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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I just think he doesn't want to let anymore "chuds" on the site, only the redditor simps that can pay money to the site and some Salon girls who are happy about non-objectifcation of women while they flick the bean to their shirtless actors, Yaois, and fanfics which will go unaffected.

He's sincere about hating chuds now I think, his life has been ruined because he was dumb enough to throw his lot in with the alt right. Look at how the alt right has crashed and burned, all of the pedophilic child molesters its full of that screech about "saving the west" and being le based all while trying to entrap teen boys and blackmail them for nudes. The only way to make money is to sell Ben Carson Brain Pills and post about the hollow moon and the lizard people living there because that is what right wingers believe these days. Right wing twitter is rampant with morons who post endless fits and whiny threads because they are shameless and will debase themselves any way possible just for a crumb of elonbux. Except Josh can't even benefit from that because he's been demonetized. Supposedly can't open a bank account, has been banned from major internet storefronts, and may have actually left the US because all he has is crypto and only shithole countries can let him spend it.

Null sounds very disillusioned and bitter from having lost so much due to joining with the right wing. If he had been a normie, quietly hated the freaks but kept his head down, his life would be much much better. Fujos and cat ladies are much more preferable for him because they just want a place to bitch and pick on each other as well as taunt males. All of the people that fujos and cat ladies hate are the same people who ruined Null's life by associating with them. He wasted his twenties on this shit and his life is in shambles to the point that he can't even get a proper job without changing his name and making major changes to his appearance. Fujos and cat ladies are much more socially acceptable than Republicans and other assorted losers. They're smarter about picking their battles, much smarter than right wing losers.

Null's hatred for his userbase is real because he blames them for his problems. He wants to switch to the normie audience. Gossiping women who hate trannies is the closest he will get and frankly he would be in a much better position if he had simply started with them from the start.
•autistic essay snip•
Josh was demonized and had bomb threats made in his name because he thought being a "based Libertarian" freeze peach kike by defending "victimless pedophilia" was a winning move.
Don't rewrite some shit that should be objectively abhorrent regardless of political ideology just because you got a bone to pick with a reactionary movement that came about because of the European migrant crisis that kicked off a decade ago.
He's sincere about hating chuds now I think, his life has been ruined because he was dumb enough to throw his lot in with the alt right. Look at how the alt right has crashed and burned, all of the pedophilic child molesters its full of that screech about "saving the west" and being le based all while trying to entrap teen boys and blackmail them for nudes. The only way to make money is to sell Ben Carson Brain Pills and post about the hollow moon and the lizard people living there because that is what right wingers believe these days. Right wing twitter is rampant with morons who post endless fits and whiny threads because they are shameless and will debase themselves any way possible just for a crumb of elonbux. Except Josh can't even benefit from that because he's been demonetized. Supposedly can't open a bank account, has been banned from major internet storefronts, and may have actually left the US because all he has is crypto and only shithole countries can let him spend it.

Null sounds very disillusioned and bitter from having lost so much due to joining with the right wing. If he had been a normie, quietly hated the freaks but kept his head down, his life would be much much better. Fujos and cat ladies are much more preferable for him because they just want a place to bitch and pick on each other as well as taunt males. All of the people that fujos and cat ladies hate are the same people who ruined Null's life by associating with them. He wasted his twenties on this shit and his life is in shambles to the point that he can't even get a proper job without changing his name and making major changes to his appearance. Fujos and cat ladies are much more socially acceptable than Republicans and other assorted losers. They're smarter about picking their battles, much smarter than right wing losers.

Null's hatred for his userbase is real because he blames them for his problems. He wants to switch to the normie audience. Gossiping women who hate trannies is the closest he will get and frankly he would be in a much better position if he had simply started with them from the start.
In a manner of speaking he is worse off than Chris Chan.
He's sincere about hating chuds now I think, his life has been ruined because he was dumb enough to throw his lot in with the alt right. Look at how the alt right has crashed and burned, all of the pedophilic child molesters its full of that screech about "saving the west" and being le based all while trying to entrap teen boys and blackmail them for nudes.

I don't think theres a difference really. If you've looked into the lolcows on both sides in the past. Both "sides" being propped up by the social media algorthms have skeletons in their closets. It just a matter of siding with the people who you think will get the most institutional protection. That will avoid your site becoming a target.

You think theres going to be a #metoo over female VTubers grooming young boys online... ever? No.

I'm certainly not going to be gunt guarding him but he has dealt with a lot of shit.
No one asked him to open his mouth, ever. He could just be the janny in the background keeping the site going but his ego is too big for that. He MUST have a podcast where he rambles in his tinny troon voice, he MUST whine about people using his site wrong, you MUST know his take on every single lolcow and current event, because he sincerely thinks he's just that important.
I don't think theres a difference really. If you've looked into the lolcows on both sides in the past. Both "sides" being propped up by the social media algorthms have skeletons in their closets. It just a matter of siding with the people who you think will get the most institutional protection. That will avoid your site becoming a target.

You think theres going to be a #metoo over female VTubers grooming young boys online... ever? No.
Maybe our shotalover-in-chief's positions start to make more sense when we look at it from a "who has institutional protection?" standpoint. However, the female gooner/pedophile issue is one that I've actually seen more people talking about lately, mostly due to screenshots like what you posted as well as men finding out about booktok. Will anyone do anything about it? Probably not for a while longer, since most men still don't know.
I don't think theres a difference really. If you've looked into the lolcows on both sides in the past. Both "sides" being propped up by the social media algorthms have skeletons in their closets. It just a matter of siding with the people who you think will get the most institutional protection. That will avoid your site becoming a target.

You think theres going to be a #metoo over female VTubers grooming young boys online... ever? No.

View attachment 55079

Except there is a difference: female pedos aren't building a political movement around it. Meanwhile alt righters are tying pedophilia to political movements like America First.

There is also something important to remember: no one cared that much about lolicons before 2016. Lolicons and shotacons were known in the anime community but they did try to keep to themselves and there was an understanding that they shouldn't be gross in public. This was how anime became more mainstream.

Then Donald Trump happened and zoomers began posting lolicon on their politics social media accounts. They made their online personalities about lolicon AND being their version of "right wing." This also coincided with lefties pushing their "trans the kids" agenda so that male pedophiles could get access to kids. Which means now "male pedophiles" are now associated with extreme politics. Which Josh was dumb enough to get involved, probably due to this:

Josh was a libertarian when he thought libertarians were all pedos like him. As soon as he found out that the only pedo libertarians are the pedos trying to justify it he started screaming for daddy gubmint to fuck everyone's shit up on his behalf again.

Female pedophiles are usually a lot smarter about who they target but with the vtuber thing you mentioned + the amount of times millennial school teachers are being busted for raping their students, I actually think that's changing. The lady who did the ukulele apology video was also a pedophile and her pedo apology vid going viral did a lot to raise the issue of female pedophiles in the public consciousness. I think that internet activists could actually do a lot of good here if someone was able to organize a campaign about female pedophiles and how dangerous they are. This is difficult because they are women but also because they keep their heads down and don't make flashy moves that catch the public eye.

What really counts with female pedos, at least in the US, is getting rid of George Soros sponsored judges who are ideologically motivated to let woman rapists off with a slap on the wrist.

In a manner of speaking he is worse off than Chris Chan.

Cruel but fair. Chris can open a bank account and sell things like a regular merchant in spite of his horrific criminal record. What can Josh do?

Josh is a pitiful figure in addition to everything else that he is. He really ruined his own life.
What "religious laws" exist outside of the Amish, Jewish, and Muslim faiths? I wasn't aware of Christianity having laws.
I think there was something in it about gay people being thrown in shit in the old testament. They were one of the many reasons he flooded the world in Noah's ark which makes lgbt stealing the rainbow more ironic since it represents his promise not to do it again. Let's not forget the story of sodom and Gomorrah.
Except there is a difference: female pedos aren't building a political movement around it. Meanwhile alt righters are tying pedophilia to political movements like America First.
I think they just hide in the radfem movements or shonen-ai fandoms. Women are very socially conscious about their rep, so they aren't going to broadcast like men, use force like men. And on the rare occasions it comes out, the MSM will bury it in a local rag no one will read.

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I think they just hide in the radfem movements or shonen-ai fandoms. Women are very socially conscious about their rep, so they aren't going to broadcast like men, use force like men. And on the rare occasions it comes out, the MSM will bury it in a local rag no one will read.

Which, again, is why Josh prefers them and hates the alt right. The alt right is full of pedophiles who are a lot more blatant which is part of why society despises them. It all makes up a bigger movement of right wing losers that Josh attached himself to and subsequently destroyed his future.

Remember: this is about Josh and his relationship to these extreme political movements. By advertising their pedophilia and racism, the alt right destroyed their own future and the futures of everyone attached to them, including the people who became federal informants. Josh is one of those people, leading to his embitterment and scamming behavior.

He loathes his userbase for good reason. If he had simply pandered to feminists from the start then he could have kept much of his usual politics without sacrificing his standing in society. It must sting.
use a normal browser instead of a pedophile browser
It has .Onion in its name, that means its a-okay.

What you should be making fun of is the fact they're asking somebody to do the work for them.