• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
the FOIA was directed to someone by the name of Simohamed Benbattouche

There is a "Mohamed Benbattouche" who was the frontman of Polisario, a separatist group in the Moroccan Sahara.

His real name was Ibrahim Ghali, but he was using a false Algerian ID with the name "Mohamed Benbattouche":

Ainsi donc, sûre de son fait, la délégation venue d’Alger, composée en réalité par le chef de file des séparatistes du Polisario, Brahim Ghali -c’est lui qui porte le faux nom de Mohamed Benbattouche, le malade auquel Alger a délivré un passeport diplomatique algérien-, de quelques éléments du Polisario l’accompagnant, ainsi que de deux sécuritaires algériens, trace vers un hôpital de Logrono, près de Saragosse, région de Navarre, où Brahim Ghali, alias Mohamed Benbattouche, doit être pris en charge.

So, sure of its fact, the delegation from Algiers, made up in reality by the leader of the Polisario separatists, Brahim Ghali - it is he who bears the false name of Mohamed Benbattouche, the patient to whom Algiers delivered an Algerian diplomatic passport, some elements of the Polisario accompanying him, as well as two Algerian security officers, trace towards a hospital in Logrono, near Zaragoza, region of Navarre, where Brahim Ghali, alias Mohamed Benbattouche, must be taken care of.

This seems a little too esoteric for Null to appropriate as his alias... but why then would Big Bang appropriate some separatist warlord's Algerian pseudonym as his alias of choice for a FOIA request? Odd... :unsure:
null 1.png
null 2.png
Notice the new gold standard is you "contribute to the forum" either in cash or posting about lolcows. Null started using it as an excuse for why he bans people that make him have a sad and it spread pretty quickly as a go-to way of talking about apostates.
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The mods Null is talking about here left in response to Null banning users who made fun of Twinkie.
He seems to be personally spamming random users profiles at this point. He must have banned most of his userbase already and have nothing else to do with his life. Since all that's left seem to be the usual fedposting, glowies, and lolcows in denial like himself. The site was in a better state a few years ago, but ultimately it is jewsh xerself that was the death of the Kiwi Farms site.
There is a "Mohamed Benbattouche" who was the frontman of Polisario, a separatist group in the Moroccan Sahara.

His real name was Ibrahim Ghali, but he was using a false Algerian ID with the name "Mohamed Benbattouche":

This seems a little too esoteric for Null to appropriate as his alias... but why then would Big Bang appropriate some separatist warlord's Algerian pseudonym as his alias of choice for a FOIA request? Odd... :unsure:
View attachment 52725
Null continues being a self-hating American.
Guys, Guys, Guys, I fucking love when fat, ugly, monolinguist Americans say ignorant ass shit like this. Your ugly language is 80% invasive words, but these faggots lose their minds because we basically all use the word "computer"... which itself is based on two Latin words! I'll shut up now, I just love this shit.