If you want my actual theory. Because on his own site what is the acceptable cut-off age of mistakes has been lowering and people whom populate his site don't actually factor in that times change. Chugga was like the one exception I've seen recently, which was 15f - 19m for a refresher.why is he changing ages?
Regardless let's just agree that sometimes people do things that are weird/creepy but we can understand there are shades to bad. It's considered bad to tell someone to kill themselves when they're mentally ill, and also bad to make fun of the mentally ill.
Like I insult people's intelligence all the time, but I wouldn't insult someone actually being medically retarded. There's shades to morality, no shit.
And when you're growing up you're going to hurt people, you're going to make mistakes. You might even do some fucked-up shit, but generally we understand that's just part of growing up.
Like maybe a decade ago being 18 was a decent excuse, but not anymore. I've seen people on twitter literally get called pedophiles and get dox'd because they were 18 dating someone that was 17. You don't get to make mistakes that early nowadays.
And sure maybe if you said 17 you'd slip by with the minor pass, but most people if they don't like you will ignore that excuse. 17 is the last year towards adulthood, it's the year you fix your fuck-ups not make them.
And like a month ago I found out about some dude that's like 19 get called a pedophile, and CSAM owner, because when he was 16, dating another 16 year old, they exchanged nudes and despite saying he destroyed them when he turned 18 when someone asked about it, (because of fucking course the 16 year old is bragging about it to his friends.) (Also if I have to say this. Of course it isn't good teenagers are sending nudes, but they're also retarded.)
tl;dr Josh lowers the age I feel every time because what's the acceptable age he could've made that fuck-up has only decreased in recent times.
Reason: typos
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