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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
It was the backups
fr, the only reoccurring problem I have, the notifications bell will briefly show the number of updates, then disappear. If I press refresh, it'll show up...
OF keeps triple posting on me!
If you hit post, and the Oops msg comes up, just hit refresh, and it'll post, don't keep hitting post, because then you'll end up triple posting.
Time to fire up t'Heep
There's a cheese shop down the road that sells locally sourced and produced cheese.
Enough varieties that I couldn't list them all one of my particular favorites is something called farm cheese it's a soft provolone style cheese it's absolutely delicious
This shows how our of touch null is if he couldn't find decent cheese in the US of all places.
perfect for good ol mac and cheese. some parm (fake lol), gouda, and provolone and you are going to experience the god's dick in your vagina
I can get both real and fake Parmesan too. I usually get the face stuff because I grown accustomed to it. The real stuff is more for a special occasion because it's around 20 $ for a single small wedge.
My notifs on the bell icon show up but the red bubble does not...I've seen appear when loading the site just for it to bloop out.

This is what mine look like daily. Absolutely hilarious that I live in kan's head rent free. I consider it like a summer home. Maybe hobo Danielle the nomadic retard should apply for a space, he could use it.