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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Kiwifarms is now hosting more revenge pornography. This time of streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell.
Isn't Revenge Porn illegal in just about every U.S. territory and in 49 of the 50 U.S. states? (it's not illegal under U.S. federal law but the states and territories have since made it a crime to distribute).

Section 230 can only protect you from so much and I don't know why Jersh still gives stuff like this a pass when this kind of content puts him and many of his users as risk of being charged with disturbing revenge porn (unless they're that willing to join the same club Ethan Ralph is in).
Kiwifarms is now hosting more revenge pornography. This time of streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell.
Update: Josh is now publicly advertising the revenge porn of Destiny and his ex-wife Melina because he hates him. Even though he's posting about it on X he has yet to feature it on his website as he does most everything else he posts about on X. Likely because he wants plausible deniability on advertising revenge porn.
"I wasn't advertising revenge porn. See! I'm not providing a link! I'm just telling people to go find it on my website!" :Null
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As much as I don't like Destiny, I hope he sees what Jersh is doing.

I think Jersh forgets that this isn't the Internet of the 2010's anymore and stuff like Revenge Porn can land you in trouble now.

People like Destiny can now take legal action against this and it won't be a lolsuit that Jersh can escape from on the count that most states can and will arrest and charge people over this. It wasn't that long ago that Ethan Ralph (the Gunt) got arrested, charged, and convicted for posting revenge porn that he had to run away to Mexico to escape paying child support and running away from his other legal problems.

For a guy that laughs at lolcows, Jersh doesn't seem to be learning from their mistakes.
As much as I don't like Destiny, I hope he sees what Jersh is doing.

I think Jersh forgets that this isn't the Internet of the 2010's anymore and stuff like Revenge Porn can land you in trouble now.

People like Destiny can now take legal action against this and it won't be a lolsuit that Jersh can escape from on the count that most states can and will arrest and charge people over this. It wasn't that long ago that Ethan Ralph (the Gunt) got arrested, charged, and convicted for posting revenge porn that he had to run away to Mexico to escape paying child support and running away from his other legal problems.

For a guy that laughs at lolcows, Jersh doesn't seem to be learning from their mistakes.
Given the notoriety of kiwifarms, they would throw the book at Josh.
I love the kiwi discourse on the Dusty Dick, they can't say it's small or broken, because it obviously isn't, so they have to say it's "weird looking" as if 99.9% of dicks on planet earth are not weird looking!
They're also falling over themselves in disgust at him having threesomes and banging multiple women as if anyone would doubt an LA influencer wouldn't do just that. At most they've got him on the dick sucking but that's still a more fulfilling sex life than 90% of them.