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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I'm not gay, I just run the biggest gossip forum on the internet, have no sexual/romantic attraction to women, and I whine like a little histrionic girl about everything.


  • q555997.png
    43.6 KB · Views: 164
I didn't know you had your own podcast.

No, I don't have a podcast. I don't have any time at all for any kind of public media production or involvement.
The "I" was in reference to Null. Here's the full quote again:

I guess Null is gonna say it took him that long to post the FOIA documents, because he had to redact all the documents himself, but I personally suspect he waited that long because, even a year ago, #DropKiwiFarms was still fresh on the mind of journalists, and if he had come out and said, yeah, not only did I allow my forum to be used to spread rumours about this guy being 蒸発, I myself actively participated in the spreading of those rumours on my own podcast... he knows journalists would've been all over it.

"I myself actively participated in the spreading of those rumours my own podcast" is a reference to Null spreading the rumour that Byuu had gone 蒸発 on MATI.

Speaking of which, @thefrogninja I finally got around to reading that long xeet that Ethan Ralph posted where he responded to Null posting the the FOIA docs about Byuu. In this xeet Ralph claims that there was another KiwiFarms user who posted the FOIA docs himself first, and that it was in response to this user that Null went ahead and posted the (redacted?) FOIA docs.

Only now has he[Null] revealed the information after his hand was forced by another user who posted the Freedom of Information Act proof from the State Department himself

Ethan Ralph doesn't name this other person who apparently had the FOIA documents before Null did, so do you perhaps know who it was?

Here is the full xeet, in case you haven't read it yet:
2024-04-05 Ethan Ralph / TheRalphRetort "A Bedtime Story About Josh Moon (XJosh)"

"So, Josh Moon, John Potter, whatever the evil slug has changed his name to...he goes by Null on the internet. He started a site called Kiwi Farms to troll shield himself over his allegedly past love of shotacon and lolicon, his dreams of killing his mother, his creepy stalking of a romantic interest that wanted nothing to do with him, his general lies, the forum that he set up for pedophiles to commiserate and coordinate their sick predilection for harming children...now has another confirmed kill on his record.

Unlike Null, I don't have to sit here and lie. Before this, I had no idea who David Ginder, aka Byuu, was. I still barely know about the guy. He was a tranny. Obviously, that is a lifestyle choice I cannot understand and have ridiculed when the occasion calls for it. I slept well last night, nonetheless. I always sleep well. Why? Because I don't lie about who I am and what this nasty place really is. But Josh Moon does.

He likes to act as if his hands are tied when it comes to removing the information of people on his website, Kiwi Farms. This is a site that was specifically setup to harass, threaten, and chronicle the lives of those deemed worthy of such "journalism." It hosts countless doxes, lies, pictures of people's children and extended family, encourages and chronicles off-site harassment, and has been responsible for countless acts of real-world crime. People have been physically attacked, homes vandalized, bank accounts hacked, careers ruined and altered permanently...all so Josh Moon...Null...can make an easy buck and shield himself against the criticism he so richly deserves. There was a thread on my children before they were even born.

That's the kind of place Kiwi Farms really is.

This same evil fuck refuses to allow a thread on himself. He admits it would drive him to madness. He is not some champion of free speech. He's a lying pussy who's made a career off being a fake, disingenuous, bastard. Ginder, Byuu, whatever you want to call him, came to Null in his time of need and offered him $120,000 to take down his thread or else he would kill himself. He offered his highly skilled services as a developer for free to Null...if only he would pull down his personal information. Null not only refused this on bullshit "censorship" and free speech grounds...he also published the exchange for his deranged gang of sickos to gawk at. To make another easy buck.

Well, Ginder did kill himself.

The story doesn't end there, though. Null, Moon, Potter...whatever you want to call him...then spun a story about the big, bad media picking on him when they reported on Byuu's death. He claimed there was no evidence the man was dead and that this was a false smear designed to take down Kiwi Farms. He actually conned many people into believing this tripe. But, as it turns out, he has had proof that Byuu was dead for many months. I said a year last night. One of the stalker creep losers who spends his life on the site said 171 days. Whatever the timeline...Null has known Ginder actually killed himself for a very long time. Only now has he revealed the information after his hand was forced by another user who posted the Freedom of Information Act proof from the State Department himself (Null laughably threatened to sue the State Department over their correspondence, by the way). Josh Moon freely admits he had this information beforehand and continued with the fake narrative of Byuu having just vanished...instead of the obvious truth that he had killed himself. Null Knew.

This is not really about Byuu, though. It's about the cesspool that is Kiwi Farms. What did Josh do after his hand was forced to confirm the kill? He immediately went on the attack against a dead guy who died because of Josh's personal decision. He had the power to keep the obviously disturbed individual alive, but he refused to do so out of his fake and contemptuous public posture. He put him up for further mockery and monetized their personal exchange. He claimed the info would just be posted elsewhere. Byuu rightfully pointed out to him that Kiwi Farms is by far the number one site for in-real-life harassment and genuinely offered him both his money and his services, if only Josh Moon would help him. He didn't help him, he instead harmed him further for monetary gain...and now Null has another body on his record.

Then, as if all this wasn't enough, he called Ginder/Byuu a "rotten piece of shit" yesterday. "Rotten to the bitter fucking end," in the words of Null. Wrong. There is a rotten piece of shit out there, one who is rotten to the bitter fucking end...and he goes by Josh Moon, John Potter, Null...or better yet, coward. Coward because he won't admit who he is, what he does, and how he makes his money. I guess so he can sleep better at night. I guess so he can throw some more Bible verses out while his site terrorizes families and children all over the globe.

Like I said, I sleep like a fucking baby when my head hits that fucking pillow. I somehow doubt that Josh Moon gets the same sort of rest. I've never had to lie about who I am, what I do, what all this is. It's a nasty business. He, on the other hand, HAS to lie to himself, he HAS to lie to the people, or else his entire house of cards will fall.

Guess what? One day they will fall anyway...and I will be down by the riverbank to witness it, chronicle it, and crow about it to the world. Because that's my role. That's what I love. That's what I don't have to lie to myself about to sleep at night."

Speaking of which, @thefrogninja I finally got around to reading that long xeet that Ethan Ralph posted where he responded to Null posting the the FOIA docs about Byuu. In this xeet Ralph claims that there was another KiwiFarms user who posted the FOIA docs himself first, and that it was in response to this user that Null went ahead and posted the (redacted?) FOIA docs. Ethan Ralph doesn't name this other person who apparently had the FOIA documents before Null did, so do you perhaps know who it was?
Hello :feels:

The first person to confirm Byuu's death via documentation was Kiwifarms user Big Bang here on April 4, 2024
Later that day, Josh admits last year he received a FOIA also confirming Byuu's death. This document he posted was dated October 16, 2023.

In the PDF he posts, which appears to have been pre-redacted, the FOIA was directed to someone by the name of Simohamed Benbattouche. Whoever this Simohamed person is, he sent the documentation to Josh.

It appears Simohamed has been trying to FOIA documentation on Byuu's death for years, as far back as 2022. There was some minor discussion about him on Kiwifarms in November 2023.
smimon 2.png

Thankfully, FOIAs can be FOIAed themselves. Searching "Simohamed Benbattouche" online comes up with not much besides his few mentions on Kiwifarms. Would @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt consider FOIAing Simohamed Benbattouche FOIA? The results are sure to ne interesting. It is possible that Simohamed is some persona Josh created to submit the FOIA, but I find that unlikely given all the effort he claims he went through to "verify" the FOIA. If this person were to be Josh it would honestly be more damning.
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