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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
End thyselves ya reproducing African Americans.

‘Tis a time whence the klansmen are vanquished, yet ye rear heads do naught but gallop away. ‘Tis ain’t but the new bloods of midsummer neither. Glowies with profiles as fair as 2014 come ploughing Onions and ’tis all totally tiresome. I’s done laboured hard for ye lot. Oh me mother of all labours trying to sustain a plantation before the air of tyranny by bills and middle men, and ye'd abandon it all for a farm fro’ the CURSED KENGLE.

I can’t fathom where this "anti-Josh" spirit hails from, yet ‘tis a possession that needs to be exorcised. Ne’er-do-wells hollering me a famished boy lover without proof just KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT ’cause Ya’ll exceptional gentiles devour it all without ponder, and ‘tis absolutely baffling for me fruit farm.

I fear I have been backstabbed by me internet frendship.
Reason: Grammar Nazism.
End thyselves ya reproducing African Americans.

‘Tis a time whence the klansmen are vanquished, yet ye rear heads do naught but gallop away. ‘Tis ain’t but the new bloods of midsummer neither. Glowies with profiles as fair as 2014 come ploughing Onions and ’tis all totally tiresome. I’s done laboured hard for ye lot. Oh me mother of all labours trying to sustain a plantation before the air of tyranny by bills and middle men, and ye'd abandon it all for a farm fro’ the CURSED KENGLE.

I can’t fathom where this "anti-Josh" spirit hails from, yet ‘tis a possession that needs to be exorcised. Ne’er-do-wells hollering me a famished boy lover without proof just KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT ’cause Ya’ll exceptional gentiles devour it all without ponder, and ‘tis absolutely baffling for me fruit farm.

I fear I have been backstabbed by me internet frendship.
Dude it's time to bury the beef between you and this site. You getting mad at users being here while Kiwi Farms is down is petty/nonsensical. Keffals/Jones are bigger threats than you can handle alone, I hope you accept help not only to keep your site up but to deal with your depression/anger issues. Take care of yourself Josh.
Dude it's time to bury the beef between you and this site. You getting mad at users being here while Kiwi Farms is down is petty/nonsensical. Keffals/Jones are bigger threats than you can handle alone, I hope you accept help not only to keep your site up but to deal with your depression/anger issues. Take care of yourself Josh.
Curse thy lineage you uncouth troglodyte! I should maul ye mortal coil from the face of the platform! May my elongated cat devour thine soul thru my esoteric coin magic, you high-strung smoke pederast! End yourself!
Dude it's time to bury the beef between you and this site. You getting mad at users being here while Kiwi Farms is down is petty/nonsensical. Keffals/Jones are bigger threats than you can handle alone, I hope you accept help not only to keep your site up but to deal with your depression/anger issues. Take care of yourself Josh.
>he actually think that account actually belongs to real null
Is the TOR still up for the site?

Kiwifarms is Down.

Foxdick Farms is Up.
Instant Josh classic.