wise long before those dox dropped in January 2018. By the time Stephen Boyd got doxxed, Null was already in a very comfortable position with Chris, and it was all by virtue of being in the right place at the right time. Well... at least on an on-again/off-again basis until Chris did the thing a few weeks ago. :cry:
In order to get a conviction in a criminal case you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty. This is a very tough bar to clear - over 90% Certainty. In a civil case such as suing someone you only need to prove with a preponderance of evidence (over 50% certainty) that the other party wronged you. This is because in a criminal conviction you can lose your liberty, civil rights, even your life (i.e. the death penalty). In a civil case you can lose only money.
This Idea Guy thing has never sat right with me from day one.. I can't prove it but there were possible indicators that Null may have had dirty hands in this.
One of the Idea Guys Stephen Boyd was from Sheperdsville, KY in Bullitt County. Why didn't Null contact the District Attorney of Bullitt County, KY or the Sheriff's Office of Bullitt County?
Because null has the Fed's on speed-dial from when Vordrak called in bomb threats and school shooting threats in his name.
Boyd lived in KY not Greene County, VA. The Greene County Sheriff's Office wouldn't have any jurisdiction to have Boyd arrested. Null was aware of this when he contacted the Greene County Sheriff's Office. The second reason is a bit more complex. I messaged Null when he had control of CWC's email and suggested pursuing this as a civil matter ( consulting with an attorney in Virginia who was also licensed to practice in Kentucky) and go after Boyd legally via the court system in Kentucky. Null told me in effect to get lost.
Idea guy #1 was well known on the Chris board lel , people even pmed him with ideas for Chris. (https://kiwifarms.net/members/ballzymaker94.19304/) Joshua Wise.
Idea Guy #2 Canadian Idea guy (undoxed) picked up where the last left off when he was doxed with the help of Stephen Boyd, they even tried to rally a private army against the farms on 8chan /cow/ after he was halald. (https://kiwifarms.net/members/de_devil_tails.20663/)

Stephen Boyd never had an account AFAIK.