All that crying and moping about not making money, having no friends, no one caring about you or your shitty site... but it's totally not depression gaiz! Perhaps the lawsuits aren't going as well as he expected. He's wasted money for Epic to issue a retraction and written statement, all for what exactly? Nothing. This could also be his mid-life crisis going on. 30+ years to his name and nothing to show for it beaded running a gossip forum and a long documented history of histrionic, fatherless behavior. He's also very fat. He helped make Hardin a rich man I guess. He'll never get any blowback for helping Josh or Kiwifarms since it's his job as a lawyer. You can expect he will throw Josh under the bus as soon as the money dries up. "I don't agree with Mr. Moon's values or what his website stands for and hosts."