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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Just small point of fact, Josh said that he didn't like dick in a stream before (citation needed, I'm lazy), and was lamenting that his success was tied to Dick's in his Life is Strange playthrough.
So I believe that it was purely a business partner ship for NP2, along with the clot Dick has the time being beneficial for Josh. As soon as Josh had no need for him, he turned immediately.
Took me to long to realise this post was not about null’s sexuality
That would be a very important clip to have, you remember anything about when it was that could narrow down when it was?
well you could take the date of the life is strange clip and go back a to streams from the previous month or two. Or if you happen to know which ralph episode it was where he was in LA with Dax and Dax talks about taking Josh on to NP2, it'll be a week or two before that somewhere iirc. Like he doesn't say he just hates him or really digs in or anything like that, just says something to the effect of never really liking him.
Because he's heard of the Streisand effect?
Streisand effect only really applies if you're unable to memory hole something. Sure he'd have people going "wtf where thred go?? ??? ree josh" but then he can turn around and say 'Deal with it".

What they going to do next then? Go to dienull.lgbt, which is the new wordfilter for oni*nfarms? /cow/ is dead so that's off the chart.

Really, he's an idiot and he's insecure. Stuff we already know.
Then the site should be right up his alley.
>Is too much of a human wreck to actually obtain a based tradwife
>Is too stubborn and entrenched in /pol/-tier traditionalism to say "fuck it" and become a coomer

Must suck to be Josh.
Too bad he doesn't have a live in ex girlfriend to tell use about his hypocritical coomer habits.
Here's a fresh hot take by Joshua Null on relationships in all its sexless glory!
View attachment 5524
He's not really wrong tbh. Most of the right wing "hold women to high standards" crowd are obese, lazy, selfish, easily angered, poorly (or un) employed men with freaky fetishes who generally have no qualities that makes them attractive to a woman looking for a traditional lifestyle.

This isn't even a subtle dig at Josh, its just me stating the reality of the thing, I swear!
Just small point of fact, Josh said that he didn't like dick in a stream before (citation needed, I'm lazy), and was lamenting that his success was tied to Dick's in his Life is Strange playthrough.
So I believe that it was purely a business partner ship for NP2, along with the clot Dick has the time being beneficial for Josh. As soon as Josh had no need for him, he turned immediately.
Josh also paypigged Dick on Patreon generously. Not sure if he still donates or not, but on the forum he once called Dick the "funniest man on the internet." I think Dick was more like a daddy to him.
Hilarious if true
nah, he hasn't tried to bury this nor has he done much to attempt to ransack this place, which is honestly surprising. I know it *really* gets him that a new place popped up that rips on him but traditionally he does what he can to either bury the new place or filter it away.
Josh also paypigged Dick on Patreon generously. Not sure if he still donates or not, but on the forum he once called Dick the "funniest man on the internet." I think Dick was more like a daddy to him.
I don't totally know what happened with him and Dick. I heard he made a joke at Ethan Ralph or something (that gunt guy?) and Ralph took it to be that he was going to be targeted, and Dick sided with Ethan, who also gave NewProject2's payment information to Vordrak who managed to shut it down?

That's the story I heard. Its weird, because for a while he was planning to live with Dick in Vegas.
So with how much Null clearly simped for Dick it raises the question of what exactly made him turn against Dick.
So with how much Null clearly simped for Dick it raises the question of what exactly made him turn against Dick.
I heard it was the other way when NewProject2 (that thing hosting MATI's patreon clone thing) got put on the MATCH blacklist. Thus shitting on another (pretty successful) form of revenue.

Not to worry, he's found simps since than. Almost have to wonder why he didn't just go this route to begin with