All Races, ethnicities, religions. Gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

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January 7, 2025: Nollywood actress, Toyin Abraham, has a meltdown over someone recording her new movie in a cinema
January 7, 2025: Social media personality and self-acclaimed therapist, Blessing Okoro, aka Blessing CEO, maintains there is nothing wrong with a therapist dating a client
Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
The two sites are and The "data miner" who tried to sell user data is called AEdiot and runs the .wiki. Both sites look to be pretty dead, but .online a few people working on it.

ED went to shit in 2012, most of the good editors had left at that point, there was an emerging disconnect between ED and EDF (the retarded forum), and - additionally - Zaiger managed to shoo E away that year with his drug-fueled retardation. E was the last technical competent guy in charge, since then ED has been as stable as a pressure hull made out of paper. People always cite the change of ED as an example of how internet culture has shifted, but an equally important part is the absolute perpetuating shitshow behind the scenes ever since Girlvinyl bottled out.
Other than the influx of extremely unfunny people that tried to shut down new memes like the 56%/La Creatura meme I remember a particular influx of editors writing a bunch of bullshit that was pretty offtopic for ED, for example, I remember a bunch of "gender critical" femcels from places like editing ED's articles about Autism to include some pseudoscientific feminist shit about the extreme male brain theory and the clumsy psychopath hypothesis.
Voxday should have never try to fork the Wikipedia, what a particulary terrible precedent he established.

I don't know
Honestly good riddance erectile dysfunction, i don’t want to push through constant attempts at humour and offensiveness when i’m just trying to read about some random youtuber.
At least upload the image directly in case the ibb link dies.
So I have an ultimatum: Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. WOOOO WE GOTT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE WE GOT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. They got a big herd of nigger cattle yippie ki yay we're nigger cattle herders we got a herd of nigger cattle, they are the most docile fucking nigger cattle we got 'em so docile we got this awesome big fucking herd of nigger cattle and they shit and they sit there and they watch TV and they shit ITS THE BEST FUCKING HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. We took away all their guns now they just shit and we watch them and were rich. We are so fucking rich. We have so much fucking money. We got this herd of nigger cattle WOOOOO. We're milking the fucking nigger cattle it's the best thing ever. So that's what the Illuminati got and I got a space alien. So here is my ultimatum: you can live in hell with my nigger cattle OR you can put me in charge of the space alien temple, the third temple. OK? Have fun with your nigger cause I sure as hell ain't gonna fucking suck your jew nigger cock. Fuck yourself you think i'm gonna fucking enjoy nigger cattle after I had a fucking space alien are you fucking crazy? I got a fucking space alien of course I'm not gonna fuck, fuck with nigger cattle fuck yourself. You fucking think i... enjoy your FUCKING NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE GO GO GO GO YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE. You got a fucking herd of nigger WOOOO we got 'em so docile they just shit all day aint that so great?
Josh: I should care about myself! Society is trying to tell you otherwise but its best to focus on yourself!
Also Josh: The Jew Illuminati wants to make everyone into niggercattle :(

Am I missing something here? I actually agree with the message "You gotta focus on yourself first", and its why I never gave two niggershits about "durr white race" and junk. I think if you're putting that much focus on race then you're no longer focusing on the self.

And no, breaking the jew-banks (or replacing them with a federal alternative) isn't going to solve this. Actually can we go back again to how he thinks federalizing the banks is a good thing? Yes, because I don't just want to get banned from Patreon and Youtube for using a no-no word - I want my entire livelihood fucked and to live as a felon, all because I said some naughty words!

(the fuck?)