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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
If it helps keep KF up, sure,
That wasn't the point, short bus. You are happy giving money to someone that you were forced to admit is dishonest, and not spending the money on stuff he said he originally going to spend it on... This is established fact, k?
Yeah, so now I need to not believe his political stances because of some mundane financial shit?
Pivot. The point again, is that he's a liar and has changed his political stance dependent on the user based.
my anti-loli position?
I don't believe it's sincere. I think that I've provide ample proof you are an idiot, and someone who is LARPin. See? I've provided a logical and reasoned argument, you've just "Muh feels". You've gone all in on saying you'll give money to a liar and a scammer, just to own the libs. That's how pathetic and/or sad you are. You are left with nothing but Commie Farms ass pats to validate you existence.

There you go. I think you are bullshitting people with this "anti-degen" pose. You sound like one of those "reformed" drinkers, screaming at people who aren't piss heads like them. Y'know? You say you hate it, because you had a problem with it. Like the broom. Remember, when joshy says "I hate anime, it's degenerate" he really means "I hate myself because I still whack off to cat boy cartoons".

You aren't here to have fun, take the piss. You are here to sneer at people OBJECTIVELY more intelligent than you. You are a tard dude, and you doth protest too much.
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That wasn't the point, short bus. You are happy giving money to someone that you were forced to admit is dishonest, and not spending the money on stuff he said he originally going to spend it on... This is established fact, k?
How does he keep KF up if he's not spending money on it then?

The point again, is that he's a liar and has changed his political stance dependent on the user based.
If he changes it again then I'll certainly be banned then, because I'll be debating him.

I don't believe it's sincere. I think that I've provide ample proof you are an idiot, and someone who is LARPin. See? I've provided a logical and reasoned argument,
You don't need to believe anything, you're free to believe things based on baseless hunches if you want, just be clear you have no proof. Ain't hard retard.
How does he keep KF up if he's not spending money on it then?
Retard. I said he's spending money on shit he didn't say he would. Re: Why is a manboy paying maybe over $400k to some bloke. You saying "I'm too stupid/disingenuous to accept this" is just proving you are an idiot that only cares about shit posting. Not very "anti-degen".

This is why I know you are lying about your political posturing. Like the broom.


If it helps keep KF up, sure, it's the only active forum where I can stalk trannies and groom minors. I assume most users on that site are under 18.

Yeah, so now I need to not groom minors because political stances? I could agree but still be a liar though, sure.

Based on what, my pro-loli position? Lmfao keep projecting pedo hater.

So now I'm gay too? You guys sure catch on to everything lmao

Your best shot in getting me to leave is to ban me. The more you beg me to leave the longer I'll stay. I will flood this forum with child porn.
Found your car.