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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Not too long ago this fat spergy cocksucker showed up in a tizzy threatening to ban me and telling me to kill myself over this gremlin woman. Only a couple months after his embarrassing white knight meltdown, he's now slapfighting with her instead.

Lolcow of the year every year: Joshua Moon, everyone.
Not too long ago this fat spergy cocksucker showed up in a tizzy threatening to ban me and telling me to kill myself over this gremlin woman. Only a couple months after his embarrassing white knight meltdown, he's now slapfighting with her instead.
amour fou.png
should've posted this in the spergy fags thread because this is glowie we're talking about. a schizophrenic Brazilian spic sped who's been obsessing and stalking me on every platform I use almost over a year (he mainly stalk my onionfarms account but still).

for your information, people, this account is my first kiwifarms account and it's where the very first he stumble upon me.
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ignore the cringy ass profile pic and banner, those where done by DoNotFeedTheSneed back when he still have access to the arkomia account before it was banned (yes, I made my login details public).

so to summarize: glowie is a pathetic schizo sped lolcow who's been stalking me for 11 months and 25 days a.k.a nearly a goddamn year :story::story::story:
No. You should always keep shit like this in dms to reduce the risk. But with stuff like this there is always a risk and it's never a certainty you won't get caught. Try and keep stuff like this in dms, we do have a group dm for stuff like this after all. Recruiting, stalking, and talking about how we plan on trolling them so you know what to look for but they don't.

That being said I would very much like to see some of the old interactions you guess had if possible. Whatever you did really pissed him off to obsess over you this hard. I wouldn't mind taking some notes to use later.
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apparently... a simple invitation that tells a person that they can shit on Josh publicly without getting banned/fear of getting banned means I'm asking people to crusade against josh. I swear to god, it's like this schizocow spic nigger is desperate for a gotcha moment.

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>Once received a pink triangle for being too schizo and spergy
>after losing it, acts like a tough guy and calls people lolcows

what does having no self-awareness does to a MFer. have you ever look at yourself in the mirror?

look at THIS pathetic weak faggot. imagine having to beg null publicly about finding a socker's account name. do it yourself, lazy schizo sped. finding sock accounts is indeed your specialty, glowie :ackshually:
I've always wondered specifically which spergout got him the Pepto bismol Dorito, but I never cared enough about him to dig that hard. I prefer to shit talk about him comfortably from here when he gets brought up. So that way I love in his head rent free. If he wants to say something directly to me he can come here. The reason I don't reveal a sock there is because it will just get insta banned. As of now they are undetected and not a single sock of mine has been attributed to another account of mine. They always think I'm someone else. If I find any major weaknesses he has I'll definitely go after him with socks though.
Reason: That should get him paranoid.
but of course, it wouldn't be our old friend glowie without him coping so fucking hard by giving his buddies updoots.
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yo glowie, I think I've found the perfect subreddit for you: r/wholesomememes
Over two decades, he should be more specific. He acts like he did something impressive. He still can't find mine. I know he's trying too. He never will unless I reveal it intentionally.
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Holy shit glowie is obsessed...goddamn
Ikr and the best part is he calls us obsessed. @universe adventurer is just trying to sock and I'm just shit talking about a turbo sperg on another site because he is to scared to reveal himself to us on this one and cross post like a man. He is a little bitch and a coward. If he won't even show up to a slap fight on another forum he would be too pathetic to defend his country and relies on the USA's army to have healthcare that doesn't treat them. They gave up their army for shitty (not actually) "free" healthcare assuming he lives in Finland. Just a keyboard warrior. If a real soldier from one of the countries he doesn't like stood up to him in public he would back down.
Reason: Just ice 🧊 4 universe adventurer
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Not too long ago this fat spergy cocksucker showed up in a tizzy threatening to ban me and telling me to kill myself over this gremlin woman. Only a couple months after his embarrassing white knight meltdown, he's now slapfighting with her instead.

Lolcow of the year every year: Joshua Moon, everyone.
Aw, how cute. Glowie somehow acting like both a simp and a playground child pulling a girl's hair because he likes her and doesn't know how to express him or deal with his feelings. Glowie was arguing with her "single handedly."
Reason: Masturbation pun intended
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Imagine how thrilling it would feel to dupe all these hateful retards you are growing into a middle aged incel with using your girl persona too. Watching these guys you despise and are annoyed by deep down chimping out at "her". A lot going on there but of course Josh is one of the most bizarre freaks ever born.
I agree this time. You're still fat though, Ashley. Yes, it's Mike again.
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Yes they have.
Now, this is the MSM joke link to appropriate song...
This one is more... esoteric...
Here's to the Kwiffar funding the birth/operation of the brave and stunning Lady Joshiva.
insults and psychoanalysis
I still prefer "just like having fun on the internet". However if lidl thinks that pointing out that the broom grifted money for "litigation" that he's admitted won't happen... is "psycho-analysis"... well... it looks like that Freud comment stung... lidl must understand, people with personality disorders are 99.9% of the time negatively effected by it. It's a DISORDER. These people are NPCs, sorry lidl, but that's a fact.

joshy is never going to a real boy, blame his mother, blame his absent dad, blame the jews, hell, even blame it on the boogie. The broom has spent his whole life forming an online hugbox, (warning analrapistfag posting incoming), not addressing the issues of his shitty personality...

How's that turned out? He's lied to his paypigs about "fighting for free speech", to instead pay the legal costs of one of his associates... luckily he has "true and honest wymbym" like lidl to simp for him... in a very "Ashley Coded" way. Notice that? lidl, like Ashley, uses insults that betray (((their))) own fear. Everyone gets old, look at Anomnibus, and that guy hasn't been just 24/7 online on KF because of lockdown. That guy has been there for years. lidl really should give people like THAT a break.

Maybe lidl isn't thinking on living that long... and (((they))) can take or leave that... as they please...
Ikr and the best part is he calls us obsessed. @universe adventurer is just trying to sock and I'm just shit talking about a turbo sperg on another site because he is to scared to reveal himself to us on this one and cross post like a man. He is a little bitch and a coward. If he won't even show up to a slap fight on another forum he would be too pathetic to defend his country and relies on the USA's army to have healthcare that doesn't treat them. They gave up their army for shitty (not actually) "free" healthcare assuming he lives in Finland. Just a keyboard warrior. If a real soldier from one of the countries he doesn't like stood up to him in public he would back down.
Bit of an effort post here, from the broom, about how he doesn't want to do any "press" (nothing to do with him nausing up his appearance on the "Grown Ups Table" stream of Benny the Bonce (the audition for the more money than sense middle class looking to waste money on some numpties patreon, or whatever PP joshy is banned from), nuh uh, the broom doesn't want to go on the "fat retard podcast" (he doesn't want to confirm what everyone already knows).

The Koomstar thing is funny, as I'm the first (and, as far as I know, only) person to ever say anything like that. Pissing in the sink of your ID, broom. However, Koom is an up beat sort of stream, very camp, very zig zag man looking coded. The broom may find Koomstar "skeevey", but the broom sounds like a weird sex perv (autisticly voiced) goblin to the vast majority of Koom fans, and those fuckers know who Salvo is.

He's still seething that Bonnel the 2nd didn't accept the PA for the broom.

Have no idea who "Daniel" is, but... y'know, broom... maybe have a look at your life and consider why you are stuck with "The Fat Retard Podcast" as yer typical soap box stream. That's the only people asking you. Ask yourself... why might that be?
Null flips out and pink triangles a user for criticizing xim in the woman hate thread
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Said user rebuts by simply pointing out that Null is a deranged nigger.

Oh, and he also mentions Onionfarms! Hi Josh!
Josh dodging the money he's making off these lawsuits. Many people have upped their donations his stream via superchats and cryptocuurrency donations. Perhaps the $150,000 isn't his (for now), but the other tens of thousands he's made definitely is. I think someone sent him a thousand dollars when he announced the lawsuits before making the legal fund.
In case you were wondering whether or not the Lowtax comparisons have been getting to Josh,
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The answer is yes. Yes they have.
If Josh loses the lawsuit, which is looking likely, that will be his boxing with Uwe Boll moment on a grand scale. Hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted with him being proverbially beaten and raped in court.