Respectfully, Chris Chan did not try to murder the owner.This reminds me of something I've read that Jersh posted years ago. It was something along the lines of how Jersh felt his life wasn't going anywhere, he was nearing his 30's at the time, and he still hasn't found a woman to start a family with (him complaining about how he may hit the wall).
Chris-Chan often exaggerates things and is an unreliable narrator when it comes to their life but if CWC has managed to reproduce and has a kid of their own; well CWC has beaten Kiwi Farms at their own game. Shit, a lot of people thought Chris-Chan will die alone and yet CWC proved them wrong.
Don't get me wrong, Chris-Chan is not a good person by any means (from him pepper spraying a Gamestop employee to him committing attempted murder on a hobby store owner that he was banned from to the allegations of CWC having sex with his own elderly mother). But if Chris-Chan has a girlfriend and a biological offspring is due, well we can objectively say that Chris-Chan won.