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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh's paranoia gets the best of him and he believes a conspiracy is afoot as he recognizes the lawfirm which is representing Alyssa Mercante from some unknown prior interaction. He seems a little shook as he doesn't expand any further.

KUSK is the acronym of Mercante's lawfirm.
Josh making some statements about how you should immediately get rid of pedos and investigate all claims of it but we know that is not true. There are many pedos on the farms but lets take a look at possibly the longest and most prolific pedo poster allowed on Kiwi Farms. Tommy Tooter.

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Josh's statement today concerning DSPs pedo viewer Derich or something like that.
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The Kiwis own description of Tommy as a pedo.
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Kiwis description of how Tommy came to post on the Farms.
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Tommy's first post in may of 2016.
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Tommy's last post from early last year. That's 9 years this known pedo was allowed to roam the site. In fact I remember Null threatening to have Tommy Mod the Gunt board if the Gunt Alogs didn't obey him.
Putting his little "sexual adventure" aside (Yes I'm familiar with Tooter): Tommy Tooter was tolerated because he was a batshit, garbage-eating intersex lolcow who among other things claimed a connection to being part of the Native American community. There are First Nations people who are part of the Kiwifarms community who didn't exactly....uh appreciate this claim. Aside from making a total ass out of himself with Kiwifarms and the Tucson Police Department, he was also on Onionfarms for a short time.

Tooter posted that I would be brought up on RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) charges. Yes, he wanted to bring Onionfarms up on the same criminal statue that the FBI uses to go after people in the mafia. I took his silly thread locked it and threw it in the dumper.
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Josh making some statements about how you should immediately get rid of pedos and investigate all claims of it but we know that is not true.
Do you feel like he is saying this just because there are active pedophile users on his site that he knows about, but is just snubbing his nose right now because he is that petty? Like "look what I'm getting away with while I accuse others of the same" ?

I didn't used to think so before the Rekeita stuff, but his behavior has become extremely vindictive. Then again, this may be typical. I'm thinking about the Glaive situation and that was pretty vindictive. Josh is just a capricious drama-hungry gremlin, isn't he?
Do you feel like he is saying this just because there are active pedophile users on his site that he knows about, but is just snubbing his nose right now because he is that petty? Like "look what I'm getting away with while I accuse others of the same" ?

I didn't used to think so before the Rekeita stuff, but his behavior has become extremely vindictive. Then again, this may be typical. I'm thinking about the Glaive situation and that was pretty vindictive. Josh is just a capricious drama-hungry gremlin, isn't he?
My conspiracy mind? Im thinking Josh is saying stuff like this almost hoping people bring up the KF pedos so josh can disingenuously go "Look I banned MY pedos" nevermind that they were there for years in full view.

Josh just full out tells lies and relies on KFs status as some kind of lore vault to just have most people assume he is telling the truth.

Worst comes to worst Josh is going to pull the loli defence and go "Oh I used to allow it due to freeze peach but have since realized it causes harm."

Josh hasn't had some come to Jesus moment where he realised this stuff was bad he's just shedding his public opinions on stuff that gets him pushback and mockery.
Putting his little "sexual adventure" aside (Yes I'm familiar with Tooter): Tommy Tooter was tolerated because he was a batshit, garbage-eating intersex lolcow who among other things claimed a connection to being part of the Native American community.
I've always been skeptical of his intersex claim. He was just an AGP grandpa with schizoaffective disorder that molested a tween and a dog. Agreed that his claim of being native is bull.