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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null be creeepin in those DMs.

I have no reason to believe he doesn't read some of them. Technically all the DMs, by their nature, are public. I mean you can start your lil convo with just one other person, but if that person is an unhinged dramawhore, they will start adding more dramawhores to it. This has been a longstanding complaint about the whole system which has gone back years. Nullo has no interest in fixing this problem that if you want a DM to be private and just between you and the intended recipient, it should be. He acts like this is some unsolvable problem when, in all my old ass years online, this is literally the only forum I have seen this as a thing. He'll screech he doesn't want drama, but actively creates it with how he has DMs set up.

I think he reads DMs. Don't have proof, but the strong suspicion. Why if you are still a retard KFer, get off the fucking Farms with your DMing as soon as you know you two are frens and want more conversation.
I have no reason to believe he doesn't read some of them. Technically all the DMs, by their nature, are public. I mean you can start your lil convo with just one other person, but if that person is an unhinged dramawhore, they will start adding more dramawhores to it. This has been a longstanding complaint about the whole system which has gone back years. Nullo has no interest in fixing this problem that if you want a DM to be private and just between you and the intended recipient, it should be. He acts like this is some unsolvable problem when, in all my old ass years online, this is literally the only forum I have seen this as a thing. He'll screech he doesn't want drama, but actively creates it with how he has DMs set up.
I have a DM in my inbox here on OF, that I am unable to add people to. So clearly, the problem is solvable.
I think he reads DMs. Don't have proof, but the strong suspicion. Why if you are still a retard KFer, get off the fucking Farms with your DMing as soon as you know you two are frens and want more conversation.
He already claims to have written a program that can delete DMs, which is a pretty simple thing to code and totally feasable. It wouldn't be much more effort to make it also display DMs, or to even notify him when DMs are sent. Even without such a program, he can still see anything and everything with simple database queries, limited only by his laziness.

There also is or used to be a XenForo plugin called "Log in as user" which allowed the forum admin to interact with the site as if they were logged in as a particular user, without even knowing the password.
Lol pffft what an absolute dweeb. Lets ignore all the social aspects to pooners and how it tends to happen inside of social circles in groups of twos and threes.

Josh why did you let a woman who you believe was "super mega raped" be a punching bag on your website for a decade? You have this faux concern which clearly doesn't bear out in reality and youre using this bullshit feminism youve cooked up as an excuse to be possessive over the circle of weird fart bitches that populates your website. This is classic creepy male feminist behavior
Lol pffft what an absolute dweeb. Lets ignore all the social aspects to pooners and how it tends to happen inside of social circles in groups of twos and threes.

Josh why did you let a woman who you believe was "super mega raped" be a punching bag on your website for a decade? You have this faux concern which clearly doesn't bear out in reality and youre using this bullshit feminism youve cooked up as an excuse to be possessive over the circle of weird fart bitches that populates your website. This is classic creepy male feminist behavior
Any man that calls himself a male feminist should be looked at with scorn and suspicion. Why would any man be a member of a ideology that is a detriment to him? It is the equivalent of a hedge fund manager saying he is a proud communist. There is something that is suspicious about it. One would only call themselves a male feminist if there is an ulterior motive behind it.
He's not a real feminist because he doesn't believe women have the right to abortion. His response to abortion is simply, "what race is the baby?"
What is funny is how most of the Beauty Parlor users can be consider not real feminist either. At least from a modern standpoint. Feminism is inherently a Left Wing ideology and all the Beauty Parlor users have the same white supremist beliefs as Null, which is a big no-no with the Left Wing. Mainstream feminist groups would cast these women out without a second thought. They are all very bizarre. What do they think to do? To take over the Left Wing and turn it into a white feminist version of National Socialism? Truly baffling.
I have a strong feeling that Null may drop the male feminist LARP the more involved he gets with the controversy shrouding Cody Wilson. It is either he stands by Wilson, who he believes is a victim of the system and globohomo, or he stands by his radfem pay pigs who all seem to want Wilson's head on a pike. Am very curious to see if any in his radfem base will call him out or stand by their cult leader like the good cultist they are.
I have a strong feeling that Null may drop the male feminist LARP the more involved he gets with the controversy shrouding Cody Wilson. It is either he stands by Wilson, who he believes is a victim of the system and globohomo, or he stands by his radfem pay pigs who all seem to want Wilson's head on a pike. Am very curious to see if any in his radfem base will call him out or stand by their cult leader like the good cultist they are.
I reckon Joshua will stay with the line that Cody Wilson was framed because when his own underage skeletons come tumbling out of the closet he'll spin the same yarn. "Kiwi farms is exposing the tranny agenda so they set me up trust me bros"