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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
All that crying and moping about not making money, having no friends, no one caring about you or your shitty site... but it's totally not depression gaiz! Perhaps the lawsuits aren't going as well as he expected. He's wasted money for Epic to issue a retraction and written statement, all for what exactly? Nothing. This could also be his mid-life crisis going on. 30+ years to his name and nothing to show for it beaded running a gossip forum and a long documented history of histrionic, fatherless behavior. He's also very fat. He helped make Hardin a rich man I guess. He'll never get any blowback for helping Josh or Kiwifarms since it's his job as a lawyer. You can expect he will throw Josh under the bus as soon as the money dries up. "I don't agree with Mr. Moon's values or what his website stands for and hosts."
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Null talks about how lonely and sad he is that no one wants to work with him or wants him on their site, and how he'd have been better off catering to groups like the Groypers. MayoBlaze calls him out on this.
Back in the viking age, nordic society's lived mostly according to one quote which still holds true today: Where wolf ears listen wolf's teeth are always near.

Well what does that mean? In honor bound society's where your reputation and word matters. A lot of the time it's better to shut up then to voice every ill conceived thought you ever or else you're gonna get eaten alive by the pack. Which if you have ever worked a job you know is true. If you sperg out and talk politics or have controversial opinions then you are gonna become a piranha really quick and nobody is gonna be willing to help you or even be seen with you.

Josh even tough he's 35 still hasn't realized that you need to coexist with other people nobody is gonna take the word of a nazi, incel pedo who cries wolf at any company who he could potentially turn in to an ally. All of these companies see you as what you are Josh a loser. Somebody who tried and failed due to his gross incompetance and lack of social skills and to assosiate with you is to shoot yourself in the foot. Instead of thinking what you want you need to think what you provide to other people. Which right now is nothing.
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Null talks about how lonely and sad he is that no one wants to work with him or wants him on their site, and how he'd have been better off catering to groups like the Groypers. MayoBlaze calls him out on this.
I have realized the pendulum will never swing to where I, personally, will benefit.

No shit, retard. And that's no one else's fault but yourself. It will never swing a way that works for you because you hold retarded, conflicting beliefs like "trannies are bad, but feminism is necessary and good" and "I hate right wingers, they're all evil gay nazis, but fuck jews and the niggercattle they create!"

What a crybaby bitch.

Elon is happy to host pedophiles
Clearly not, lol.

I am the world's omni-nigger. I am the nigger of all niggers
Ah, finally something we all can agree on. However, it is YOUR FAULT, Josh! "Niggers" are hated because of their BEHAVIOR!
If he could only see some representation of all the bridges he's burned by being a combative, angry person. That might actually make him depressed. Too bad he's incapable of such self-reflection.
null the hobo.png
null the prodigy.png
"I remember one time I said something to my principal in middle school and when he told me I'd get detention for it I asked "what about free speech?" and he laughed, asked the vice principal to come in, then asked me to repeat that so he could also laugh. Jokes on him, now I'm a speech terrorist and while I do not remember the names of most of my teachers, I do remember his name and in particular the name of my 10th grade programming teacher who one day I will hunt down and tell what I've done since he voted to expel me."
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"I remember one time I said something to my principal in middle school and when he told me I'd get detention for it I asked "what about free speech?" and he laughed, asked the vice principal to come in, then asked me to repeat that so he could also laugh. Jokes on him, now I'm a speech terrorist and while I do not remember the names of most of my teachers, I do remember his name and in particular the name of my 10th grade programming teacher who one day I will hunt down and tell what I've done since he voted to expel me."
LMAAOOOOO, I guess not participating in class and getting straight fucking D's like a typical dumbshit leads you to having a niggerish coon forum.
omg why is he saying this in the balldo collapse board lolll
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While Null continues fuming over his Twitter ban, read through his description of why he isn't lonely and could get a girlfriend if he wanted one and compare it to his current posts.
"I come across as educated, wordly and socially well adjusted"
There are some golden nuggets in this. I have never seen a guy who is less self aware. To who do you come across as wordly, educated and well adjusted? Chris chan? Other kiwi farmers? 3rd worlders without a high school education?
"Im not in any hurry to find a woman im not lonely" INFACT WOMAN FIND MY POLTICAL HUMOR BASED!
They do find risque humor funny it comes from someone who is suave, attractive and confident. When it comes from people like you Josh it's creepy and you would know that if you had gone one dates beyond the computer screen. Online chatting with a tranny from your chat someone isn't dating Null. Then when he says shit like im not in any hurry to find a woman? Bro everyone has read your embarrassing 2020 post.
View attachment 56913
"I remember one time I said something to my principal in middle school and when he told me I'd get detention for it I asked "what about free speech?" and he laughed, asked the vice principal to come in, then asked me to repeat that so he could also laugh. Jokes on him, now I'm a speech terrorist and while I do not remember the names of most of my teachers, I do remember his name and in particular the name of my 10th grade programming teacher who one day I will hunt down and tell what I've done since he voted to expel me."
"I have an incredible magic ability to regurigate information and then forget it which is why I do it proffesionaly as a podcaster"
I have listened to a couple of his podcast and in everyone without fail is him misremembering names and events of world history or lolcows. Sometimes he even combines things other lolcows does to one thing and then people will dunk on him in chat and that's even with the help of spergs from his thread. Can you imagine how bad it would be if he had to collect the information for himself?
"I remember one time I said something to my principal in middle school and when he told me I'd get detention for it I asked "what about free speech?" and he laughed, asked the vice principal to come in, then asked me to repeat that so he could also laugh. Jokes on him, now I'm a speech terrorist and while I do not remember the names of most of my teachers, I do remember his name and in particular the name of my 10th grade programming teacher who one day I will hunt down and tell what I've done since he voted to expel me."
I'm sure that first part is far from a unique situation, I'm pretty sure I got snarky with a teacher like that once back in the day.

"Speech terrorist". Lol. Lmao. Actually, maybe he's right, since terrorists tend to just cause damage and vilify themselves without furthering their causes.

As for the last part, I really don't think it'd turn out how he expects. Being surrounded by people literally calling you Jesus sure has fed his fat fucking ego.