• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
In my earlier lolcow days, I made a Sonichu antibullying forum. I will admit I was interested in getting involved in lolcow drama and stuff, but wasn't everybody here interested in public figure drama? Here is another screengrab of Null screaming at me when I politely asked him to remove my thread. He also screams at me for making my first forum.


  • Null's Response 1.jpg
    Null's Response 1.jpg
    548.6 KB · Views: 766
In my earlier lolcow days, I made a Sonichu antibullying forum. I will admit I was interested in getting involved in lolcow drama and stuff, but wasn't everybody here interested in public figure drama? Here is another screengrab of Null screaming at me when I politely asked him to remove my thread. He also screams at me for making my first forum.
>remove my thread

why did you care?
I was very upset at the time.
I’m sorry but Null was kind enough to give you the time of day with that autistic bullshit.

If i got an email like that i would immediately block the person and ignore any further emails.
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>make shitpost that crosses the line
>Banned and information is handed over to feds

>post maifesto
>say that you're going to commit arson on a specific day in a specific city
>actually go out and commit arson on the specified day and in the specified city
>Not banned or reported to the feds

You know what, I'm actually feeling a bit mad about the permaban now.
Now the guy is out on bail and posting in the thread under his unbanned account, and it's like a fucking AMA.

Jesus, what a fucking baby. If it really bothers him that much, he could just move the offending posts to spergatory. Instead, he locks the thread because God forbid that he do any kind of janitorial work in the subforum about his current favorite cow.
(archive of first page)
View attachment 976
>make shitpost that crosses the line
>Banned and information is handed over to feds

>post maifesto
>say that you're going to commit arson on a specific day in a specific city
>actually go out and commit arson on the specified day and in the specified city
>Not banned or reported to the feds

You know what, I'm actually feeling a bit mad about the permaban now.
WTF? Wouldn't that make the mods and Josh partially responsible for it? ?
View attachment 988
Jesus, what a fucking baby. If it really bothers him that much, he could just move the offending posts to spergatory. Instead, he locks the thread because God forbid that he do any kind of janitorial work in the subforum about his current favorite cow.
He's developed a snobbishness about join dates which is detrimental to the community. He invited the riffraff that has sucked the fun out of the place onto the site without bothering to foster assimilation. Then again he doesn't personally believe in assimilating into new environments himself, does he. I think the site has become a reflection of who he his.
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That sad plug for his now deceased site. Wrecked.

View attachment 897

Pure kino Dick Shielding. He sure changed that tune as soon as he saw the writing on the wall.
I really hated the going after Ben thing. Ben was open he had a history with dick, was open about his malice towards dick, and his posts were already being judged with scrutiny. There was no reason to try and connect that account to Ben other than to give Dick a win when he was manufacturing losses, and josh tried to do it in the way that made me as a user the most concerned. Maybe he had good intentions but his friendship with dick at that point made it come off horribly.

And to my point, Josh's attempts to validate Ben's identity led to a 50 page derailment of the thread, then someone confirmed it without Josh's help, then everyone went back to business as usual within a page or two and no one ever cared again.
(archive of first page)
View attachment 976
>make shitpost that crosses the line
>Banned and information is handed over to feds

>post maifesto
>say that you're going to commit arson on a specific day in a specific city
>actually go out and commit arson on the specified day and in the specified city
>Not banned or reported to the feds

You know what, I'm actually feeling a bit mad about the permaban now.
I guarantee that the only reason Josh didn't ban the schizo is because the feds didn't get on his ass for it.
Anyone else ever noticed how Josh felt like CWC was his own personal property?
I remember him talking about Barb dying on MATI and talking about how he's gonna fly down to Ruckersville and help Chris because he thinks he owes it to him or something. This struck me as extremely odd given that I don't think that CWC is that close with him although I could be wrong. He's also maintained a personal relationship with cows like Dick Masterson and such. I remember after NP2 shut down he started shit talking Dick Masterson for defending Digibro's loli stuff (afaik, I'm not too educated on the situation so correct me if i'm wrong). I'm not going to argue the merits of the criticism but he started criticising him only after he stopped being useful to him. Maybe I'm wearing a tinfoil hat but that seems kind of odd to me.