I didn't know about the revenge porn, that's pretty messed up if somebody went out of their way just to do that. It's even more messed up that Josh has willingly distributed it. Strange enough revenge porn is a common thing on kiwi forms as I know of at least three or four other incidences of it.Josh seethes at a superchatter who accurately calls out his weak rhetoric around hosting revenge pornography of DSP's wife's sister. Josh says how he really feels.
DSPcompression (August 27th, 2024) - Mad at the Internet
https://madattheinternet.com/2024/08/27/dspcompression/ Durov and Zuckerberg, Dustborn and Concord, Vendettachans and prostitutes with vendettas, Juju and Tate, Rekieta and Ralph, Ian Foote, and the Drumble.com
In case the reader isn't aware, years ago a kiwifarms user went out of his way to have sex with DSP's wife's drug-addicted sister and posted naked photos of her to Kiwifarms. DSP pressed Josh about this. Josh says, "but I banned the user!" to which DSP accurately responds with it not being much of a punishment given the offending action remains on Kiwifarms for all to see. This is happened repeatedly to DSP. A Kiwifarms user will do awful things to DSP (like hacking his bank account to post it all to Kiwifarms and a Comcast employee getting into his router) and he will be banned, but the site benefits from the information posted because it remains online.
Josh then went on some meandering and pathetic spiel that if he didn't host the revenge pornography of a mentally ill drug addict then someone else would and tried to gaslight DSP into believing that his website was acting as a kind of gatekeeper of the real lunatics. DSP wasn't buying of any of it and accurately called it a cope.