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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Broom so keen for someone to find a Gondola vid, he double posts. And popnloch double asspats for the double brown nose.
To be fair Comcast does that regularly without being malicious.
wait, really? let me guess, they did that so their customers upgrade their Comcast subscription plan. I've heard from this video
that some or most ISPs intentionally slow down their internet connection so their customers upgrade their ISP subscription plan (a.k.a coercing customers to upgrade)
Florida has basements they are just uncommon.
I think it’s the high water table or just how insanely swampy the earth is there, right? I heard that (allegedly) some cemeteries in Louisiana have to use above ground graves for this reason.
>I am deeply concerned about this trend and the mental health of young people
lol no he’s not, he doesn’t give AF about anyone who can’t directly benefit him somehow. having said that, Null’s 14 word (ironic) little post there should become copypasta the way Elon Musk’s tweets do.
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wait, really? let me guess, they did that so their customers upgrade their Comcast subscription plan. I've heard from this video
that some or most ISPs intentionally slow down their internet connection so their customers upgrade their ISP subscription plan (a.k.a coercing customers to upgrade)
Yeah. They troll customers trying to cancel subscriptions too. They're taught to stall and be unhelpful and petty as possible. Even going as far as to demand a reason for canceling, as if you need to give them one, and arguing against them like it's some debate club or something.
If he is actually that stupid then nulls personal army is just a bunch of shit smearing autists and he has no real control over them.
His userbase facedoxed themselves at the earliest opportunity when the telegram channel was first opened, and were openly discussing their harrassment of the staff of companies that null was having a sad about, posting employee LinkedIn profiles and all sorts, fully openly on a public channel anyone could join, while null is at the same time trying to weave a story about how misrepresented his userbase is.

They are absolutely shit smearing retards and null has the same control over them as he has over his emotions.