Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
Not a good one. But joshy does want to be supreme leader, albeit to a bunch of swivel eyed twots, like Daniel "Stinky Mexican" Lopez, it's just he's not that good at it. It's the voice.KF is not a cult
How does he treat people who he thinks are getting above their station?Punishing those who try to leave the group?
He does like to make himself feel better, over not being able to get it up, by banning people. But these things are not the same thing. He can punish those who are getting more ass pats on Squitter, by banning them...He throws you out on a whim.
"If u dunt giv gibs u no shitpost no more". Plus, at least a couple of tards have given him their full dox, soc sec no to boot.Demanding large financial contributions?
Isolation from friends and family?
Daniel has a family, but they don't want him to join them. Like E-lame, whose deluded belief she's going to be Internet Famous has caused some friction between her folks, that's why she lives in a homeless shelter.All you have to do is log off and join your family