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Null continues going after Sam Hyde, criticizing his use of Gumroad (even though I'm positive Null has/had a Gumroad account) and getting attacked by uppity forum users for something involving Dick Masterson paying him to defend him.
This is such revisionism.
Chain of events
1. Dax creates NP2, that enables Josh and Jim and other's to get money. And, not coincidentally, make him the man holding their purse strings
2. PPP and Godwinson throw a bunch of bullshit to chum the waters because the actual facts of NP2 weren't getting the morons attention
3. Josh absolutely swept for Dax, the highlight being him claiming Dax lived in a mansion. Dax's crack shack was doxxed and it was not a mansion.
4. Josh, like he does, faced mounting pressure from his board due to Dax and Ralph shitting on Kiwis, while at the same time NP2 was getting into trouble.
5. Josh was fine with Digibro until Digibro contacted Josh (he's on stream at the time saying this) telling him Josh wasn't welcome after saying it was time for Dax to sacrifice Ethan Ralph to the Corn.
6. Josh then got taken in by PPP/Godwinson, who were more interested in using him against Ralph.
7. PPP sold his soul for the KC, so after a long time, he stated he was full of shit. Godwinson too has admitted he didn't have the goods. That was more the outrageous claims about NP2, not Josh sweeping like a bitch. Or the fact he was on record as originally having been kicked out by Ralph and passive aggressively by Dax via Digibro. He's just trying to retcon things so he wasn't a bitch in the affair.