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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I forgot I capped this. The thread was deleted before I could archive anything...
Seems the broom doesn't want any discussion about "irregularities" in the donations for Zhen... ofc, I mean, Utter Tron Wuer, blah blah blah.
that banks blocking your account when you try to buy shit is real and annoying as fuck like i had to call them before when i ordered an audio interface for my computer and not even some small company one thats been around for a long time
Fraudsters will try a low ish value innocuous looking transaction to see if anyone is paying attention before they attempt to drain your account. I think on balance I'm happier for the bank to call me about odd transactions rather than leave it.

This thing has to look like a fraud from any angle, I'm surprised the banks are letting any of it go through
Occasionally the tree of freedom needs to be watered with a six pack of cola and a side of ranch for dipping.

Edit: I guess Null was sperging at Pewdiepie for learning to draw anime on yesterdays MATI. Aparently because of this he is totally going to troon out. I mean maybe he isn't learning to paint like Van Gogh or play like Mozart but you certainly aren't either Null, you can barely read. At least Pewdie is practicing a skill. I don't really care either way cause I don't like Pewdiepie or anime but this segment just comes off as petty seething.

14:37 if the timestamp doesn't work.
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sperging at Pewdiepie for learning to draw anime
Every worthless retard on the internet has been doing this as of late.

News flash, if you spend 100 days drawing anime heads AND AREN'T A FUCKING RETARD, you actually LEARN and IMPROVE at it.

And as for moralfagging about it, get bent Null. you're not doing anything moral either. You might feel you are, but you aren't. You're just running a fiefdom to feed your ego. THAT'S what Kiwifarms is for you, and everyone knows it.
And as for moralfagging about it, get bent Null. you're not doing anything moral either. You might feel you are, but you aren't. You're just running a fiefdom to feed your ego. THAT'S what Kiwifarms is for you, and everyone knows it.
Null's a selfish brat lording over his dwindling userbase. That one video alone from Pewdie probably encouraged a bunch of people to learn to draw which is a good thing regardless of anyone's opinion on anime. It's an incredibly petty thing of Null to do and for basically no reason other than his own spite.
Every worthless retard on the internet has been doing this as of late.

News flash, if you spend 100 days drawing anime heads AND AREN'T A FUCKING RETARD, you actually LEARN and IMPROVE at it.

And as for moralfagging about it, get bent Null. you're not doing anything moral either. You might feel you are, but you aren't. You're just running a fiefdom to feed your ego. THAT'S what Kiwifarms is for you, and everyone knows it.
Null is angry at any man who doesn't have downs syndrome, like himself. Here is a great example of his seething jealousy of healthy men. No man can be fitter, happier or healthier than Null, Null is perfection.
Screenshot 2024-02-03 144514.png
He doesn't even realize he countered his own point with his own statement. What's the difference if his site goes down now or when he loses? Just let it die now. What a loser. :trollface:
Shows you he isn't even expecting to win. Plus he's still sperging out at rando users trolling him. He just got 75k plus free crypto and money orders he will never be held accountable for, why is he still mad? It's cause he knows it's over and he just wants to be the whiny martyr he's always seen himself as.
Well the fund has blown past 75k and is now north of 81k so the lolsuit is a go. I am actually pretty excited to see Null scrutinized by someone he can't ban and the potential subpoenaing of user info has big potential as well.

Plus with less time to spend on the site all the nuts are going to be locked up without a warden.