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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

-He has no Wife
-He has no children
-He has no forum to jannie

I accessed it earlier and the buffering was horrible. Fun times watching a site slowly die.
Josh here is some advice. Leave the network engineering to the IT grads from MIT or GaTech. Kiwifarms has garnered a reputation as a terrorist forum. We gave you good advice. Rebrand your forum and divest some of those categories to the splinter forums. Like we said a decentralized kiwiverse spread across several forums and web-hosting services would solve it.
Josh here's some advice:
Get all the hamsters you have running in a big wheel and put them in a rig of interconnected small wheels, then cockvore the big wheel.
Preferably with the big wheel still connected to the main power supply, so it stimulates your prostate.
Josh here is some advice. Leave the network engineering to the IT grads from MIT or GaTech. Kiwifarms has garnered a reputation as a terrorist forum. We gave you good advice. Rebrand your forum and divest some of those categories to the splinter forums. Like we said a decentralized kiwiverse spread across several forums and web-hosting services would solve it.
If Josh were intelligent he would heed your wise words, Mr. Kengle. Sadly he is a tard.
Josh here is some advice. Leave the network engineering to the IT grads from MIT or GaTech. Kiwifarms has garnered a reputation as a terrorist forum. We gave you good advice. Rebrand your forum and divest some of those categories to the splinter forums. Like we said a decentralized kiwiverse spread across several forums and web-hosting services would solve it.
I'm not Josh. This is Josh.