• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I knew this was going to happen. His constant pandering to his female user base has not gone unnoticed, and he's already banned a considerable number of people who have spoken out against it. It's hard not to notice, especially since the targets of some of his tantrums have been users who have upset the beauty parlor regulars.
Null going after Metokur is no different from when Tomlinson went after Norm McDonald. Null should have known better but like Fatrick he was full of smug pride and thought he was untouchable due to being the admin of Kiwi Farms. Null liked to believe that he had the power to make and break people when he never did. Most Kiwi Farmers like Jim more than Null and will side with Metokur in a heart beat then come to Null's defense. Doesn't help that Null has alienated just about everyone who isn't a fat, abortion addicted, BPD coke whore. Things are only going to get worse for Null from here and I am looking forward to it.
Null going after Metokur is no different from when Tomlinson went after Norm McDonald. Null should have known better but like Fatrick he was full of smug pride and thought he was untouchable due to being the admin of Kiwi Farms. Null liked to believe that he had the power to make and break people when he never did. Most Kiwi Farmers like Jim more than Null and will side with Metokur in a heart beat then come to Null's defense. Doesn't help that Null has alienated just about everyone who isn't a fat, abortion addicted, BPD coke whore. Things are only going to get worse for Null from here and I am looking forward to it.
We've reached the point in the story where the individual begins to spiral downward, and the weight of their decisions becomes too heavy to overcome.
we don't care nor do we take anything super serious like you seem to. you should sock back on Kiwifarms if you're going to be this much of a mopey faggot about everything. youll fit right back in with the anti-fun brigade.

that picture (my PFP) was originally posted by LidlDrip in the PickMe thread to attack PaladinBoo who is still a registered user of the forum.
Attacking PaladinBoo, FelineSupremecist, Otterly, CowChan, FeeFee for being pickmes is not infighting. Attacking Sniperwoof (and countlrss other male posters) in every thread he posts in is not infighting.
Saying anything back to any of the prolapsed hole dowagers from the Manhate thread is an instaban tho.

Im glad the fat oinker has finally recognized that people are creating socks because of his temper tantrums. those arent banned users socking back on to post in controversial threads, theyre longtime users recognizing how prone to hysteria he is and not wanting to lose access to the site (inc. some T&H).
all because his cabal of morbidly obese banshees need a ""man""* to protect them from mean words.
(*not comfortable calling josh a true man because he has no balls and a broken dick)

if they kept it to their own thread there would be no issue but they dont. they attack and follow users all around the site to post histories at them.
reminds me of reddit trannies tagging people.
what a legacy josh has created for himself.
he made reddit 19 years too late to cash in.

and he wonders why people create socks

@SIGSEGV turns out to be correct
josh is a pedo
Did you know that CowChan's titties were doxed as well as her face?
It's on her profile page.
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Josh is a real twat. That site is borderline unusable. The fat ugly bastard let's those radfems run amock and do whatever they want to any thread. It wasn't enough giving them the man hate thread (whilst constantly fucking with and threatening to take down the woman hate thread) no, no, JOSHY BOY has to let devote every ounce of energy in his body to punishing anyone who has a problem with the radfems or feminism in general.
Josh is a real twat. That site is borderline unusable. The fat ugly bastard let's those radfems run amock and do whatever they want to any thread. It wasn't enough giving them the man hate thread (whilst constantly fucking with and threatening to take down the woman hate thread) no, no, JOSHY BOY has to let devote every ounce of energy in his body to punishing anyone who has a problem with the radfems or feminism in general.
Did you get banned recently?
A lot of the people in the man hate ended getting banned by jesh.
Josh is a real twat. That site is borderline unusable. The fat ugly bastard let's those radfems run amock and do whatever they want to any thread. It wasn't enough giving them the man hate thread (whilst constantly fucking with and threatening to take down the woman hate thread) no, no, JOSHY BOY has to let devote every ounce of energy in his body to punishing anyone who has a problem with the radfems or feminism in general.
I downloaded a couple videos, 185 megabytes total. Between the two files I had to restart the download like 20 times because it kept failing. I mean this is pretty basic shit. It also performs really shitty on Tor whereas this site is almost flawless under the same conditions.

At one point earlier this year he said his router (the one in the datacenter rack beside his server) has something like 20% packet loss at all times which is just absolutely nuts.
Bwahaha so Elissa Clips has already clipped the "vore mouth" segment I was mentioning so here is Josh talking all about furry vore art and how detailed the mouths are. Should be at 4:50 if the timestamp fails.
Not really a fan of the art style of the mouths, but they aren't really that detailed and are nothing compared to typical furry vore art.

I know fatboy is a little slow and all, but the reason furry vore art puts focus on the mouth is because vore is literally eating.
Especially at this point. What is left to be said?
No offense but cows like him really only appeal to autists who get hyper obsessed. It's like DSP. He was a good laugh for a bit but nowadays most of his detractors are people on a certain end of a spectrum who write psychoanalysis essays about every shitty brainless joke DSP makes. They need to use that effort on more interesting cows.