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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
CRP from beyond the grave: YAAAAAA Josh you're not a real man YAAAAAAA

Edit: Present day Wikipedia Gayops

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oh my god, why his phone screen looks like there are dirty shit on it? or is it because the phone camera he used to take these pics? also, why not just screenshot these discord messages, null, you fat retard
This is the guy who doesn't know the difference between a solid state drive and a hard disk. Asking him to do a screenshot is way outside his technical skills.
should've posted this in the spergy fags thread because this is glowie we're talking about. a schizophrenic Brazilian spic sped who's been obsessing and stalking me on every platform I use almost over a year (he mainly stalk my onionfarms account but still).

for your information, people, this account is my first kiwifarms account and it's where the very first he stumble upon me.
ignore the cringy ass profile pic and banner, those where done by DoNotFeedTheSneed back when he still have access to the arkomia account before it was banned (yes, I made my login details public).

so to summarize: glowie is a pathetic schizo sped lolcow who's been stalking me for 11 months and 25 days a.k.a nearly a goddamn year :story::story::story:
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should've posted this in the spergy fags thread because this is glowie we're talking about. a schizophrenic Brazilian spic sped who's been obsessing and stalking me on every platform I use almost over a year (he mainly stalk my onionfarms account but still).
View attachment 46571
for your information, people, this account is my first kiwifarms account and it's where the very first he stumble upon me.

ignore the cringy ass profile pic and banner, those where done by DoNotFeedTheSneed back when he still have access to the arkomia account before it was banned (yes, I made my login details public).

so to summarize: glowie is a pathetic schizo sped lolcow who's been stalking me for 11 months and 25 days a.k.a nearly a goddamn year :story::story::story:
glowie 1 post no. 3.png
@arkomia made super secret sock to invite people to jihad against Josh. It's fucking hilarious
apparently... a simple invitation that tells a person that they can shit on Josh publicly without getting banned/fear of getting banned means I'm asking people to crusade against josh. I swear to god, it's like this schizocow spic nigger is desperate for a gotcha moment.

glowie 1 post no. 2.png
That's one hell of a lolcow crossover
>Once received a pink triangle for being too schizo and spergy
>after losing it, acts like a tough guy and calls people lolcows

what does having no self-awareness does to a MFer. have you ever look at yourself in the mirror?
Also could you share the sock account that Arkomia used? Thanks.
look at THIS pathetic weak faggot. imagine having to beg null publicly about finding a socker's account name. do it yourself, lazy schizo sped. finding sock accounts is indeed your specialty, glowie :ackshually:
Officer doofy reporting for dooty xer!
View attachment 46586
lmaooo, and what's even more pathetic is this weak ass faggot is willing to moderate commiefarms while not being a janny himself. doing it for free + not being a janny = hilarious and pathetic loser life. talk about being more pathetic than any lolcows :story: