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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
That's a good question. I have no idea. I'm sure they have stores or restaurants around there, but I'm assuming it means he'd have to learn the native language. Which, let's be real, he's too conceited to give a fuck about doing that.
I dunno plenty of sources to learn it from, their rap videos are fire at least.

Serious answer, it's not like there's a lack of language videos on JewTube, he obviously has internet, literally no excuse.

Perfect. Josh can chop up the lolcows for real!
Coke Zero doesn't grant its drinkers the strength to wield the mighty cleaver, plus butchery is physical labor. He'd whine about being covered in pig guts half an hour into his first shift.
It's a massive slippery slope; KF suffers with elitism as it is and the second you create ranks to that elitism it will go further down. I tend to only stick to a few threads nowadays just because so many are dead or no one wants to converse.

The dip in the Alexa ratings is of absolutely no surprise the last few months in certain boards I have seen them become echo chambers, in any forum culture especially that is a writing on the wall moment. I also see a lot more resistance against josh too the fanaticism is fewer and farther between.

It will be very interesting to see what happens because the danger of more slap fights gives the detractors more ire but also alienates your audience. When you start paywalling too people can vote with their wallets and leave and when you have already limited revenue streams, you have to put your "business" first.

I am quite adamant that this is the beginning of the end at this point even friends personally that know of the farms in conversations have said how it going would lighten the space. I will admit this though its nowhere toxic even than it used to be a few months back but it feels like it is shambling along at this point.

I get Josh's vision the problem is HE became the farms and is incredibly inapproachable and burdened by neuroses.
It's a massive slippery slope; KF suffers with elitism as it is and the second you create ranks to that elitism it will go further down. I tend to only stick to a few threads nowadays just because so many are dead or no one wants to converse.

The dip in the Alexa ratings is of absolutely no surprise the last few months in certain boards I have seen them become echo chambers, in any forum culture especially that is a writing on the wall moment. I also see a lot more resistance against josh too the fanaticism is fewer and farther between.

It will be very interesting to see what happens because the danger of more slap fights gives the detractors more ire but also alienates your audience. When you start paywalling too people can vote with their wallets and leave and when you have already limited revenue streams, you have to put your "business" first.

I am quite adamant that this is the beginning of the end at this point even friends personally that know of the farms in conversations have said how it going would lighten the space. I will admit this though its nowhere toxic even than it used to be a few months back but it feels like it is shambling along at this point.

I get Josh's vision the problem is HE became the farms and is incredibly inapproachable and burdened by neuroses.
*checks your join date*
*screencaps the useless internet points you have received as reflected in your newfag profile*
*makes smug post about it and gets ready to receive some Kiwifarms gold*
*checks your join date*
*screencaps the useless internet points you have received as reflected in your newfag profile*
*makes smug post about it and gets ready to receive some Kiwifarms gold*
New members should be encouraged to put extra effort into fitting in and learning the culture of the community. Bitching about stickers is gay, but when some 2020 join date gets uppity and acts like a newfag they absolutely should be told to lurk more.
New members should be encouraged to put extra effort into fitting in and learning the culture of the community. Bitching about stickers is gay, but when some 2020 join date gets uppity and acts like a newfag they absolutely should be told to lurk more.
But what if they say they've been lurking Kiwi Farms since like 2007 and they already know all the ins-and-outs and lol Chris-chan is so exceptional individual and all that, and they only just recently decided to plunge in and make an account?
But what if they say they've been lurking Kiwi Farms since like 2007 and they already know all the ins-and-outs and lol Chris-chan is so exceptional individual and all that, and they only just recently decided to plunge in and make an account?
Well if they have been lurking that long and are still acting like a newfag they should do it more.

Its kindof a moot point now, but ideally when people first join an established community they should be encouraged to try and fit in instead of just doing whatever they want.
Azusa said:
But what if they say they've been lurking Kiwi Farms since like 2007 and they already know all the ins-and-outs and lol Chris-chan is so exceptional individual and all that, and they only just recently decided to plunge in and make an account?
Then you tell them to kill themselves.
I just want tryhard to stop calling my 5 billion sockpuppet accounts "newfags" just because I said something the tryhard in question doesn't like and I don't have enough useless internet points in my join date.
New members should be encouraged to put extra effort into fitting in and learning the culture of the community. Bitching about stickers is gay, but when some 2020 join date gets uppity and acts like a newfag they absolutely should be told to lurk more.
That explains why oldfags like AnOmalous or Dyn put so little effort then.

Hahaha anus of trent, pretty epic am i rite my fellow oldfags?
yeah supposivly that person broke his v-card but was trashy as shit

That's a good question. I have no idea. I'm sure they have stores or restaurants around there, but I'm assuming it means he'd have to learn the native language. Which, let's be real, he's too conceited to give a fuck about doing that.
It's not going to make much difference. He can't get anything local. He is a foreigner not a citizen. He's not authorized to work in Serbia. He can't fit into the culture. He cannot even speak the language. He has no technology degree from any recognized college in Serbia. So no he just can't get anything local except for maybe under the table.
Would I be considered an oldfag even though I was banned over 4 years ago? ?
Or are you only an oldfag if you're still an active member?
Man you guys do amazing work, I'd like to add this one for posterity. The part of the Simspiracy meltdown in the PPP thread, I don't know why Josh hates me so much. Anyway this all started because Josh locked a thread because people said Dick's house wasn't a mansion, according to Null it was one the biggest bestest houses he had ever been invited to.

(House for reference)
Masterson house.png

Null Spergout 2.png

Null Spergout 3.png

Null Spergout.png
Why did Josh defend Dick? Genuine question, because Josh gains absolutely nothing from defending Dick.
It seems poor Joshy boy had major man crush on Masterson, was a frequent guest on his show, and was invited to the "mansion" by Dax. Also the platform he received donations from New Project 2 was controlled by Masterson, as Josh had been kicked off basically everything else.