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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
So you don't think Josh is a fat hypocrite and you do think Lidl is a true honest woman... that's so cute.
He's such a "sweet summer child" as they say.
My point wasn't that I disagree, just that this thread blows because it's the same circle jerk every day. Occasionally his dumbass does something quite extra but God is it boring most of the time
"I am actively participating in a thread I don't like and now I'm upset, why is this happening to me?"
Stamping your feet won't make people believe your schizoposts.
>Says he needs evidence
>Makes claims without evidence
I don't think he knows how this works.
Tommy Tooter was basically in the same league as Cyraxx
Imagine having the last name tooter. The jokes write themselves. Must have had it rough in school.
I just live my life as if every person on the internet is a pedo until proven otherwise.
This, but rather than specifically a pedo, just a general piece of shit in one way or another especially if they're famous.
At one point he said "I need to make friends" but he said it like "I need to clean up someone else's shit". He's desperate as fuck.
He only like the journalists saying the things he wants.
Josh pulls up pictures of a little girl and says, "look at this sweet little girl. Clearly she was brutally raped as a child, else she would be on my side and not against me."
Sounds like he was projecting his fantasies.
Hacking someone's bank account? If they ever found anything like that connected to Kiwifarms, Null could be looking at serious time with the feds.
We can only hope.
His exact words were "I can't unfuck your sister".
Just like his mom, resulting in his birth.
Josh said himself that GamerGate redpilled him and that he was an Obama-voting liberal before it.
Yes, his whole political worldview is formed by twitter drama about video games.
Sounds about right for a man child.
He's rationalizing the bad behavior he encourages. DSP's sister-in-law isn't fair game especially since he and his wife are estranged from the wife's family. If someone banged Null's mom and posted her nudes and harassed his other family members Null would cry like a little bitch. And hide in the bathroom forever.
We can only hope.
Yeah I didn't hear about KF till like 2017-2018. Though t be honest I just watched GG from the sidelines laughing as people doxed and fucked with ech other so maybe it was a big deal and I don't know.
Kf was never good.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised this thread is full of fucking incels who actually believe Zoe Quinn fucked for reviews.

Touch grass, loser.
Was this Ashley? I feel like this was Ashley.
She did.

This is another Ashley sock? Opinions disregarded.
Just making sure
Each of the YouTubers who started out as Gamergate commenters has ended up with serious personal issues. Many have been accused of misconduct, including predatory behavior, substance abuse, and mental instability. Some have even been accused of serious crimes, including child exploitation. In short they are bad as the people they claim to be fighting against.
I said it once and I'll say it again, fringe left and right are just pedophiles fighting over who gets to molest the most children. The solution is line them both up against the wall together.
Null would prefer it if all your donations were in crypto. He admits he could implement something more above ground but would prefer not to.
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One can only hope... That they donate in scam coin.
It is a big theme with the internet in general, even Josh himself. All these people who pretended to take principled and nuanced stands on things ended up being abusers and even criminals who engaged in law breaking behavior. And it showcases how these show boaters were actually sociopaths who used the situation of the day (first Gamergate, now Josh pretending to be fighting for free speech against tranny pedophiles) to benefit themselves.

It's easy to dunk on the camp followers but tbh these ring leaders are the ones who send mentally unwell people into these flights of fancy. Josh is bitter about GG because he didn't grift off desperate people as well as Sargon et al. did.
It never fails that they all end up being some flavor of a piece of shit.
Fat pedophile.
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Joshua Conner Drip gains self awareness
Joshua coomer drip
View attachment 63682

Null bans pedophiles, and if you say otherwise, you're a FUCKING SPERG.
Why hasn't he banned himself yet? Maybe he is saving himself for last. We can only hope.
He should ban himself, then.
We can only hope.
He locked the thread up instantly lmao!
Like he does to his cock when posting as lidl drip
Josh inspires me as being *like one of the good ones from GamerGate. He wasn't involved in GamerGate.

@MagnesiumCorp as you have already figured out. Tends to make up a lot of stories and lies about a lot of stuff. It's why most of the information he gives out is actually either incorrect or vague.
Some mod should make a fanfiction thread and move all his posts to it for the lulz.
So why the compulsion to completely insert yourself into things that you yourself are only a passive observer of is it because you're such a bottom feeding loser that you have nothing else in your life.
Self insert is the worst type of fanfic.
Some mod should make a fanfiction thread and move all his posts to it for the lulz.
I'm surprised they already haven't Ken warned him already which was surprising.
Self insert is the worst type of fanfic.
I'm starting to think that he's one of those people that when they watch streamers and they become so invested that they feel like they're in a relationship or a part of the streamer's life.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! It's a tough day for Josh as another person is outed as a Kiwi Pedo and Josh ends up brutally telling on himself as he explains the CORRECT reasons to be against CP.

Josh most people don't see CP as some moral quandary that must be navigated to the correct course and the truest answer. I would wager that the average person has never had to put thought into why CP is bad they just know it. Telling us that you think this much about why CP is wrong is telling us that you probably had to talk yourself out of viewing it.

Also y'know the implication that there is a wrong reason to hate CP like as if it didn't cause the problems Josh is describing it would be alright or something?
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! It's a tough day for Josh as another person is outed as a Kiwi Pedo and Josh ends up brutally telling on himself as he explains the CORRECT reasons to be against CP.
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Josh most people don't see CP as some moral quandary that must be navigated to the correct course and the truest answer. I would wager that the average person has never had to put thought into why CP is bad they just know it. Telling us that you think this much about why CP is wrong is telling us that you probably had to talk yourself out of viewing it.

Also y'know the implication that there is a wrong reason to hate CP like as if it didn't cause the problems Josh is describing it would be alright or something?
You're not wrong on that I remember the first time I had to articulate to somebody online why child porn was bad. It actually took me a minute to really form a coherent thought other than what the fuck are you talking about of course it's wrong.

Assuming like the vast majority of people that it's just generally accepted that you don't engage in such things. This first time encounter was of course on kiwi farms you know I'm starting to see a pattern here just can't quite place it.
Go back through Gays From LA's posts in this thread, I don't have it bookmarked right now. But Gays From LA found a post from Josh on Kiwifarms where he said he was collecting child pornography that was posted to image boards and KF so that he could train AI to "filter" child porn and keep it off Kiwifarms. I'll look for the post for you tomorrow but right now I'm going to bed

He talked about it on mati too. Some dude made a website with all the streams transcripted to txt files https://honeycomb.technology/mati/ so you could probably search through those rather than watch the streams. He was doing the "CP porn filter" thing for 9chan iirc: the project he only made to prove that he could have finished infinity next if he wasn't so busy changing hotwheels diapers and he wasn't afraid of the other Jim's pigs eating him alive. I think it was in 2019.
So why the compulsion to completely insert yourself into things that you yourself are only a passive observer
Socks or Shoe would do a GamerGate update telling us who to boycott and who to fire off emails to or which threads on Twitter we should all dogpile and we would all do that. Sargon would make entire videos about a single twitter thread (as cringey as that is), and then everyone else would respond to his videos (as cringy as that is). It was never ending content. You'd make memes or pick up memes from other people and spread them around. You'd target people who you knew would cry if you posted GG memes in their threads. You'd wake up to 20 angry replies on twitter and 3 new hilarious videos. There was always something new every single day. It was just fucking fun.

Participating in GamerGate was as easy as just being on YouTube and twitter. I don't know what you're picturing when you say passive observer. What are you thinking I did during GamerGate exactly? Participating was so easy, I'm not quite sure what not participating looks like to you.

Then why do I keep getting replies?
I'm surprised they already haven't Ken warned him already which was surprising.
He didn't. He just explained what kind of board this is and I got it.
You're not well, and the best thing I can do is just be very patient, tolerant, and kind with you, which is what I'm doing. I know you probably hate that, but I'm going to keep being this nice to you.
He talked about it on mati too. Some dude made a website with all the streams transcripted to txt files https://honeycomb.technology/mati/ so you could probably search through those rather than watch the streams. He was doing the "CP porn filter" thing for 9chan iirc: the project he only made to prove that he could have finished infinity next if he wasn't so busy changing hotwheels diapers and he wasn't afraid of the other Jim's pigs eating him alive. I think it was in 2019.
Hotwheels was long gone by 2019. Also if it's 2019 he wasn't training any kind of AI model. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers a massive image hash list. Every image is turned into a text code, and every uploaded image on your site is first turned into the same text code, then checked against the list. It sounds like he was just implementing a NCMEC hash check list. It wouldn't make sense to try to hash images himself because that would be highly ineffective. The NCMEC list is just text codes. No actual images are involved.
Hotwheels was long gone by 2019.

You misunderstand what I was saying. He set up 9chan in 2019 or so to prove he could finish Infinity Next which was the project Hotwheels and Jim Watkins and/or 8chan community paid him to do. He got a lot of CP posters on 9chan so he claimed to be collecting CP hashes in order to setup a filter. He couldn't finish Infinity Next on time because he was hopped up on goofballs while huffing diaper fumes and fearing that Watkins would kill him and feed him to pigs.
Socks or Shoe would do a GamerGate update telling us who to boycott and who to fire off emails to or which threads on Twitter we should all dogpile and we would all do that.
Again who is we? There you go again inserting yourself like it's fanfiction

Sargon would make entire videos about a single twitter thread (as cringey as that is), and then everyone else would respond to his videos (as cringy as that is). It was never ending content. You'd make memes or pick up memes from other people and spread them around. You'd target people who you knew would cry if you posted GG memes in their threads. You'd wake up to 20 angry replies on twitter and 3 new hilarious videos. There was always something new every single day. It was just fucking fun.

Participating in GamerGate was as easy as just being on YouTube and twitter. I don't know what you're picturing when you say passive observer. What are you thinking I did during GamerGate exactly? Participating was so easy, I'm not quite sure what not participating looks like to you.
Again, you're the audience, not the presenter. I know it's hard for someone like you to distinguish between reality and fantasy, but try to keep that in mind. Just because you tweeted something or posted something on Facebook, does it mean you were actively participating in the movement? Perhaps you were involved passively, but you're not one of the major players. Stop trying to insert yourself into their group as if you're one of them. Try looking up the term audience participation.
Then why do I keep getting replies?

He didn't. He just explained what kind of board this is and I got it.
No you clearly misunderstood what he was saying

You're not well, and the best thing I can do is just be very patient, tolerant, and kind with you, which is what I'm doing. I know you probably hate that, but I'm going to keep being this nice to you.
Yeah no amount of condescension from you is going to change the fact that you're a fucking retard and that everything you say is complete and other BS.

Is there anything else you'd like to lie about or misrepresent?
"Hey folks it is I Josh Moon. Do you often find yourself wondering why Child Porn is actually like bad? No?? Well I do. Don't worry I have crafted my patented "Josh Moon's Ethical Pickle Matrix" so that you can always have the correct answer as to why moral issues are a problem"

Child Porn isn't bad because:
-Exploitation of children is evil :disagree:
-Destruction of generational trust:disagree:

Child porn is bad because:
-Purely economic factors:agree:
Again who is we?
I already explained who we were. Explain to me what you think I did during GamerGate. Participation in GamerGate was as easy as watching YouTube videos, participating in Twitter debates, making memes, and firing off cut and paste emails. What exactly would participation and non-participation look like to you?
I know it's hard for someone like you to distinguish between reality and fantasy
You thought I was Chase for a month.
Just because you tweeted something or posted something on Facebook, does it mean you were actively participating in the movement?
I don't know if you've heard the term slacktivism, but GG was a fine example of it.
Perhaps you were involved passively, but you're not one of the major players.
Nigger what does involved passively even mean. You are either involved in a movement or you aren't. Like you don't say people protesting for Hamas are "involved passively". They're just activists.

I've never once said I was a "major player". I wasn't a leader. I didn't have a YouTube channel. But also what are you under the impression our leaders did exactly?
No you clearly misunderstood what he was saying
He's spoken to me in DMs. You should ask him what he thinks of you.
Yeah no amount of condescension
No condescension. You're just a lost angry kid who needs someone to be nice to you. You're going to take that as condescension. Feel free. It's funnier that way, little bro.
Is there anything else you'd like to lie about or misrepresent?
Yes. The following is a lie:
I am Chase.
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I already explained who we were. Explain to me what you think I did during GamerGate. Participation in GamerGate was as easy as watching YouTube videos, participating in Twitter debates, making memes, and firing off cut and paste emails. What exactly would participation and non-participation look like to you?

You thought I was Chase for a month.

I don't know if you've heard the term slacktivism, but GG was a fine example of it.

Nigger what does involved passively even mean. You are either involved in a movement or you aren't. Like you don't say people protesting for Hamas are "involved passively". They're just activists.

I've never once said I was a "major player". I wasn't a leader. I didn't have a YouTube channel. But also what are you under the impression our leaders did exactly?

He's spoken to me in DMs. You should ask him what he thinks of you.

No condescension. You're just a lost angry kid who needs someone to be nice to you. You're going to take that as condescension. Feel free. It's funnier that way, little bro.

Yes. The following is a lie:
I am Chase.
Just because you inserted yourself into something doesn't mean you were a part of it also you lied about what Ken said
What other meaning could that possibly have?

Talk to Ken. You're someone no one else wants. He doesn't regulate his board because he sees it as a place for people like you.
I already spoke to him
And I already posted screen caps of what he said to you now why don't you stop lying you
He told you to stop brow beating him stop going on a crusade and that he's inclined to side with me

Or do you have any evidence to the contrary you lying little twit.

You may have had audience participation in this but you weren't a part of gamergate nobody knows who you are Chase and nobody cares