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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
He also secksually harassed an underage mexican girl and bought Stocking a commissioned piece of vore art :thinking:
literally never heard this story/she certainly didn't look mexican.
Everyone knows that she's Jack Awful, retard.
i remember Jack Awful DMing me when he thought i was Amanda, honestly proves how little
Can you believe this faggot has paypiggies?
clearly not many, he has a weird tendency to ban them, which is perfectly fine its just that ban hammering your paypigs usually means growth being barely anything so unless you're constantly marketing yourself, you'll be overtaken by inflation and forced to get a job or starve at some point. i know a guy cut back on food rather than get a job. between that and walking to the store/resturants vs delivery he lost 50 pounds over 3 years. But he also didn't whine or complain about his life and proudly suffered his consequences. Josh despite having every reason to stay focused on his work spends more time complaining instead.
Josh is such a lying faggot.

Zayo is one of the 5 companies that deal in Telcomm distributions. Majority of your ISPs have to lease off companies like Zayo, Comcast, AT&T, Merit Fiber, Timewarner etc. If you get pulled by a company like Zayo you are usually fucked fucked. You are put in the same category as say a child porn directory site or a literal terrorist site.

The fact josh wants to dox an employee then tells his kf troons to go visit the guy at some business event is insane. We dont even know if this guy had anything to do with what Josh is schitzophrenic about. He just says he does.
as the resident Captain Saveaho i'll say its not a bad strategy, sicing your fans on someone can work, it just A. has to be a very small business/D-list famous person and B. you have to cultivate the type of fans that would do that, which means having positive interactions with people as well as being entertaining, Null is neither. he's like 1980s Vince MacMahon if he was using that persona while playing the jack tunney role. no one watchs MATI because they like him, they do it because they assume he's the grand poobah of internet insanity, and more importantly Metokur and his other knock offs stopped uploading as frequently/got bored of covering internet drama.
There's a reason Kino Casino and every other time someone with any charisma tries this they literally eat his lunch.

If Null decided to try this strategy 4 years ago back when his enemies were small time it would have worked 100% better. now hes going up aganist people at ISPs in positions where companies hire people specifically to handle idiots harassing them. big business certainly remembers the days of guys doxxing and harassing airline ceos because a flight got delayed.
Thats because Alex Jones has enough money and smarts to hire compentent people to run his site. While Null thinks he can run it himself which he has been failing for years at.
beyond that Alex clearly can inspire people to help him, you'd be surprised how absurdly well liked he was especially in the 2000s, literally every celeb from Texas hung out with him back then, Richard Linklater, Mike Judge, Joe Rogan, etc were all hanging out with him, he was like the king of Austin. So between that and his fanbase when he asked for some high quality help, he almost always got it.

Null meanwhile asks for something and spergs when he receives it. even something as simple as light recommendations spends him into a shitfit. he's a miserable guy, if he wasn't in charge of the website he would as respected as Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
beyond that Alex clearly can inspire people to help him, you'd be surprised how absurdly well liked he was especially in the 2000s, literally every celeb from Texas hung out with him back then, Richard Linklater, Mike Judge, Joe Rogan, etc were all hanging out with him, he was like the king of Austin. So between that and his fanbase when he asked for some high quality help, he almost always got it.

Null meanwhile asks for something and spergs when he receives it. even something as simple as light recommendations spends him into a shitfit. he's a miserable guy, if he wasn't in charge of the website he would as respected as Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
I remember seeing some of those old interviews back then. Alex seemed realer then he does now where hes a meme.
Josh thinks the Senior Vice President of Voxility should be taking his calls :haha:
The king of PHP is having a normal one in his court.






Word has it that his rage steems from the fact he's impotent and thus unable to conceive an heir.
Or as the burghers say "he gets no bitches"
Null meanwhile asks for something and spergs when he receives it. even something as simple as light recommendations spends him into a shitfit. he's a miserable guy, if he wasn't in charge of the website he would as respected as Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
HHH is way more respected than Josh to the general kiwifarms population.
I honestly read this as LFJ admitting to swatting the Kiwifarms telegram moderator. Or at least trying to get his name thrown in.
It's just a meaningless public statement made to distance himself from the event. Even if he genuinely believes that no-one in his group would do it, that doesn't make it true.

Vordrak lays out detailed plans of illegal things which "could happen" to KF and Josh all the time and just tacks on a disclaimer at the end, knowing full well that someone is likely to follow those plans.