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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
A meme that boils down to telling women "I'm going to rape you and make you have my baby" doesn't need a discussion about the nuances of abortion. The meme's retarded, so is Nick for sperging out and spraying that woman for ringing his doorbell, and that doesn't change because Null's using this to try and drive off more A&H posters from his site.
The meme boils down to, "you are not permitted to kill a baby just because it is smaller than you".
Fuentes is thin and women find him conventionally attractive. Josh will never look like this no matter how hard he tries.
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While Josh attempts to mock and foster discontent towards Nick for rightly defending his property from cra,y lefties,
He did not “rightfully defend his property from cra,y lefties”.
First of all, it’s crazy, and second of all Nick’s scrawnyass, pussyass pepper sprayed an old woman who was unarmed. He is a faggot, through and through, homosexual or not. Null had to deal with some asshole associated with a scam that was armed with a crossbow. Even though both are pussies, Nick is the bigger pussy.
But on the other hand…
Josh snitches on himself once again and claims he desires to see Nicholas J. Fuentes be systematically raped by a much older, much hairier man.
There’s no justifying this shit. People like Josh and Nick should both be in jail. It’s one thing to make death threats, but it’s even more disgusting to make unironic rape threats, ones involving actual sexual intercourse at that. Ugh.

It’s not even a “I hope Nick gets a sword shot up his ass and immediately dies” kind of threat.

Every time I hear this man’s voice, I have to use earbleach.
A meme that boils down to telling women "I'm going to rape you and make you have my baby" doesn't need a discussion about the nuances of abortion. The meme's retarded, so is Nick for sperging out and spraying that woman for ringing his doorbell, and that doesn't change because Null's using this to try and drive off more A&H posters from his site.
I interpreted it as meaning if the other party was ugly he could choose to not interact with their body.
Plus Fuentes is gay so he'll never have to worry about getting a woman pregnant. No idea why he even has a stance on this, given his homosexuality

He's pandering to his audience which is whiny fat high school boys who are Forever Alone. Nick has been cultivating these high school boys so that he can sex traffic them to America First where they can be raped. He has a pajeet named Ali who has been in legal trouble for sodomizing teen boys at AF meet ups. Nick still defends Ali and has kept in contact with him. (I have no idea what Ali's legal status is rn, he may still be "under investigation.")

The catchy catch phrases are simply part of Nick's gay sex trafficking scheme and helps build relationships with his audience so they will think he is funny and buy plane tickets for basement cumhunts and anal rape.

Doesn't the meme imply they can't kill their babies? I don't remember hearing anything about sex slaves.

There's a difference between outlawing abortion and forced birth. Killing babies is weird and it is always going to make society uncomfortable, if some women have a problem with that maybe they should become fat and get sterilized, then the Moids won't care about them.

This is an ad hoc justification because people have only just now realized how rapey the slogan is. In a vacuum sure it would mean anti abortion, but middle and high schoolers are already using it to sexually harass and intimidate their classmates, I predict there will be "your body my choice" themed rapes that hit headlines by the end of the year. Pretending not to understand is just being willfully obtuse considering Nick is a gay rapist and also a federal informant who has been given instructions by the FBI to damage Trump. Nick spent years fomenting against Trump including buying a Kamala billboard ad and told groypers to do write ins instead of voting for Trump, which they dutifully did. Now we are to believe Nick is pro Trump for the sake of ending abortion and that's why he came up with a rapey catchphrase? Something doesn't add up chief.

Nick came up with a rape slogan because he knows most right wingers are not smart enough to realize its a rape slogan ensuring they repeated it all over the internet and then went "oh shit" and are now justifying it with "i-i-i-i-it's about abortion!" No, its a rape threat coming from a sex trafficker and a guy who enables pedophiles to rape teen boys. And Nick the FBI asset just got thousands of magatards and bots on twitter and tiktok to threaten women with it. This plays into my other posts regarding how anti wokes on the internet are tarding out and confirming the radfem thesis about males.

I don't think it is doomsday or anything but it is sad and disappointing to watch so many tards fall for the scheme if a gay catboy loving rapist.

It's ssjness goal of forcing a 12 year old to marry him and make her have more babies with the rape babies. Which is also every Muslim and Mormon's goal.

SSJ will yiff in hell
Nick came up with a rape slogan because he knows most right wingers are not smart enough to realize its a rape slogan ensuring they repeated it all over the internet and then went "oh shit" and are now justifying it with "i-i-i-i-it's about abortion!" No, its a rape threat coming from a sex trafficker and a guy who enables pedophiles to rape teen boys. And Nick the FBI asset just got thousands of magatards and bots on twitter and tiktok to threaten women with it. This plays into my other posts regarding how anti wokes on the internet are tarding out and confirming the radfem thesis about males.
No offense, but this is remedial, end of time, psychobabble. Open abortion is not the end state for humanity, people will always try to stop it because it's murder. At the end of the day, it's not "your" body, "your" body is fine, it's the baby who dies... the act of abortion is the greatest example of "your body my choice" that I could possibly imagine, that's why the meme hit so hard.

I'm sounding really anti abortion, but I am not. I just think it's funny that these girls spent years bragging about killing babies, acting as if mankinds purest state was infanticide, coz they thought they were living in the end of time, only to find out that time keeps marching on.
Reason: engrish
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