• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
KF is not a cult
Not a good one. But joshy does want to be supreme leader, albeit to a bunch of swivel eyed twots, like Daniel "Stinky Mexican" Lopez, it's just he's not that good at it. It's the voice.
Punishing those who try to leave the group?
How does he treat people who he thinks are getting above their station?
He throws you out on a whim.
He does like to make himself feel better, over not being able to get it up, by banning people. But these things are not the same thing. He can punish those who are getting more ass pats on Squitter, by banning them...
Demanding large financial contributions?
"If u dunt giv gibs u no shitpost no more". Plus, at least a couple of tards have given him their full dox, soc sec no to boot.
Isolation from friends and family?
Sounds like you'd fit right in at Commie Farms.
All you have to do is log off and join your family
Daniel has a family, but they don't want him to join them. Like E-lame, whose deluded belief she's going to be Internet Famous has caused some friction between her folks, that's why she lives in a homeless shelter.
Punishing those who try to leave the group?
Yes, notice how people who openly use this or other splinters get banned the second Josh has a smidge of plausible deniability. I'd say that's a punishment for stepping outside his echo chamber
Demanding large financial contributions? He can request, but nobody is forced to do so.
People aren't typically forced to give money to any other cult. They do so because they believe in bullshit and think it's necessary, much like Kiwis think paying for Josh's life is defending the internet and free speech and owning the troons
Isolation from friends and family? All you have to do is log off and join your family.
All you have to do with other cults is just leave and join your family.
My personal opinion is that it definitely has a cult element. I agree with many of the points @Time 4 Guillotines made..

The platform and the MATI streams are congregating a group of people that have some things in common, and spending time together on the forum and the stream while praising Josh becomes important for some of them, some spend many hours there.
Josh encourages the members to bond and befriend each other:


That bond then keeps them complying with his rules and mood swings. Because being banned means losing those friends.

We’ve seen the other day how Agenda Poster didn’t dare to say shit because he clearly spends a lot of time on the forum and it’s important for him to not get banned.
He also has people who stood up in his defence, so he is well and truly entangled in the grasp of the community. Consequently he submits to the supreme leader even if he is publicly called a tumour by Josh. That’s not normal behavior and countless other kiwi farmers exhibit this very same behavior.

At the same time Joshua asserts dominance and keeps the pack under control. Most of the users also donated at some point and they frequently praise him and ass kiss him.

He also successfully misleads them about blatantly obvious things, they are so brainwashed that they don’t work out how Josh is a lowlife pond scum with bitchy mood swings and zero integrity, they readily ignore his hostility, ignore his past history of degeneracy and lies, etc.
He can’t do no wrong because he is Null.

We can call it a cult or call it a strange community, or a club, defining the same thing in the end, as the elements of a cult are very clearly visible imho.
Just my take 🤷
We’ve seen the other day how Agenda Poster didn’t dare to say shit because he clearly spends a lot of time on the forum and it’s important for him to not get banned
Josh has completely lost the plot when it comes to Agenda Poster since he's easily one of the best posters on KF. He does nothing different than people like Dynastia or Hollywood Hulk Hogan or Lidl Drip, so the difference must lie in how much he's donated and brown nosed. Josh doesn't give a fuck about people enjoying the forum or being internet friends, he cares about keeping the donations flowing and his hunt guards are thin skinned and easily baited, hence why he must protect their delicate feelers.
Ome of the most bizarre points Josh made about AP was bitching about how he likes to fuck with Margaret/Stan, who under normal circumstances you'd think he'd be on the side of mocking, which makes me think she must be one of the morons who donate $1200/year to him.
Either way, I don't resent AP for not sperging out and getting banned while Josh was having his daily sissy fit. It made Josh look like an irrational asshole to people who like AP. Hopefully AP has a sock in the works and knows to change his browser fingerprint
I don't see KF as anymore cult-like than any other edgelord haven. The posters on KF worship Null because they're losers just like him and can relate to his doom and gloom posts about how unfair everyone is to him. They do it to themselves. It's why I think it's funny that he's choosing to back up the femcels, because he could make a killing by pandering more to the incels.
It's why I think it's funny that he's choosing to back up the femcels, because he could make a killing by pandering more to the incels.
The incels have Nick Fuentes, Andrew Anglin, Andrew Tate, etc to toss money at and KF has always been mostly hostile to those types with the exception of the flood of /pol/tards the '16 election brought in.
Femcels have literal whos that haven't remotely penetrated internet pop culture, so they're looking for someone with a notable platform to amplify their bitching about muh moids. Plus I'd figure they're more likely to be employed than their male counterparts.
I'm sure he had his resident data sperg Altistic Right crunch the numbers of who has donated and correlated that to which threads they post in, there's no way the switch to male feminism wasn't calculated and centered around money.
Femcels have literal whos that haven't remotely penetrated internet pop culture, so they're looking for someone with a notable platform to amplify their bitching about muh moids. Plus I'd figure they're more likely to be employed than their male counterparts.
There's a secret Third Pillar that both of you have forgotten to mention, the retired genderspecials. Kiwifarms has been infested with faggots for a very long time, but there has been an influx of confirmed pooners and suspected trannies in recent years that we cannot overlook. And remember, noted northern castrato Richie Herron is literally the only person to have ever been kind to Null on an open platform, a Jewish one no less.

Null makes me Heckin Valid at 1:03:00
And remember, noted northern castrato Richie Herron is literally the only person to have ever been kind to Null on an open platform, a Jewish one no less.
Interesting, didn't hear about this since I've been ignoring Josh/MATI for quite a while. This was shortly after he did that interview with some soyboy I believe. He's very desperate to break into the normie sphere as much as possible so not shocked he's gone on an publicity tour. Not sure if it's because the paypigs have been dropping off or if he's just trying to bolster support so he can afford his arsenal of weapons he won't need and his sperg compound. Perpetual growth is only a concern when money is the goal
Interesting, didn't hear about this since I've been ignoring Josh/MATI for quite a while. This was shortly after he did that interview with some soyboy I believe. He's very desperate to break into the normie sphere as much as possible so not shocked he's gone on an publicity tour. Not sure if it's because the paypigs have been dropping off or if he's just trying to bolster support so he can afford his arsenal of weapons he won't need and his sperg compound. Perpetual growth is only a concern when money is the goal
I really don't believe Femcels drop major coin on the farms, if women were a lucrative market the Terf Scene would be a little flashier by now, but it's just sweet little hags sitting in front of webcams.

People like Richie are whales, the man let the NHS dig a hole in his body so the internet would think he's cool, so why wouldn't he spend a small fortune on Null?
I really don't believe Femcels drop major coin on the farms, if women were a lucrative market the Terf Scene would be a little flashier by now, but it's just sweet little hags sitting in front of webcams.
Idk, there's only a few possible causes for his hard heel turn to being a male feminist. Money, simping for a girl or genuinely believing in feminism. We disagree on the nature of who Lidl is, so we'll exclude that option so we don't retread an argument. Josh doesn't believe in anything other than whatever allows him to do as he pleases, so that's out. Which leaves us with money being the driving factor. The $1200/year club is a closely guarded secret and only Strawberry Douche has outed herself as one of his whales. But if we still had Polonium or Gargamel I imagine one of them could write a script to identify everyone with a paypig badge and cross reference that to which subforum is most likely to donate. I have a sneaking suspicion it couldn't be anyone else but BP
The user you are answering to is a troll.

Because a lot of users from KF infiltrate OF with their socks from time to time. OF is full of people with war PTSD, have some mercy.
And most of the users here are people from KF that either got banned or got tired of Jocelyn's shit.

Thanks for the context.

My personal opinion is that if someone has PTSD from any internet forum use, they need to touch grass. And maybe take up a different hobby.

But I don’t judge and I have all the mercy. I have been pointing out constantly how disgusted I am by Josh, about how he treats people. And it can absolutely leave a negative impact on people. I’m in full agreement with Joshua’s scummy attitude to be called out.

I just pointed out that when someone registers here and immediately faces attacks, it can be discouraging. Hence I told the new user that I relate to the situation they face.

Tbh I have a thick skin so I don’t give a flying fuck, it’s just an internet forum and as much as I like finding agreement with likeminded people, nobody will agree with everyone on here or anywhere, there will always be friction.

But some users, who might well be genuine users too, might find it discouraging to be called a pedo after their first post.

As of @Time 4 Guillotines being a troll, I don’t know who is who here and what their history is. So I’m not rising to the defence of them or anyone else.
However, I must point out that on the topic of JCM being a cunt, they have shared some informative contributions anyway.
In this thread I am here to try to contribute to exposing the ultimate cunt that’s Joshua.
The thread has been relatively productive. I will continue focusing on the topic rather than on caring about fist fights.
And I appreciate that the new user shared their experience which matches what we’ve seen in many other instances on KF.
Josh got his ass (rightfully) handed to him by A&H yesterday in the US Politics thread,

It was in regards to a new Harris abortion ad that appeared.
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3 Pages later, a wild Null appears
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The responses
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Null activates cunt mode because the replies hurt his feelings
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A&H is not letting him get away with that
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lol 😂 brilliant.
He must be so butthurt now it’s time for his chimp out ban hammer, watch many of those users getting the pink triangle the very least.

Another day, another bunch of people figured out that he’s an arrogant slime.
We might even see some of them turn up here 🙂
Doughboy flies into tard rage so easily, especially if you prod at his libshit terf beliefs. He's somehow unable to either reasonably defend his position, or at least to ignore abortion sperging when it pops up.
When he resorts to ultimatums like these, he reminds me of Chris Chan wanting his house tour videos off the gosh darn Innernet NOW NOW NOW NOW!!1!!1!
Doughboy flies into tard rage so easily, especially if you prod at his libshit terf beliefs. He's somehow unable to either reasonably defend his position, or at least to ignore abortion sperging when it pops up.

When he resorts to ultimatums like these, he reminds me of Chris Chan wanting his house tour videos off the gosh darn Innernet NOW NOW NOW NOW!!1!!1!

It’s priceless. I especially love how someone pointed out that he doesn’t even vote so why is he chimping out, and another user pointed out that he will never have any children so why is he so invested. Another one told him that he is drunk and he should log off 😂
The kiwi users are roasting him in so many different ways, and now if he bans people, he will only confirm that they touched a nerve and Null confirms himself to be a snowflake pussy.

This one is gold too 😆 :
