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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Jewish word games. He clears himself of never directly messing with Dick's Patreon, but doesn't clear himself of openly suggesting his audience and listeners do.
"If I was going to do something, there wouldn't be a question about it.
Oh you mean like when you went after Sam Hyde? "Gosh guys let me just host an interview with his bpd stalker ex that calls him a pedophile. Im not going after him though im just trying to straigthen out 10 year old drama for his benefit!"

Nobody is buying this shit unless they are directly attached to Joshes nuts.
Null reminds me of that weird dramafag Adam McEntyre, the bitterness, the gayness, the anger.

Here's a hard copy. Humliation fetish from the new Discord GF Josh?


Uh oh *squints* it looks like Josh is finally handing Dick Masterson a fat L *tilts head* ...At least I think so cause I can't bloody read a fucking word he's typing with his new Insane asylum wall filter.

No dick and no HRT make Joshy go something, something.
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