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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Imagine KF collapses from "tranny DDoS" and he gets himself a real job.
You can't tell him to get a job but he will tell trannies to.
"Gravy train's over, time to get a job."

now this is just fancy shit. my dude has been unemployed since fucking forever
>inb4 muh site management, muh got no time for job
null, if you don't want to have a job because "i aM ToO BuSy tO GeT A JoB" then maybe just maybe you can try to make your company profitable?? holy shit dude. i always find it funny seeing null using his corporation as a legality meatshield instead of actually trying to make profits out of it :story:
You're exactly right. All of the people "getting away with murder" or "crying" (to name two recent examples) are actually just people disagreeing with him or accurately describing his behaviour but with a mocking tone.
He's just trying to get rid of anyone who will push back on him at all. In the woman hate thread he's accusing people of being /pol/tards, Cyraxx weens, soyparty kids and everything in between. Guy has completely lost it.

I really don't know why Josh hates on trannies at this point, they're saying the same thing he is.
He's come full circle to deploring DAAAAAAHKSING.
They're all trannies, the only reason we are all here is because we are the only ones who aren't trannies.
Unironically might be the best option for null right now.

It'll force tech companies to consider him for a job despite his obvious intellectual disability.

He can screech even louder that disagreeing with him is murder.

He might actually find a chaser into tubby twink-esque chunklets and finally not be alone.

Honestly there are a lot of plusses. Of course he'd have to do something about the TERFs first but he can always just ban them all for not saying that he's a real woman.
He's just trying to get rid of anyone who will push back on him at all. In the woman hate thread he's accusing people of being /pol/tards, Cyraxx weens, soyparty kids and everything in between. Guy has completely lost it.

He's come full circle to deploring DAAAAAAHKSING.
He thinks everyone is a sock of someone he hates. If he were as smart as he thought he was he would know the conclusions he jumped to were often wrong and the people he hates with real undiscovered socks are just laughing at him for being a scizo sperg. Meanwhile the people he banned are turned against him if they weren't already. Then they just make a new account to cause trouble and or join here or some other group that us against it or forget about it. Regardless he is burning bridges faster than making them.

Except when someone he simps for like sssniperwolf does it. He even had to double down and defend his sock pretending to be a radterfcel. :trollface:
He thinks everyone is a sock of someone he hates. If he were as smart as he thought he was he would know the conclusions he jumped to were often wrong and the people he hates with real undiscovered socks are just laughing at him for being a scizo sperg. Meanwhile the people he banned are turned against him if they weren't already. Then they just make a new account to cause trouble and or join here or some other group that us against it or forget about it. Regardless he is burning bridges faster than making them.

Except when someone he simps for like sssniperwolf does it. He even had to double down and defend his sock pretending to be a radterfcel. :trollface:
Someone should tell him it's the socks that he can't clock are the ones that he needs to be worried about. What am I talking about like he would listen.
Archived but may have to redo it later.
once again, null's cocksuckers are here to his rescue! by turning themselves into useful meatshields for null. the only barrier between null and lolcowdom is these freaks who consistently cockblocks any criticisms directed at him :story: :story:

imgur version for easy viewing
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someone should tell this faggot retard that any mods, admins, and site owners from any community aren't free from accountability. it's like happily living under a dictator kek but what do I have to expect from north Korea farms
Most online communities don't have half the problems with users that KF does so there is no worry of being unpersoned in the first place.
Null is selling KF for 10 million $, a bargain really:

View attachment 41353

Any offers?
Can someone please tweet/ex this great opportunity to Elon Musk?
Null can't do it himself cos he's banned on X, LMAO.
Didn't even see this until now. Someone should offer it in crypto currency that will magically drop 9 million 999,999.99$ in value as soon as the site is no longer his.
Is this a mutual fuck you at this point between Null and the users or do they just smell blood in the water cause Null is chimping out daily now?
Why not both? He's been chimping out at everyone that responds to him, helpful or retarded. Everyone's handling him with kid gloves because they know he's gonna flip out on them if they don't. Even the ballwashers see what's going on.
Null getting absolutely bodied. Is this a mutual fuck you at this point between Null and the users or do they just smell blood in the water cause Null is chimping out daily now?

He's definitely started inserting himself into discussions outside of the lolcow part of the forum more often, and those parts aren't filled with people who will kowtow to him. If he charges in with a piping hot take he's going to be expected to back it up with something other than calling people a nigger and telling them to kill themselves, which ultimately ends up with him having to swing his broom around.

As to why he's hanging out more in the part of the forum he hates, who knows. He might be doing it to bait people into telling him to fuck off so that he can purge them and return the forum to the golden age when he took it over, but that seems too much like a long term plan for me to believe that's what he's doing. It could be that someone in his inner circle of faggots has a bee in their bonnet about A&N and the rest and that's why.