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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I'm routinely amused by Null using words like "niggercattle" while railing on and on against the only people that wouldn't ostracize him for using those kinds of words. He's got absolutely no tact.
Leave her alone! As you know, many trans women go through a second puberty, known as "trans puberty" and they can get very hard to deal with. This is all part of the process.
Kiwifarms really is Null's diary huh. That's why he's so mad all the time, he just uses the whole place to vent and then gets snippy when he remembers its in public and he can be criticized.

This is why we keep these inner thoughts to ourselves
Yes, besides the whole woman-man hate shit, this was my second largest problem with Null. He just had literally no ability to intract with his userbase on the forum without screeching at them like an insane faggot 99% of the time.
What "religious laws" exist outside of the Amish, Jewish, and Muslim faiths? I wasn't aware of Christianity having laws.

Paul spends a lot of time in his epistles sperging out about how sex is evil and everyone needs to chop their dicks off or else get married, I can't remember the passage but there's a distinct number of paragraphs of Paul ranting about how much he despises sex and horniness and how its disgusting.

Otherwise Christians retreat to Leviticus which has made them the source of ridicule.

Josh bitching about weak people who don't do anything is rich asf considering he hides in a shit hole country and probably doesn't even go outside for anything.
NGL that's some old school lolcow behavior. 👌
Reason: ETA: dem unnecessary commas tho
Null quotes the queen bee haiku from Fight Club, claiming he bases his entire personality around... a book written by a gay man from Portland:

Fight Club however was inspired by the Cacophony Society, the culture jamming artist group that founded Burning Man, of which Palahniuk was a member at the time.

Possibly the most widely known Cacophony member is novelist Chuck Palahniuk,[4] who has mentioned his experiences with the Society in his writings, notably the book Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon.[14] He used the Cacophony Society as the basis for the fictional organization Project Mayhem in his novel Fight Club.[15][11] Palahniuk himself was pranked by a gang of Cacophonist waiters at one of his book readings in San Francisco.[16]

Cacophony Society members would seek out extreme experiences (for example, urban exploration in sewers, or performance flash mobs) meant to shock and offend, which is arguably the opposite of the far-right moralism of KiwiFarms. So how does Null reconcile being inspired by Fight Club-as-an-analogue-for-Cacophony-Society with the kind of culture he actually fosters on his forum?

Why Chuck Palahniuk Enjoys Making People Uncomfortable



This shit right here is what makes a fucking lolcow. The world continuously hands them lemons and instead of making lemonade they shove them straight up the ass and complains how much it hurts and how thirsty they are.

Gamergate 2 electric boogalo is clearly brewing and with how tight censorship has gotten it could potentially position him to poach a massive community of people who will get thrown off mainstream platforms when the banwaves starts but instead of capitalizing of his free-speech goodwill he instead pisses in their soup to please his own ego.
"my decade of whining, banning people i disagree with, fucking up my website, and doing nothing"

I'm certainly not going to be gunt guarding him but he has dealt with a lot of shit. Given, it's all been over the last 3 years primarily, so a better critique is he's being a histrionic fag instead of outright denying that there's been pressure most other fagmins would have caved to a long time ago.
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This shit right here is what makes a fucking lolcow. The world continuously hands them lemons and instead of making lemonade they shove them straight up the ass and complains how much it hurts and how thirsty they are.

Gamergate 2 electric boogalo is clearly brewing and with how tight censorship has gotten it could potentially position him to poach a massive community of people who will get thrown off mainstream platforms when the banwaves starts but instead of capitalizing of his free-speech goodwill he instead pisses in their soup to please his own ego.

I just think he doesn't want to let anymore "chuds" on the site, only the redditor simps that can pay money to the site and some Salon girls who are happy about non-objectifcation of women while they flick the bean to their shirtless actors, Yaois, and fanfics which will go unaffected.

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I just think he doesn't want to let anymore "chuds" on the site, only the redditor simps that can pay money to the site and some Salon girls who are happy about non-objectifcation of women while they flick the bean to their Yaois and fanfics which will go unaffected.
While I don't think you're wrong that those are the ultimate paypigs that will keep him from having to actually work, Josh operates under a big tent policy. Give him dopamine and you get to stay. Otherwise he devolves into ghoul-posting like he was back on the boomer Roblox forum.
Josh's current story arc is a fable about why you shouldn't insulate yourself from criticism, no matter how much it stings
So just a redditor simp but without the money?
Yeah, his "dedicated" userbase are nothing more than a form of food stamps that allow him to preserve his unwarranted pride. But all are welcome if you kiss ass and echo back the programming he wants everyone to adopt.
It can never be said enough:
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The dumb niggers who are stuck up his ass and think he's some kind of hero are worse than Plebbitors, they're literally cultists circle jerking someone who would pretend to drink the Flavor•Aid with them before robbing all the fallen's pockets