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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Six months later and Josh is still trying to make the Sam Hyde accusations stick after he fucked up and trusted that crazy bitch for an interview. ...interview.
View attachment 57348
"picking mentally ill people to abuse is a very common tactic for this reason" Could almost be like how multiple mentally ill people suffered because of you, Josh
"picking mentally ill people to abuse is a very common tactic for this reason" Could almost be like how multiple mentally ill people suffered because of you, Josh
This coming from the guy who made Altistic Right the trauma bonded chinaman a mod and now uses him as his attack dog to rewrite whole threads for free if the subject pisses off Josh enough.

I remember Altistic messaging me before he became a mod about how great my posts were and it was just the most simpering shit but I didn't even know who he was at the time so I thought he was just trying to get me to powerlevel. Seeing the way he just does Null's bidding like a bitch it does make me think he is either in the closet or just very, very lonely.

NP2 anyone?
Dick doesn't need to join Kiwifarms to respond to people because he is rich and above such behavior.

He needs to be asked why he continues to use and promote Rumble despite the company working with "pedophile Corey Barnhill." Why has he never brought this issue up on his Twitter when had the chance? Where are his principles? Perhaps he is too buckbroken and whipped by Rumble to do so. Chris Pavlovski says jump and Josh Troon asks, "how high?" He's so bitchmade and beholden to Rumble that he's admitted he only tries to inform them by neatly written private emails which they promptly file directly into the trash bin.
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This coming from the guy who made Altistic Right the trauma bonded chinaman a mod and now uses him as his attack dog to rewrite whole threads for free if the subject pisses off Josh enough.

I remember Altistic messaging me before he became a mod about how great my posts were and it was just the most simpering shit but I didn't even know who he was at the time so I thought he was just trying to get me to powerlevel. Seeing the way he just does Null's bidding like a bitch it does make me think he is either in the closet or just very, very lonely.
Is altisticnigger Asian though? I wanna know if that’s true
This coming from the guy who made Altistic Right the trauma bonded chinaman a mod and now uses him as his attack dog to rewrite whole threads for free if the subject pisses off Josh enough.

I remember Altistic messaging me before he became a mod about how great my posts were and it was just the most simpering shit but I didn't even know who he was at the time so I thought he was just trying to get me to powerlevel. Seeing the way he just does Null's bidding like a bitch it does make me think he is either in the closet or just very, very lonely.
Also I wanna laugh so bad more than ever, cause...you know what it's KF were talking about. lmao but still that's funny to me
Is altisticnigger Asian though? I wanna know if that’s true
You might have a point here I don't believe anything these fruitcakes say about themselves...

Incidentally I think Anominous may be Chinese as I remember him talking about his mother making red braised pork belly. Which would have been unknown outside of chinese immigrant populations until long after Anom was a kid. He even mentions several times that pork belly can be hard to find since it is mostly turned into bacon in north america making it more or less impossible to source outside of again immigrant populations with access to specialized markets back in those days. Pretty hard to imagine some white lady knowing where to get the ingredients never mind knowing how to cook it as it's a fairly complex dish.

Holy shit anom is even more cracked than I thought. He has posted about "Mao's red pork belly" dozens and dozens of times. This could however be something to throw people off the trail, even still it's nuts how much this half a faggot talks about fucking pork belly.

pork belly2.pngpork belly.pngpork belly3.png
You might have a point here I don't believe anything these fruitcakes say about themselves... ...themselves...

Incidentally I think Anominous may be Chinese as I remember him talking about his mother making red braised pork belly. Which would have been unknown outside of chinese immigrant populations until long after Anom was a kid. He even mentions several times that pork belly can be hard to find since it is mostly turned into bacon in north america making it more or less impossible to source outside of again immigrant populations with access to specialized markets back in those days. Pretty hard to imagine some white lady knowing where to get the ingredients never mind knowing how to cook it as it's a fairly complex dish.

Holy shit anom is even more cracked than I thought. He has posted about "Mao's red pork belly" dozens and dozens of times. This could however be something to throw people off the trail, even still it's nuts how much this half a faggot talks about fucking pork belly.

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Well Goddamn...KF be cracking, but on some rs though, I wish more niggas realized how much Lolcowery of place KF is. I just wish people weren't too pussy made just to see for themselves
You might have a point here I don't believe anything these fruitcakes say about themselves...

Incidentally I think Anominous may be Chinese as I remember him talking about his mother making red braised pork belly. Which would have been unknown outside of chinese immigrant populations until long after Anom was a kid. He even mentions several times that pork belly can be hard to find since it is mostly turned into bacon in north america making it more or less impossible to source outside of again immigrant populations with access to specialized markets back in those days. Pretty hard to imagine some white lady knowing where to get the ingredients never mind knowing how to cook it as it's a fairly complex dish.

Holy shit anom is even more cracked than I thought. He has posted about "Mao's red pork belly" dozens and dozens of times. This could however be something to throw people off the trail, even still it's nuts how much this half a faggot talks about fucking pork belly.

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He trauma dumps fairly regularly now about having debilitating ADHD and I remember he dropped that it wasn't his dad who reined in all his spastic destructive behavior but rather his mom who sounded pretty abusive. That seems like a common asian family dynamic stereotype with tiger moms being overbearing and insensitive while the dad is more meek etc. but idk. I've always gotten a sheltered suburban WASP vibe from him but one thing's certain he's extremely fucking weird and his outbursts and use of image board slang is abnormal for a guy who's by his own admission pushing 60.
Several things here....

1. This is peak NPC/modern person/terminally online weirdo shit
2. Null doesn't know about even basic battery backups which is kind of a must for anyone who works with a computer.
3. Null is so soft and effete he can't even attach a bunch of casters to a normal table to make it move.
4. He doesn't trust the Kiwis to have this knowledge so he has to go to........ Reddit. That's right in the case of home DIY projects Null trusts a fucking redditor over his own site members.