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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
>Shape overtonwindow by making mods of Nullean zealots that's either superfans or alogs of thread subject. Making any form of informative or funny discussion impossible that isn't loaded with hyperbole.
>Enforce conformity by banning any user that aren't lobotomized or even has a remotely controversial opinion.
>Hyper fixate on a users join date and turn it in to some weird form of elitism despite the biggest faggots on the site being people with older accounts.
>Threaten to remove almost a decade old communities of the site for minor disagreements about moderation

>Why are my users so afraid of saying what they think in threads instead of dm's?! Must be the stickers!
Hotwheels' Wipey.
I'm surprised it wasn't null who went on that "kill all disabled people" rant, instead it was hotwheels during his Nazi eugenicist phase.
>Why are my users so afraid of saying what they think in threads instead of dm's?! Must be the stickers!
It is the stickers who are wrong.
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User mindlessobserver schizoposts about Null possibly being referenced in his Warhammer game, in the form of an ancient AI that just wants to be left alone.
W*rhammer fanboys are consistently the biggest retards in the right wing internet
Fuck these secondaries, I hate them so fucking much. Alright some nerd lore for you all.
Ignoring the fact that they call blanks nulls as well, because null is a fucking word. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Blank

The whole point about AI is that the whole reason it's banned is because AI deemed itself greater than humanity, and that the emperor himself demands its destruction else a repeat of history. Thus anything that isn't just motors and gears requires a human brain to power, else it's heretical.
Servitors act as human computers that avoid the emperor's decree no machines that think. That's why all the 40k has so many skulls for their machines, it's literally their loophole.
No lol it's banned because they ripped off Dune to sell plastic toys. There's no "deep lore" to it. It's just plagiarism.
I'm not saying that joshy has spent some of the legal slush fund on a font...
View attachment 48416
But he DID spend SOMEONE'S money on a font. This is from the litigation thread. Cyrillic, eh? Wonder why(!)
now that's nice, isn't it? you can say "NIGGER, FAGGOT, TROON, TRANNY, KIKE, CHINK, ANGLO FAGGOT, GOOK, NIP, SANDNIGGER, MUZZIE, CHRISTCUCK, PAJEET, SHITSKIN" and many more in different languages instead of actually making kiwifarms stop crashing frequently and making the browsing experience of that shithole smoother for everyone else
More Tech Grief
"Are you aware of the problem... um... did you do it on purpose?"
"TBH, haven't a fucking clue, it was like that when I got here..."
Kwiffar tugs forelock "Oh thank ye, sir, ever so kind to spare the time to notice a speck like me, can I just grovel for awhile in your presence?"
More Tech Grief
View attachment 48460
"Are you aware of the problem... um... did you do it on purpose?"
"TBH, haven't a fucking clue, it was like that when I got here..."
Kwiffar tugs forelock "Oh thank ye, sir, ever so kind to spare the time to notice a speck like me, can I just grovel for awhile in your presence?"
dear feeder
holy shit, they use it unironically?? lmao, so fucking gay.
Only the fat spergs who paint "figgies" and play the board game.
The books are excellent but don't leave you obnoxiously fixated on right wang Star Wars
Is this bait or something? The books are mass produced garbage designed to be turned into youtube clickbait for low IQ ipad kids and are the entire reason spergs are hyperfixated on the (((lore))) of w*rhammer to begin with. They're ground zero for GWs viral marketing campaign to recruit more people into the paypig cult. Go read a gay romance novel if you like 7 foot tall men with daddy issues so much.
Is this bait or something? The books are mass produced garbage designed to be turned into youtube clickbait for low IQ ipad kids and are the entire reason spergs are hyperfixated on the (((lore))) of w*rhammer to begin with. They're ground zero for GWs viral marketing campaign to recruit more people into the paypig cult.
No, I mean it. Especially the books written about the Xenos. They're of course hit or miss since they license the IP out to basically any author who is interested, much like Star Wars. I'm not saying they're (((high literature))) since I only enjoy sex with wimmimz, but they're good popcorn literature.
Go read a gay romance novel if you like 7 foot tall men with daddy issues so much.
I'm not a big fan of the human mythos outside of the Horus Heresy canon, but there's always someone to cater to your particular flavor of projection, ya uptight weiner 😇
"I hate coomers!"

"I need proof of the rape orgy party, tell me everything"
I'd just like to note something about 90% of Kiwi Niggers.
They do not believe in homosexual "reform", and they are not wrong for that.
But also, they fully believe their "Dear Feeder" magically stopped being attracted to catboys after having hetero-sex literally twice (he never came, by his own words)

This causes zero cognitive dissonance.
KiwiSisters, he's the Perez Hilton of autism. Wake up
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I'd just like to note something about 90% of Kiwi Niggers.
They do not believe in homosexual "reform", and they are not wrong for that.
But also, they fully believe their "Glorious Feeder" magically stopped being attracted to catboys after having hetero-sex literally twice (he never came, by his own words)
View attachment 48543
This causes zero cognitive dissonance.
KiwiSisters, he's the Perez Hilton of autism. Wake up

Paul Joseph Watson

Who else is there?